Employment Support & Retraining Agency Ltd (ESRA) / Minding Your Business (MYB) training services.

Job Description

Post title:General Manager

Part-time: 4 days per week(initially).

Location: Redhill

Salary: £37,500k per annum – pro rata for 4 days £30,000.

Reports to: Chair in terms of Line Manager

Accountable to: ESRA Council.

Pension:Available after 3 months service. Auto enrolment with minimum employer contribution or Private Pension with 5% Employer contribution.

Responsible for: - the paid staff (currently 3 part-time) and freelance Trainers for the day to day running of ESRA Minding Your Business (MYB)ensuring that customers receive the services we offer in a timely and professional manner, the buildings occupied, health and &safety, insurances and rental agreements. Effective communications and involvement of Directors and Volunteers. Company Accounts & Company/Charity Compliance.

Role Summary: -

To take overall responsibility for the effective operation of ESRA & MYB according to our constitution and Articles of Association and following the Company’s House/Charity Commission guidance. Ensure that our staff continues to work as a team to deliver first class services in an efficient and cost effective way meeting the targets set in the annual business plan and following our Policies and Procedures.

Sourcing and ensuring we take advantage of funding opportunities and/or creative ideas for growth.Explore opportunities for ESRA’s development and diversification to maintain financial stability (income and expenditure) and purpose. Ensure that ESRA continues to thrive by managing our business opportunities, costing new work appropriately and managing our resources effectively. Act as ESRA’s Company Secretary.

Key Tasks: -

  1. Management and Administration: -
  • Prepare relevant reports, attend and present reports to quarterly Council and Finance & General Purposes (F&GP) Meetings.
  • Prepare agenda’s for quarterly F&GP and Council Meetings circulating all items at least one week in advance.
  • Identify and develop relationships with Commissioners/funders and be the main point of contact representing ESRA; to ensure contracts are upheld, that targets are met, and that reporting is timely and accurate.
  • Manage rental agreements, facilities and properties.
  • Oversee and manage all projects.
  • Advertising and organising recruitment of staff.
  • Ensure salaries are paid monthly and information is updated and correctly loaded on the Sage financial system.
  • Ensure all insurances are up to date and annually reviewed and renewed looking at best options available.
  • Ensure all policies and procedures are reviewed formally and approved via Council meeting.
  • Ensure that contingency plans are in place in the event of emergency staff cover required for sudden sickness or other unplanned causes.
  • Report any change of Company/Charity circumstances e.g. new Director to Company’s House/Charity Commission.
  • Annual returns to Company’s House/Charity Commission.
  • Maintain ESRA’s Membership list, collect annual subscriptions in accordance with ESRA’s Memorandum and Articles of Association.
  • Organising and coordinating MYB Training service including promotion and marketing the service and allocating work to freelance trainers.
  1. Finance: -
  • Oversee and authorise input of financial information into ESRA’s accounting (Sage) software.
  • Authorise payments made – Bank signatory, including online payments etc.
  • Develop and maintain income and expenditure records recording on a monthly basis, which should be signed off by the Chair and kept as record.
  • Manage the petty cash system ensuring it is used only on agreed items.
  • Prepare quarterly reports on income and expenditure, including update on best, likely and worst case scenarios, cash balances etc.
  • Prepare documentation to enable our annual accounts to be produced for by ESRA’s Accountants.
  • Prepare new business quotations
  • Prepare and report on quarterly and annual financial targets to F&GP and Council Meetings.
  • Seek advice and direction from Treasurer or Financial adviser.
  • Prepare and monitor ESRA’s annual budgets for consideration by Directors.
  1. Staff Supervision: -
  • Lead by example and develop good team working where skills, knowledge and experience are used effectively and staff feel valued and appreciated.
  • Supervise staff and agree appropriate priorities and focus, set workloads and targets; ensure staff are meeting targets, managing case-loads and fulfilling job descriptions through quarterly one to one performance reviews.
  • Give praise and acknowledgement where appropriate and look to develop staff where possible and discuss and recommend any relevant training to the Chair.
  • Highlight any concerns regarding performance and explore reasons and identify solutions. Share concerns and outcomes with Chair
  • Provide case supervision support and guidance for the Employment Managers.
  • Ensure that ESRA’s mission and values are maintained by all staff and MYB freelance Trainers are aware and compliant.
  1. Fund Raising: -
  • Source suitable new funding opportunities and inform Chair of those with good potential that would be worth completing tender applications.
  • Complete and submit funding bids as and when required.
  1. Marketing & Promotion: -
  • Lead on the promotion and publicity of ESRA’s services, including MYB to referral agencies, potential customers and other stakeholders.
  • Oversee the continued development of ESRA,s website;
  • Develop modern communication systems to ensure ESRA reaches out to all the appropriate work & social networks increasing our presence and profile.
  1. Partnership working: -
  • Identify and develop good working relationships with key strategic partners in order to raise ESRA’s profile, maximise funding options, joint working initiatives and to build credibility.
  • Develop excellent working relationships with Commissioners and funding partners, answering queries and issues promptly andjoining network groups as identified and agreed with the Chair.
  1. Other Duties
  • Carryout other duties in-line with your level of responsibility and skills.
  • Occasionally some flexibility may be required to attend meetings outside normal working days/hours.

NOTE:This is a new JD and has been updated following comments at ESRA’s Council meeting on 21st August 2017 and with subsequent comments received from both staff and Directors and should now be reviewed/updated annually.

Martin Gill (Director) 5th September 2017.