Creighton Students Union Committee Meeting

Monday, November 23rd, 2015 | 5:15 pm | Skutt 105

Present: Chris Ceresa, Aditi Dinakar, Hailee Domagalski, Claire Ellis, Sarah Huddleston, Nina Kelley, Sara Knowles, Clarie Liang, Ryan Lunn, Ty Medd, Mina Mirzaie, Chad Nieri, Emily Pass, Vinny Salazar, Nick Wilsdorf, Kayman Nixon, Zach Pierce, Alex Kubicek, Mattie Smyth, Jake Wiesenthal, Julia Neppel, Katie Kelsey, Michele Bogard

Not Present: Lulu Alvarez, Shravan Atluri, Delnaey Ellfeldt, Jenny Fleegel, Claire Ellis, Haley Kavanaugh, MJ Kirk, Sarah Knust


I.  Opening Ceremonies

a.  Call to order 5:17 PM

b.  Invocation – Father K.

c.  Roll Call-

d.  Approval of Minutes

i.  11.16.15- APPROVED 14-0-1

II.  Committee Time (15 minutes)

III.  Executive Reports:

a.  President: Mr. Kayman Nixon

i.  Addressing Diversity Issues: working to address diversity issues that have been occurring at other Universities; circle of silence last week outside of St. John’s; hope tree by the Skutt Fireplace, go write a message of hope for it

·  Listening sessions with OMA

·  AJCU presidents are working together to release a joint statement in solidarity of schools that have been affected, spearheaded by LMU

ii. Dance Marathon: Saturday, very successful; raised $43,000, goal of $40,000; looking forward to next year

iii.  Mental Health Advocacy Event: interdisciplinary event, hosted by health professions schools, first-half break out sessions and discussions, second-half dinner and continued discussions

b.  Executive Vice President: Mr. Zach Pierce

i.  Founder’s Week Awards: available on CUinvolved; nominate outstanding staff, faculty, administrators, and students for the Founder’s Week awards

ii. Coordinator Positions: Jaywalk and Fall Conference applications out currently on CUinvolved; BOR spots also available- applications also on CUinvolved

c.  Vice President for Finance: Mr. Alex Kubicek

i.  Appropriations Update

·  Bluejays Student Officials Association

a.  Requested: $665.28 Approved: $665.28

b.  Regional Flag Football championships

i.  7 members went across country for games


·  Schlegel Center for Service and Justice

a.  $6595 SCSJ Approved: $3000

b.  Spring Break Service Trips

c.  ~240 students total


d.  Vice President for Programming: Ms. Mattie Smyth

i.  Midnight Movie: didn’t happen, wrong digital code at the movie theater; rescheduling for December 3rd 7pm; don’t need a ticket in advance; pizza and popcorn provided

ii. Omaha Culinary: 60 spots; cookies and carols tour; look at Christmas lights; singing and ugly sweater contest; stop for pizza and desert; December 4th

iii.  MAC: PB last event of semester; Deal or No Deal; December 7th 9PM

iv.  Jake Update- exciting things coming, changes to PB

e.  Speaker of the Board: Ms. Julia Neppel

i.  Rep Spotlight: Thanksgiving plans and traditions; Jake introduction

ii. Scoops & Skewers: tonight after BOR, handouts available for students- CSU info, biannual reports

IV.  Open Discussion: committees: Intercampus- looking into card swipe systems for classroom hours, psychology- use their classrooms, shuttle services Campus Planning- parking maps done, share with students, looking into getting reusable bags for students External- athletics very busy this week, still looking into student section Visibility and Marketing- scoops and skewers

V.  Student Organization Announcements- none

VI.  Old Business- none

VII.  New Business- none

VIII.  Announcements

a.  Advisor’s Update: Happy Thanksgiving, Campus Ministry and St. John’s thanksgiving dinner on Wednesday night

b.  Upcoming Funded Events: none

IX.  Adjournment 6:00 PM