Honors US Government
Position Paper
Position papers are written arguments about your opinion on a particular issue. It requires you to look critically at your own thinking and to understand other people’s points of view. The goal of a position paper is to persuade your readers to adopt your position. When that’s not possible, you try to make the best possible case for your view and strongly refute the opposing side’s position.
Process & Requirements
1)Assignment – This paper is designed to show your ability to present a well-reasoned position on a topic of your choice. You will want to choose some current controversial issue. See the list of topics provided. You will then take a position on the issue.
2)Research Requirement - Defend your position using research. You must use the online databases available through the CHS Research Guide at Stoga.net. See list of databases below.
3)Paper Format/Specifics:
-A minimum of 4 full pages- There is a 10% penalty for less than this amount - maximum of 5 pages
-Typed, double-spaced, 12 point font -1” margins on all sides
-Times New Roman ONLY
-Pages numbered at bottom and centered, no number on first page
-No cover page and no headers typed on the first page: start your intro paragraph on the first line of the page. For turnitin.com submission, no name is necessary.
-In-text citations – see samples
-Works Cited page – at least 3-5 sources- see samples, also see the MLA citation guide on CHS Research Guide
4)Organization of paper:
a)Introduction/ Thesis paragraph- Include the three parts of a good thesis paragraph: a hook sentence, background information, and a thesis statement. Your thesis statement should include your viewpoint/position and your three supportive arguments.
A. Background information (1 paragraph max) - includes vital information that is essential in providing the reader with a better understanding of your overall topic. Items to be included:
-Constitutional article/amendment (if applicable)
-Laws, rules or regulations applicable to the topic
-Significant dates and/or events
-Applicable Supreme Court cases
B. Three supportive arguments and evidence (minimum 2 paragraphs per supportive argument) - Include a topic sentence for each paragraph. Use specific details and examples.
c)Concession & Conclusion: Restate your thesis and arguments, then explain the one main counter-argument to your viewpoint. (2 paragraphs max).
5)Process & Deadlines
We will have 3-4days in the library. At the end of those days you must turn in:
- Topic and Research question- Based on your research, you will create a research question. For example, “Should women be allowed in combat positions? Why/why not?”
- A written thesis statement- Your thesis should answer the research question with your position on the issue and three supportive arguments that defend that position. (If you don’t have a full thesis, at least write down what your position is most likely going to be. You may change your position/thesis later.)
- Three articles that have been read and annotated
The final draft of your paper will be due Monday, November 19th. It’s unnecessary to turn in a hard copy of the paper- it should be uploaded onto turnitin.com (bring it in only if you can’t upload it) class id- 10769572 password- govrocks
A brief presentation on your topic (1-2 min) will occur on the same day.
6)Resources from CHS Research Databases (stoga.net)
You are required to have at least three sources – they must be either books or Stoga.net Research Guide databases- using a website that ends in .org/.gov is fine. You should have 2 to 4 citations from your sources in each body paragraph. Here are some of the most appropriate databases on our school’s site:
- CQ Researcher
- Issues and Controversies
- Opposing Viewpoints
- SIRS Researcher
- PROQuest
Approved Topics for Position Paper
1)Assisted Suicide
2)Medical Marijuana
3)Gun Control
4)Student Athletes and Drug Testing
5)CloningStem CellsGenetic Engineering
7)NSA Surveillance
8)Hate Crimes
9)Animal Experimentation
11)Corporal Punishment/ Paddling Students
12)Women’s equality in the workplace
13)Universal Health Care
14)Minimum Wage
15)Social Security
16)Women in Combat
17)Use of Drones in Combat
Works Cited and Parenthetical Citations:
Source Information: For each source, find and record the following information. You will need this information to create your Works Cited page. Not all information is applicable for every source. Use the MLA citation guide on Stoga.net for other citation information.
Title of SourceTitle of Article
AuthorVolume Number
Date PrintedWeb Address
Place PrintedDate you accessed the web-site
Page numbers where you found relevant information
Creating In-text citations: Use the following format:
Source with author:
(Author’s last name and page number)
If the source does not have page numbers, then just put the author’s last name in parentheses.
More than one work, by the same author:
(Author’s last name, First word of title, and page number)
Work without an author:
(“First word of title” and page number)
See examples below. These were taken from the MLA Citation Guide at Stoga.net.
Book by one author:
King, Stephen. The Shining. New York: Penguin, 1977.
Citation: (King 47)
Article in a magazine:
Pierpont, Claudia Roth. "A society of one: Zora Neale Hurston." New Yorker
17 Feb 1997: 80-86.
Citation: (Pierpont 82)
"Sacrificial Stand in the Golan Heights." Military History Oct. 1998: n.p.
SIRS Knowledge Source. 30 May 2002 <
Citation: (“Sacrificial”)- No page number because it is an online database.
Name ______
RUBRIC: Research Paper
- Proper organization of required material
- 12 point font
- Times New Roman font ONLY
- Double spaced, 1" margins on all sides
- 4-6 pages (10% reduction for less than 4 full pages)
- Pages numbered
Thesis Paragraph:_____/10
- Effective Hook
- Background Information (1-2 sentences giving quick context)
- Thesis Statement/Position is clear and evident
- Thesis contains three reasons/support themes
Background Information Paragraph_____/10
- Thoroughly describes historical context
- Identifies important individuals, chronology, if applicable
Supporting themes paragraphs_____/ 45
- Argument is logical and reasonable
- Information/evidence cited is relevant
- Reflects thesis essay map and is well organized
- Numerous clear supporting facts/details/data
- Provides analysis of facts/details/data that reflects position (i.e. original thinking)
- Uses topic sentences and transitions
Concession & Conclusion Paragraph:_____/5
- Restates Thesis& summarizes main points
- Logical, relevant counter-argument with supporting facts
- Good final sentence
In-text/parenthetical Citations*_____/15
- Correctly cited quotes and paraphrases
- Proper format
- Citations not over/underused
- Evidence of paraphrasing (see turnitin.com)
Works Cited:_____/10
- MLA format (correctly done)
- Contains 3 sources minimum
- Books or CHS databases ONLY
Total: ______/100
*IN-TEXT-CITATIONS: if your paper has no citations or bibliography, it will be considered PLAGIARIZED
Due: Wednesday 10/20: Topic, Initial Research Question and Thesis, 3 annotated articles attached
Topic ______
Research Question ______
Thesis Statement: If you do not have a full thesis statement developed, at least write your position and what three possible themes you may be exploring.