Precision Delivery Inc. Case Study
Precision Delivery Inc. (PDI) is a package pickup and delivery service for homes and small businesses. PDI specializes in packages 50 pounds or less and has a full-price rebate policy for any pickup or delivery made outside the customer-designated 15-minute window. PDI advertising proudly states, “Pick up and delivery at your convenience, not ours.”
PDI has facilities at 2 locations, Downtown and Suburbia, each servicing customers within a 15-mile radius with pickup and deliveries made by truck or bicycle. Customers designate a 15-minute window for their packages to be picked up or delivered. PDI charges customers $5 per package plus $1 per pound (50-pound maximum).
PDI Sales Operators receive pickup and delivery requests by phone from customers. Dispatchers issue instructions to Field Operators for pickups and deliveries. To ensure prompt service, Dispatchers plan for 30 minutes of travel time, one way, for each pickup or delivery and target arrival time for the start of the 15-minute window. Under current procedures, travel time in excess of 45 minutes will result in a rebate and travel time less than 30 minutes results in idle time for the Field Operator. Field Operators return directly to the dispatch facility after each pickup or delivery.
A subcontractor who offers bike and truck time on demand supplies Field Operations. PDI pays only for round-trip road time and idle time at the customer destination. PDI accountants have calculated the Field Operations variable cost for delivery, pickup, and idle time at $7.50/hour for bicycles and $15.00/hour for trucks. All other costs are fixed at $5,000 per week. Pickups and deliveries are made Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Recently, Sales Operators have reported a noticeable increase in customer concern for the timeliness of deliveries and pickup. In response, Sales Operators were instructed to remind customers of the PDI price rebate policy. Additionally, a short survey was sent out to a small group of established customers. Survey results disclosed an appreciation of price rebates, but a preference for deliveries within the promised 15-minute window.
PDI’s CEO and sole shareholder, Pat Hunter, is concerned about customer satisfaction and profitability. Although financial results have been consistent over the last year, Pat believes the current return on sales (ROS) of 11% must increase to more than 20% to avoid shutting down the business and more than 30% to grow the business. Pat wants to know how PDI can increase ROS while maintaining or increasing customer satisfaction.
Last month, PDI had the following results:
Sales $58,500
Sales After Rebates $49,100
Field Operations Trip Cost (Variable) $18,900
Field Operations Idle Time Cost (Variable) $3,600
Gross Margin $26,600
General & Administrative (Fixed) $20,000
Profit Before Tax $6,600
PDI Project Proposal Worksheet
Team Name:______
Project Title:______
Problem Statement:______
Goal Statement:______
Business Case and Estimated Benefits:______
Benefit Calculations or Basis:______
Executive Project Approval Board Use Only
Verified Benefits Amount:______
Directions for Completing the Project Proposal Worksheet
- Team Name: To be chosen by the Project Development Team. Enter the team name on all project proposals.
- Project Title: Identifier for the project. Should reflect the goal of the project (Decrease Widget Rework, Reduce Billing Cycle Time, Improve Product Line Cash Flow, etc.)
- Problem Statement: Observed conditions and impact on business (e.g., 20% of widgets reworked resulting in added cost of $6.50 per unit)
- Goal Statement: Quantitative goal for improvement project (e.g., Reduce widget rework to less than 5%)
- Business Case and Estimated Benefits:Describe the business benefit and the estimated impact (e.g., Decreasing widget product cost increases product margin resulting in $1.2M additional profit before tax per year)
- Benefit Calculations or Basis:Provide justification or rationale for the business case and estimated benefits (e.g., 100,000 widgets per month produced × 15% reworked units eliminated $6.50/widget for rework × 12 months = $1.2M Annual Profit Before Tax)
- EPAB Approval: See published guidelines
- EPAB Verified Benefits Amount: EPAB adjusted estimate of benefits