Smyrna Police Department offering Town of SmyrnaTrick or Trick Safe Zone
When:Tuesday October 31, 2017 6p.m. to 8p.m.
Where:Market Street Plaza and John Bassett Moore Intermediate School
The purpose of this event is to bring together the downtown community of churches, businesses, and residences who pass out candy on Halloween to our little citizens. Safety is paramount to us, and we can provide it to our trick or treaters in the downtown area by providing road closures and a well lit area for the children to run around safely in one central location. The event will take place during normal trick or treating hours, and we will organize it so it runs as smooth as possible. To make the event fun, we are going to host a decorating contest for your vehicle or table. A trophy (total of 3) will be given to the scariest (please no weapons (real or fake) and no power tools or lawn equipment), best overall decorated, and most creative. This event is free for you to sign up to pass out candy and free to the public to come trick or treating so expect a large amount of participants!
Only properly registered vehicles can participate/ Cars must be turned off during event
Must bring your own candy. All candy must be individually wrapped and in an unopened bag. All candy will be inspected prior to start of event.
Organizations may hand out promotional material: pens, pencils, toothbrushes, flashlights with your business on them
We will not be providing electric for decorations/No open flames, fireworks, flammable liquids, etc.
No weapons real or fake (guns, knives, etc.)/ No power tools or lawn equipmentNo gore allowed – please keep the decorations “kid friendly”
Information for Car/Table entries:
Parking assignments wil lbe assigned and labeled prior to you coming, please see registration desk for number and location of where you will set up.
Must arrive between 4-5/ Winners of contest will be announced at 5:45 p.m.
If you or your organization would like to participate with one or more vehicles please fill the registration form out below per vehicle or table!
Thank you for helping us keep our children safe!
Please fill out the registration form on the next page and return by October 6th at 4:00 p.m. to the Smyrna Police Department (Detective Jessica Weller) , so we can organize appropriately. We will contact you to let you know your registration has been accepted. We will have a registration number for your vehicle when you arrive to be placed in the contest.
Registration Form 2017 Safe Zone Trick of Treat Smyrna, Delaware
Contact Person:______
Phone Number:______
License Plate Number:______Trunk/Table Theme:______
All registrations must be turned into the Smyrna Police Department Attention: Detective Jessica Weller by Friday October 6th, 2017 by 4:00 p.m. Questions please contact Detective Jessica Weller (302)653-9217