Wholesaling Profit Maps Probate Marketing Process 101
1 Stage 1: Educate Yourself on the Probate Process
1.1 Step 1: Spend 1 Hour Reading about the Probate Process in Your State
What is Probate?
When a person dies, the legal title of property from their estate has to be transferred to the intended beneficiary via a will. If there is no will, then it is left to determine who is the legal heir to the estate and the property. Collectively, these processes are known as probate.
The Probate process was created to ensure the proper transfer of the decedent’s estate to rightful beneficiaries. Keep in mind this may not be a good thing for many people since this process is also used to collect any taxes due on the transfer of the property. Outstanding debts can also be settled through probate.
The probate process takes at least seven months, and there is a deadline for claims from creditors, which is normally six months from the time they are notified about the probate case. If there is any balance of the estate or property after the debts and taxes have been settled it will be distributed to the beneficiaries.
If any assets have a beneficiary by contract, then they will not be eligible for disbursement through probate, since they will automatically go to the contractual beneficiary. The types of items dealt with through probate include property, furniture, vehicles, money, land, artwork, and shares in a business. In the case of items such as money accounts or property, they must have been owned solely by the grantor to be eligible to be distributed through probate.
One aspect of the expenses that probate entails is the legal fees, and you may find that the lawyer that deals with the probate is entitled to a percentage of the assets – even for assets that do not actually go through probate. Depending on how much the decedent’s estate amounts to, these fees can add up.
The public is allowed access to probate records, which makes it possible to see how much estate was left by a deceased individual, who the beneficiaries were, and what they received from the estate.
1.2 Step 2: Practice Explaining the Process to Someone
Helpful Resource
It is very important you understand your state's Probate process well enough so you can explain it to a client. If you can not fully explain it, take some extra time and to do some research and study and studying.
2 Stage 2: Get the List
2.1 Step 1: Find Location of Probate Records at the County Courthouse or Town/City Hall
How To:
The first thing to note about mailing to probate leads is that you will have to manually obtain the list. There are not a lot of list providers that supply a probate list, which means less people are marketing to this group.
Understand that the process is different in every state so there is no 100% universal method that works to get the list manually at every courthouse or town hall. Likewise, every county courthouse or town hall has different methods of recording the information. Some towns/counties are completely online. Other towns/counties are not...meaning they have a process that is unique to the town hall/courthouse itself.
Where to Go
Depending on where you live and your state laws you will generally find the probate information at the county courthouse or the town/city hall. More specifically you are looking for the department who keeps the Probate Records. Where we market we go directly to the vault in the town clerk's office located in the town hall.
2.2 Step 2: Search for the Probate listings on the Computer or Day Book
Where the Probate Information is Stored
a. Computer System - Some towns have an online resource or internal computer. Usually you can simply type in Probate in the Document section along with your dates and you'll have your list. Have someone from the town office walk you through the process because not every town or courthouse uses the same system.
b. Day Book - If a computer is not available you will need to use the Day Book. The Day Book is a compilation of all records that are between the present moment and back as far as a couple months. Since the Day Book contains all records you will need to flip through the pages and look for each individual case as it appears with the Probate code.
Understand What You are Looking For
You can either use the computer system (much quicker, if available) or thumb through the Day Book and search for your Probate Codes. Some town may use different codes they use to file probate so it may be under: PROBATE, PROB, or PRB, etc.
2.3 Step 3: Record Volume and Page Numbers in Your Excel Spreadsheet
Record Volume and Page Numbers
Once you find a list of Probate cases, make note of the Volume and Page Number. The volumes are usually stacked in movable shelves or along the walls. In our state these volumes are called the Land Records. Record all the volumes and page numbers before you start pulling the books from the shelves.
Helpful Tip
When you visit your town hall or courthouse bring your laptop with you so you can enter names directly into an excel spreadsheet so you won't have to later. You can use the excel file attached, which is what we use to organize our Probate Information.
2.4 Step 4: Pull Volume & Page for more Detailed Information
Pull Volume & Page Numbers for More Detailed Information
In this step you are pulling the volume from the shelves to gather the additional information needed to send our your Probate Mailings.
2.5 Step 5: Record & Build Probate Mailing List
Here is the information that you will need to write down.
1. The subject property Address (The Probate property)
2. The Grantee Name (Sometimes labeled as the beneficiary, heir to the estate, or Fiduciary. This is the person inheriting the property)
3. The Grantee's or Beneficiary's Address (Street,City,State,Zip)
*Note: The Grantor is the person who died.
Make a special note that you are mailing to the Beneficiary's address and not the property in the probate process. Although, you will find that sometimes this will be in fact the same address.
Common Obstacles:
1: The Grantee/Fiduciary's address is not provided:
Solution: Skip Trace their address by using a free service such as or or a paying service such as Merlin Data.
2. The Probate Property Address is not listed.
Solution 1: Sometimes there will be a reference stating that a more accurate description of the property can be found in Volume #, on Page #. Then go to the Volume and page number to find your missing address info. Usually this will be a mortgage deed.
Solution 2: You could also do a skip trace on the Grantor to find their address...in this case past address. Or since you are in the place where all the real estate information is kept for the area you could search the Grantor's name in the computer system (If available). This should lead you to another volume and page number with the info you are looking for.
*If you are having trouble finding information, remember you can always ask someone who works their for assistance.
3 Stage 3: Creating and Fulfilling the Marketing Campaign
3.1 Step 1: Create Your Marketing Pieces
How To:
The best way to get a 5 step direct mail campaign out is to prepare all 5 mailers upfront and then categorize them by date. The best days we have found to mail are on Monday's so the letters or postcards get there on Tuesday or Wednesday.
To Do:
Make sure you time exactly how long it takes you to do these direct mail campaigns so when you hire someone you will know exactly how long it takes to prepare. It is very important as the business owner to track everything that you do so that you don't overpay for help. Doing this a couple times yourself is not a bad thing because it will be easier to train, outsource, and monitor in the future.
Copy Suggestions
Make sure your message is clear and concise. You need to be extra sensitive, as this is a difficult time for the people you are dealing with.
3.1.1 Probate Mailing #1
3.1.2 Probate Mailing #2
3.1.3 Probate Mailing #3
3.1.4 Probate Mailing #4
3.1.5 Probate Mailing #5
3.2 Step 2: Learn The Mail Merge Process Online
Helpful Resources:
Here is a direct link to a video series showing you how to set up your mail merge.
There are 3 videos in a series to show you this process. They are only a couple minutes long.
Video 1 - Shows how your Excel file should be set up.
Video 2 - Shows how your letter in Word should be set up.
Video 3 - Shows how to merge your data in Excel into your letter in Word
If you are interested in more tutorials, I highly suggest checking out for any type of computer training you can imagine. These videos aren't as monotone as the videos above.
3.3 Step 3: Execute your Probate Direct Mail Campaign
Fulfilling In House
Because this list is typically a smaller list it takes less time to fulfill. This is an easy campaign to fulfill In-House and save some cash as opposed to sending it out through a fulfillment company. What we do for In-House Mail Fulfillment is pay $0.23 per letter that is completed and mailed.
You should collect Probate names 2 times per month for large towns and once a month for smaller towns. Unless your in Florida, then you can probably pull this list every other day or so. (That was a Joke!)
We mail 5 letters to this list over an 11 month time period. Because these letters do not go out as frequently as other lists it is important to stay organized. This because you send out your Probate Letter #1 to your 1st Probate list, you are going to send out another Probate Letter #1 to your 2nd Probate list. This is so your marketing is consistently going out. Check out the attached excel file for a time chart.
3.3.1 Import Excel List Into Database
How to Import a List into Realeflow
1. Log in to RealeFlow,
2. Go to the Main Menu,
3. Click on Classroom (left column),
4. Select Basic Training Videos
5. Watch Part 10 - Importing Data or Misc Video Training Module #3 Importing
3.3.2 Save List to Server
3.3.3 Mail Merge Excel List into Probate Letters
3.3.4 Sign Each Letter
3.3.5 Hand Address All Envelopes
3.3.6 Stamp Envelopes
3.3.7 Fold Letters and Stuff in Envelopes
4 Stage 4: Outsource Getting the List
4.1 Step 1: Spend 1 Hour Documenting the List Gathering Process in Your State
To Do:
Adapt this mind map and create a training manual for a future assistant that you plan to hire on the exact steps of this process. This training mind map should be as detailed as possible. This is one of the first things you will outsource in your business.
4.2 Step 2: Determine How Often You are Going to Gather List & Pay Rate
To Do:
1. Depending on your budget you can either pay someone an hourly rate between $9 and $12 dollars or you can decide to go after Free Help by looking for interns at local colleges.
2. Of course you can do both as well.
3. Pick the day or days of the week you are going to have them gather the list. You should also have them grab other lists while they are in town hall.
4.3 Step 3: Place Simple Ad on Craigslist.org or at Local College Career Services Center
1. Go to and place an ad
2. Craigslist is the fastest way to get part sub-contractors for any job you need
Local College Career Services Center
1. Call you local career services center at local colleges and tell them you have a local real estate company and you are looking for a few interns
2. Ask if they give college credit for these positions
3. Post your job at a few local colleges
4.4 Step 4: E-mail People who Respond Interview Questions
To Do:
1. E-mail all potential applicants a "Driver Application"
2. 60% Will do this so it is a good - first step pre-qualifier. If they can't do this don't hire them
4.5 Step 5: Call 3-4 Candidates to Interview Over Phone Using - "Phone Interview Questions"
To Do:
1. Review the applications and choose the best 2 to interview in person
2. If the applications don't look good...keep the ad out there a week longer
4.6 Step 6: Narrow it Down to 2 to Interview in Person and Set Appointments
To Do:
See what other part time activities you might have if the person is skilled. This person can also work part time on a lot of other areas of your business
4.7 Step 6: Choose Someone to Hire and Sign Independent Contractor Agreement
To Do:
1. You must have your attorney review this document to make sure you are protected as a business owner. This is a template you can give to your attorney to work off of.
2. Once the attorney reviews it you can use every single time you hire someone
4.8 Step 7: Go to Town/City Hall and do 1 hour Training on the Process
To Do
1. Make sure you are very detailed in your training
2. Go over the whole process so they can do all the leg work for you
5 Stage 5: Outsource the Direct Mail Fulfillment
5.1 Option 1
5.1.1 Step 1: Find a Direct Mail Fulfillment Company to Work With
5.1.2 Step 2: Give Them the Marketing Pieces to Use as Templates
5.1.3 Step 3: Send the List Each Week to the Fulfillment Company
5.2 Option 2
5.2.1 Step 1: Use the Employee You Hired to Gather the List
5.2.2 Step 2: Teach them the Mail Merge Process and Have Them Execute the Process