Scorpion Tales

August newsletter 2017

Seneschal’s Corner:

Nothing to say this month

June Shire meeting minutes Officers reports: Art/science: Need more classes for Highland war Youth Activities: Highland war activities being planned chatelaine: nothing new Constable: nothing new Chronicler: please send me things to put in the newsletter Exchequer: 2nd quarter report done Marshals: Just working on highland warstuff

New Business: 40 year will most likely be here in the high desert.

Old Business: Highland war: both the contracts and insurance are done. Need to order porta potties and trash yet. Will have the volunteer sign up ready soon. So we can sign up for our shifts. Another work day to clean up the boat house is scheduled for the Wednesday before highland war starts. 185 site tokens have been casted so far. Will have a batch ready to be strung soon. We will need about 60 bales of hay this year. 12 merchants and1 food vender so far signed up. Shannan will run thevolenteer raffles again this year. We will be raffling off a box for the youth activites of the shire.

Shane will be making mugs and boxes for the war. There will be a fourth work day about a week before the war at the site, to work on the boat house and surrounding area.

Next meeting: September 18th 6 p.m. at Jar and Clyde’s house. We will be ordering pizza

Note from the officers:

Chronicler: I need things to put in the newsletters. Arts/science: Greetings from your A&S Officer
I'm looking for teachers to teach at Highland War this year. Do you have a skill that you would like to share please consider teaching at Highland. Fill out the form for classes at our Highland War web site at
THLMiriam Shadewehauke Marshal: Watch the shire face book page for times and dates of the next practice.

upcoming events in our kingdom:

August 26: Academia (Nordwache) August 31- September 4: Highland war (Al-Sahid)

September 9: Angel’s Anniversary

September 16: Crown Tournament (Altavia)

September 14: Privy Council (Altavia)

September 23: Caid Rapier open (Darach)

September 23: Althing (Starkhafn)

September 30-October 1: Western Seas Arts and science Baronial tournament

Shire Regnum

Seneschal TH Lord Gabriel Shadewehauke Exchequer Síomha ingen Stiofán Minister of Arts & Sciences TH Lady Miriam Shadewehauke Marshal Baron Sir Killian MacTaggart Herald Vacant Chronicler Dame Teka Turmanov Chatelaine Dame Amariah of Chufut-Kale Minister of Lists Dame Teka Turmanov Constable THL Baron Brandr Huslangr

This is the official newsletter for the Shire of al Sahid of the Kingdom of Caid of the Society of Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA) It is not a publication of the SCA, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policy.