1.  If my child has started a high school, does he/she have to change to the new re-districted school?

a.  No—If your child is a sophomore, junior or senior in high school in the Fall of 2017 he/she may remain at that high school through graduation.

b.  Transportation is the responsibility of the parent.

2.  Can my 9th grade child start at the re-districted high school in the fall of 2016?

a.  Yes. Transportation will be the responsibility of the parent for the 2016/2017 school year.

3.  If my child is grandfathered into his original high school, is it possible to enroll his/her younger sibling in the same high school in future years?

a.  Yes. As long as the older sibling is still in the building.

b.  This option will expire for all families with graduating class in June of 2021. Any additional siblings entering high school in the fall of 2021 and beyond must enroll in the redistricted high school or complete and meet the criteria on the District out-of-area transfer request form.

c.  Parents are responsible for transportation.

4.  Will transportation be provided if my child is grandfathered into the current high school?

a.  Transportation will be provided only for students in their attendance area and only if they meet the qualifications for free transportation.

b.  If a child is attending a school outside of his/her attendance area, parents are responsible for providing transportation.


1.  If my child is an incoming K student in the fall of 2016, can he/she start at their new re-districted school?

a.  Yes, if space is available.

b.  Transportation to and from school is the responsibility of the parents.

2.  If my child is a student who attended a K that was not in his/her current attendance area (Arrowhead, Poly, Burlington) school, does my child have to go to his attendance area school for first grade and then to his re-districted school in second grade?

a.  No, your child can attend the re-districted school starting in first grade, if space is available.

b.  Transportation is the responsibility of the parent.

3.  If my child will be in grades 1-3 in the 2016-2017 school term can he/she move to the new school in the fall of 2016-2017?

a.  Yes, if space is available.

b.  Parents are responsible for transportation.

4.  If my child is a 5th grade student in the fall of 2017-2018, may he/she stay at the current school and not move to the re-districted school?

a.  Yes.

b.  Parents are responsible for Transportation.

c.  These students will move to their re-districted school upon entering 6th grade.

5.  Is it possible to start my child in their new attendance area school in 2016-2017 rather than waiting until redistricting is implemented in 2017-2018 in the Town Schools?

a.  Current and newly enrolled K-3 students who wish to transfer one year early to their new attendance area school may apply to do so by submitting the appropriate form to the office of their current elementary school by April 15, 2016.

b.  Placement is dependent on space availability.

c.  Parents are responsible for transportation.


1.  If my child is a 6th grade student and is currently attending a middle school (Arrowhead, Washington, Orchard, McKinley, Broadwater), can he or she stay at the current middle school for the 7th and 8th grade school term.

a.  Yes. Parents are responsible for transportation if not their redistricted school.

b.  Students will attend their re-districted high school upon entering 9th grade.

2.  If my child will be a 6th grade student in the Town the Fall of 2016-2017 can they start 6th grade at his/her re-districted middle school a year early?

a.  No, space will not permit the early entrance except for Arrowhead, Washington, Orchard, McKinley, and Broadwater 6th graders who are already attending a middle school. We don’t have enough room in our middle schools to offer this option for all Town elementary schools as Ben Steele is not open yet.

Approved 3/3/16

Town Q&A