Volunteer Centre
Civic AssociationÚstí nad Labem
Title: The Volunteer Centre
Subject: civic association
Registration: The Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic
VS/1-1/41 751/99/R
Established in: 1999
Area covered: Ústí nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem Region
Seat and address: Prokopa Diviše 1605/5, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Telephone/Fax: + 420 475 216 684
E-mail: ,
Web site: www.dcul.cz
Organisation Ident. No.: 70225842
Bank contact: ČSOB a.s., Ústí nad Labem branch
Account No.: 161336496/0300
members of the civic association: / staff members:Mgr. Lenka Černá – chairwoman of the administration board
Jana Beranová – vice-chairwoman of the administration board
Bc. Kamila Staňková – administration board member
Mgr. Dana Poustková – chairwoman of the control board
Mgr. Jana Vachková – control board member
Bc. Jan Odvárka – control board member
Petra Wanischková – civic association member
Bohdana Furmanová – civic association member
Jakub Michal – civic association member
Bc. Lucie Sroková – civic association member
Marcela Poláčková – civic association member / Mgr. Lenka Černá – director,
Jana Beranová – coordinator, financial manager
Bohdana Furmanová – coordinator
Jakub Michal – coordinator
Bc. Lucie Sroková – PR, fundraiser
Marcela Poláčková – coordinator
Mgr.Lucie Křivská – coordinator
EXTERNal workers:
The Volunteering Development Programme
Bc. Kamila Zinčenková, Bc. Kamila Staňková
The 5P Preventive Leisure Time Programme
Mgr. Ivana Vlčková, Bc. Kamila Staňková, PhDr. Blanka Němečková, PhDr. Jana Doubravová
For Seniors
Romana Vlčková, Mgr. Eva Bärtlová
Hospital Volunteers
PhDr. Ivana Veltrubská, MUDr. Ivana Stará
The Civic Virtues Development Programme for Secondary School Students
PaedDr. Vladimír Šik, Mgr. Lucie Novotná
Make a Connection
PaedDr. Vladimír Šik, Mgr. Lucie Novotná
The Voluntary Collegial Psychological Support Project
PhDr. Hana Petráková, Bc. Lenka Chválová, Tomáš Přenosil, DiS.
How to Handle Fundraising?
Mgr. Jan Kroupa, Jana Popovičová
Media partners: VLTAVA-LABE-PRES, a. s. Deníky Bohemia – Ústecký deník, rádio Labe
Legal services: Mgr. Stanislav Řehola
Team supervision: PhDr. Milan Kinkor
THE volunteer centre mission and activities
The Volunteer Centre, a civic association, creates and offers a base for volunteers and promotes volunteering as a vital part of society.
· We offer our fellow citizens a place for self-actualisation, create conditions for meetings and communication, and support and develop good relations among people.
· We further expand existing social services with targeted volunteer programmes, seminars, consultations and advisory services as well as organization of and assistance for volunteer training sessions and project supervision.
· In co-operation with other NGOs, government agencies, the local government, the business sector and the general public, we extend the range and increase the awareness of social services for citizens.
· Through the above-mentioned activities we aim for closer relationships and mutual tolerance and respect among people of different ages, nationalities, and social classes.
The Fourth Year of the Volunteer Centre
In 2003, under our umbrella Volunteering Development Programme, we targeted organizations in the whole Ústí nad Labem Region, passing on to them the experience we gained during our three-year cooperation with organizations in the City of Ústí nad Labem. By organizing an optional course and training for students of the Social Sciences Department at the Pedagogical Faculty of J.E. Purkyně University, we operated on a university campus for the first time.
Our services were extended by two significant projects with a new staff member joining our team for each of them. Marcela Poláčková coordinated our part of the partner project “Voluntary Collegial Psychological Support”.
In the autumn, Bc. Lucie Sroková launched a project, our largest one in scope, titled “How to handle fundraising?“ dealing with education in the Ústí nad Labem and Karlovy Vary Regions. Both the above-mentioned projects were supported from the PHARE EU funds. You can read more about them on the following pages.
On 1 January 2003, the Act No. 198/2002 Coll. on Volunteer Service came into force. In relation to its enactment and application, the Voluntary Service Department was created under the Criminality Prevention Section at the Czech Ministry of Interior, dealing with accreditation of organizations which work with volunteers. This opened up an opportunity to obtain funds for implementation of volunteer programmes and projects. This year, we were awarded the Volunteer Service Accreditation in the 5P Programme, we received the first financial support, and we prepared ourselves for the Volunteer Service Accreditation in the Volunteers in Hospitals Programme.
4 March was an important day for us as we recognized our largest event – tinderbox 2002. Under the auspices of the Mayor of the City of Ústí nad Labem Mgr. Petr Gandalovič, and with a number of other important guests participating, we acknowledged 5 volunteers from our City who in 2002 devoted their time, efforts, and willingness to help for the benefit of the needy people. Thanks to the help of the chief executive of the Authority of the City Unit-Centre, Radek Vonka, the ceremony was held in the elegant W. Churchill Ceremonial Wedding Hall.
We were pleased by the results of the competition organised by AGNES, for which we entered our web site: www.dcul.cz. It won the 4th place among 68 web sites registered for the competition.
At the end of 2003, we began reconstruction of the Volunteer Centre’s office building. By the time you read this Annual Report, our office will have a beautiful new exterior, for which the City of Ústí nad Labem deserves our thanks and appreciation.
Mgr. Lenka Č e r n á
Chairwoman of the Civic Association Administration Board
“Even though people do not know what good is, they have it in themselves.“ Confucius
Volunteer Centre Programmes
contents: page
Volunteering Development Programme / 5 – 6Tinderbox 2002, Tinderbox 2003 / 7
Five P Preventive Leisure Time Programme / 8 – 9
Hospitals Volunteers Programme / 10 – 11
Voluntary Collegial Psychological Support Project / 12 – 13
Civic Virtues Development Programme for Secondary School Students
/ 14 – 15For Seniors Programme / 16 – 17
Make a Connection Programme / 18 – 19
How to Handle Fundraising? Programme / 20 – 21
Partner projects supported from the EU – PHARE funds / 22
Financial management of the Volunteer Centre in 2003 / 23 – 24
Acknowledgement / 25
The Volunteer Centre team in 2003
Bohdana Furmanová Mgr. Lucie Křivská Mgr. Lenka Černá Marcela Poláčková
Jana Beranová Jakub Michal Bc. Lucie Sroková
volunteering development
The Volunteer Centre offered NGOs a methodology and support to implement their own volunteer programmes. Consultation sessions were held in the course of the year both during group and individual meetings.
Volunteering in numbers:
There are 98 new volunteers registered in the database.
70 Certificates for volunteer activities in 2003 were awarded and 6 Tinderboxes were presented during the ceremony (see page 5).
We cooperated with 66 organizations fromthe Ústí nad Labem Region, 44 of which were fromÚstí nad Labem and 25 from other regions.
Discussion Clubs
- regular meetings of NGO representatives and volunteer coordinators.
The main topic: a contribution made by Bc. Jana Křenková from St. Lawrence Hospice, Litoměřice: their volunteer programme and experience gained during their own training of volunteers.
Mgr. Vendula Veselá, the director of the Nursing Home for Young People in Všebořice, reported on their experience with volunteers. We discussed the topic, ´The volunteer as a source of information about the organization and for the organization´. We extended our Internet service on the Volunteer Centre’s web site (www.dcul.cz).
December – 1st Regional Discussion Club
The participants were welcomed by the director, Mgr. Lenka Černá. The whole team of the Volunteer Centre presented themselves providing information about individual volunteer programmes. We introduced the model of cooperation within the Ústí nad Labem Region for 2004, discussed the awards given to the volunteers for the year of 2003, and invited the participants to send us their proposals for the nominees for Tinderbox 2003.
The following regional media provided excellent support to the promotion of volunteer activities: VLTAVA-LABE-PRES, a.s. Deníky Bohemia – Ústecký deník, Nové Ústecké přehledy, Tip servis, MF Dnes, the radio stations of North Music, rádio Labe and rádio Sever. We created our own web site www.dcul.cz, which we regularly updated to reflect the current situation.
events organized for the general public:
· “30 Days for NGO Sector“: we installed a presentation board in the Youth Club in Ústí nad Labem and organized a visiting day.
· Weeks for Mental Health: The 4th Fair of Social Services in Ústí nad Labem was held in September on the Lidické Square. At our stall, we provided information and promotional materials to interested visitors.
· Volunteering for Everybody: two afternoon seminars were held for the general public in March and September.
· tinderbox 2002 “Award for Common People Who Do Uncommon Things“. (see page 5)
subprogramme: Volunteering Programme for the Unemployed:
The main goal of the programme was to support and motivate the unemployed in the long term focusing on the development of skills and knowledge through volunteer activities. We cooperated with a group of 5 volunteers who attended 4 NGOs. There were also 8 Graduates´ Clubs organized for the unemployed – intervisions.
PHARE 2000 Project – Volunteering Development
The civic association Senior became a partner of our Volunteering Development Project for the period from August 2002 to July 2003 and was involved with Discussion Clubs and volunteer training sessions. We continuously consulted on implementation of volunteer activities to practice.
Jana Beranová – Programme Coordinator
Volunteering Development at the University – partial project ´Students for Kids´
In cooperation with the Social Sciences Department at the Pedagogical Faculty of J.E. Purkyně University, we organized a one-term optional course dealing with social pathology and prevention. Our goal was to engage students in the primary prevention programmes aimed at socially pathological phenomenon by means of small volunteer activities for the benefit of organizations working with children and young people in Ústí nad Labem. The main activities are educational seminars, student and volunteer training, and short-term volunteer activities.
The project ´Students for Kids’ was supported by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Ústí nad Labem Region.
The Volunteering Development Programme was supported by the NROS foundation from the EU Phare Programme, by the Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Pension Fund of the Czech Republic through HESTIA – the National Volunteer Centre Prague, the City of Ústí nad Labem, and other small donors.
The Volunteer Centre is a member of the following organizations:
· Coalition of Volunteer Activities in the Czech Republic
· Czech Board of Humanitarian Organizations
· Association of NGOs in the Ústí nad Labem Region
“Award for common people who do uncommon things“.
The goal of the TINDERBOX 2002 event was to acknowledge 5 selected volunteers from Ústí nad Labem for the year of 2002 and to raise awareness of volunteering. This special ceremony took place on 4 March 2003 in the Winston Churchill Ceremonial Wedding Hall in Ústí nad Labem.
The event was organized under the auspices of the Mayor of the Statutory City of Ústí nad Labem, Mgr. Petr Gandalovič.
Together with PhDr. Olga Sozanská, the Director of HESTIA – the National Volunteer Centre, Mgr. Lenka Černá, the Director of the Volunteer Centre, and the participating businessmen presented the awards.
Acknowledged volunteers
Tinderbox 2002
David Chytrý
Petr Urban
Ludmila Vondrušová
Martin Trousil
Mgr. Anna Skalská
26 February 2004
- acknowledgement of 5 volunteers from the Ústí nad Labem Region under the auspices of the chief executive of the Regional Authority of the Ústí nad Labem Region, Ing. Jiří Šulc.
For detailed information and photos see our web site
www.dcul.cz and the
2004 Annual Report.
5 P Programme
The socially preventive leisure time
Five P Programme
A volunteering programme, where every one of the volunteers takes long-term care of one little friend age 8 – 15.
· Five P = Péče [Care], Prevence [Prevention], Pomoc [Help], Přátelství [Friendship] and Podpora [Support],
· A little and a big friend pair-up and meet each other for one afternoon every week during the course of at least one year and prepare a programme for their afternoon meetings – they can practice sports, visit a clubroom, go for trips, and participate in common activities.
· Volunteers are big friends, they do not substitute the role of parents, teachers, or educators.
Jiřina and Michal Míša and Sabinka
What kind of children do we engage in the 5 P Programme?
Those with physical, psychological, mental etc. disabilities, coming from socially handicapped families where parents have health problems (they are blind, deaf-mute, mentally ill, physically handicapped, after car accidents etc.), living in single-parent families (often having suffered from a traumatic experience of divorce), having lived through other traumatic experiences (death in the family, pain harm, bullying etc.), coming from families with numerous children, and other smaller specific groups of children.
What is the purpose of the 5 P Programme?
· To facilitate for children a valuable, long-lasting and professionally supervised relationship with an adult person – a trained volunteer.
· By means of joint and suitably selected activities, to have a positive influence on the development of the child, his/her self-acceptance, the development of his/her relationships with family, peers and other people surrounding him/her.
· To minimize or dissolve the consequences of the handicap, which caused him/her to enter the programme on the recommendation of children’s or family psychiatrists, psychologists, or advisory teachers at schools, or their families themselves.
· To create a quality base for the child and his/her family to solve the currently difficult situation in their family.
· To recruit and train skilled young volunteers and to engage them in providing direct voluntary support to children. To provide support, resources, and assistance to volunteers when they need to solve difficult situations as well as opportunities for their personal development during the period when they meet children.