Date: 7th June 2014



Dear members of European and World S.K.I.F.!

Based on the program for education and decision of S.K.I.E.F. board of directors we prepared basic information for the 1st International seminar S.K.I.E.F. - Slovenia October 2014.

You can also follow all the news about the seminar on the S.K.I.F. Slovenia web site and also in connection with the S.K.I.E.F. web site.

ORGANIZER: S.K.I.F. Federation of Slovenia in cooperation with S.K.I.E.F.

EXECUTOR: S.K.I.F. Slovenia and S.K.I. club S.D. Ruse

VENUE: Sports park – Sports hall Ruse, Solska ulica 16/a, 2342 RuSe

(10 km out of Maribor)

DATE: Friday, 17th October 2014

Saturday, 18th October 2014

Sunday, 19th October 2014


1st Day – Friday, 17th October 2014 – Sports hall Ruse

09.00 - 12.00 – Meeting Board of directors S.K.I.E.F. - Hotel Veter Ruse, Mariborska c.31, Ruse

13.00 - 15.00 – Final registration and fee payment – Sports hall Ruse

15.30 - 17.30 – Technical training for all KYU and DAN belts (divided A and B group)

17.30 - 19.30 – Special part S.K.I.E.F. for referees and instructors

2nd Day – Saturday, 18th October 2014 – Sports hall Ruse

09.00 - 10.00 – Registration

10.00 - 12.00 – Technical training for all KYU and DAN belts (divided A and B group)

12.00 - 13.00 – Break

13.00 - 15.00 – Technical training for all KYU and DAN belts (divided A and B group)

15.30 - 17.30 – Special part S.K.I.E.F. for referees and instructors

19.00 - 23.00 – Formal dinner party with S.K.I.F. family with respected guest Soke Hirokazu Kanazawa

(Hotel Veter Ruse)

3rd Day – Sunday, 19th October 2014 – Sports hall Ruse

09.00 - 10.30 – Training S.K.I.F. Yudansha-Kai – DAN belts and candidates for DAN grading

11.00 - 13.00 – Technical training for all KYU and DAN belts (divided A and B group)

13.00 - 14.00 – Official closing and photographing

14.30 - 17.00 – DAN grading

Please, follow the schedule. The sports hall will be closed during the trainings, no spectators.

More detailed program with content of the trainings will follow.

The 1st International S.K.I.E.F. seminar Slovenia 2014 is intended for all karateka of S.K.I.F. from Europe and other countries, for all friends of Shotokan karate-do school. All levels of KYU and DAN belts are invited. Welcome!


1. Technical seminar (KYU and DAN belts) 60,00 EUR 80,00 EUR

2. Technical seminar – one day 40,00 EUR 50,00 EUR

3. Special seminar for S.K.I.E.F. referees and instructors 30,00 EUR 40,00 EUR

4. Seminar-training S.K.I.F. Yudansha-Kai 15,00 EUR 25,00 EUR

Special offer – participation in all programs (technical seminar, special seminar for referees and instructors and S.K.I.F. Yudansha-Kai) = package price for S.K.I.F. members is 80,00 EUR.

You can pay the fee until the application deadline 6th October 2014 to S.K.I.F. Slovenia bank account. Account No: IBAN: NKBM SI56 0417 3000 0705 966 ;

BIC: KBMASI2X; Intention: »S.K.I.E.F. SLOVENIJA 2014«.

At the final registration present the copy of the payment.

You can also pay the fee in cash at final registration. The fee is paid by the group leader for all members of a group.


Dinner and a nice evening among S.K.I.F. family with the respected guest SOKE Hirokazu Kanazawa and all others will be on Saturday, 18th October 2014 with the beginning at 19.00 in Hotel Veter (Mariborska cesta 31, Ruse).

The price for dinner party is 20,00 EUR per person. Application and payment for the dinner party on Friday, 17th October 2014 at final registration.

DAN GRADING – S.K.I.E.F. members

DAN grading is open to all members of S.K.I.E.F. The DAN grading is organized according to rules of S.K.I.F. and S.K.I.E.F. Candidates must have a written consent of their national chief instructors to be able to take DAN grading. Candidates must fill out the official application with all their information and data. At the final registration they also hand out the application and their S.K.I.F. membership card. The official application form for DAN grading is attached and can also be sent to – application dead line is 6th October 2014.

Dan grading will take place on Sunday, 19th October 2014 with the beginning at 14.30 in Sports hall Ruse. Only candidates for DAN and their chief instructors can be present at the grading. The results will be given immediately after the examination.

The DAN grading fees and DAN diploma registration fees are according to official S.K.I.F. fees, calculated from Yen to Euro according to exchange value of Bank of Slovenia on the day of 7th June 2014.


1st DAN – SHO-DAN 45,00 EUR 90,00 EUR 135,00 EUR

2nd DAN – NI-DAN 45,00 EUR 110,00 EUR 155,00 EUR

3rd DAN – SAN-DAN 45,00 EUR 150,00 EUR 195,00 EUR

4th DAN – YON-DAN 75,00 EUR 185,00 EUR 260,00 EUR

5th DAN – GO-DAN 75,00 EUR 250,00 EUR 325,00 EUR

6th DAN – ROKU-DAN 75,00 EUR 330,00 EUR 405,00 EUR

7th DAN – NANA-DAN 110,00 EUR 475,00 EUR 585,00 EUR

8th DAN – HACHI-DAN 150,00 EUR 585,00 EUR 735,00 EUR

All candidates pay the DAN grading and registration fee for S.K.I.F. diploma to the organizer at final registration. Organizer will arrange everything directly with S.K.I.F. in Tokyo. The official DAN diplomas will be sent later to the address of the candidate’s national S.K.I.F. organization.


SOKE Hirokazu KANAZAWA, 10th DAN – all Japan kata and kumite champion, the student of Funakoshi Gichin, founder and many years leader (Kancho) of World S.K.I.F., one of the greatest teachers of karate-do in theory and practice, today SOKE – superior master and head of S.K.I.F. family. This will be his 10th visit to Slovenia.

KANCHO Nobuaki KANAZAWA, 6.DAN – many times Asian and S.K.I.F. champion, S.K.I.F. absolute world champion in kumite, top S.K.I.F. instructor, the son and student of Hirokazu Kanazawa, his successor, today Kancho and leader of S.K.I.F. world organization. This will also be his 10th visit to Slovenia.

SYUSEKI SHIHAN Manabu MURAKAMI, 7.DAN – many times S.K.I.F. champion in kata and kumite, director for international relations in S.K.I.F., top S.K.I.F. instructors, one of the closest students of Hirokazu Kanazawa, today Syuseki Shihan – leader to all Shihans and chief instructors of World S.K.I.F. This will be his 8th visit to Slovenia.

SHIHAN Ivan CERIC, 7.DAN-KYOSHI – chief instructor and president of S.K.I.F. Slovenia, president of the organizing committee of the seminar.

All other chief instructors of S.K.I.E.F. will take active part at the seminar when needed.


The dead line for seminar and DAN grading application is 6th October 2014. Fill out the application for and send:

S.K.I.F. Slovenija, Cesta zmage 92, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, EU

Or via email: or via fax: 00386-2-332-18-77

To ensure good organization, please respect the deadline.


1. We recommend to travel to Slovenia via airport Graz (Austria), which is the closest to seminar venue Maribor-Ruse (Graz-Maribor-Ruse = 70 km). There is also possibility to come by train or bus.

2. S.K.I.F. Slovenia will arrange the transfer from Graz airport and back for all participants who will need help with the transfer and will send the application on time. You will be able to order the transfer with our partner traveling agency – more details and prices will be communicated later.

3. The interest for the seminar among S.K.I.E.F. members is high, therefore S.K.I.F. Slovenia will arrange possibility for accommodation in different hotels in Maribor and Ruse at special prices for the participants of the seminar. More detailed information will follow.

4. All information for 1. S.K.I.E.F. seminar Slovenia 2014 are also published in English

Contact e-mail:

Mrs. Mateja BREZNIK: ; 00386-(0)41-370-634 (speaks English and Italian)

Mr. Ivan CERIC: ; ; 00386-(0)41-747-331

Mr. Lovrenc KOKALJ: ; 00386-(0)41-629-763

Attached are application forms for seminar, formal dinner party and DAN grading.

More detailed information will follow.

Best regards from Slovenia and WELCOME!


Secretary for international relations: Chief instructor and president:

Mateja BREZNIK, 4th DAN Shihan Ivan CERIC, 7.DAN-KYOSHI