Valencia Community Partnership (Community Wellness Coop) Leadership Team

Meeting Minutes for February 28, 2011

Present: Hilary Maez, Carol Claus, Rina LeMaster,Peggy Gutjahr and guest Ginny Adame

Absent: No one

Item / Discussion / Action
Agenda / Agenda was amended to table Meeting Minutes of February 7th, 2011, and add PRC Articles Update
Peggy moved and Rina seconded to accept amended agenda. / Accepted as amended
Minutes / Tabled
Welcome /
Discussion with Ginny Adame /
  • Ginny was brought up to date on the Health Council, including the recent joining of Alliance of NM Health Councils, under Public Health, which recently formed an Executive Committee. Ginny was asked for input regarding community needs, as she is involved with many committees, e.g. DEC (Drug Endangered Children), YRR Corps, CCRT, and the DWI Task Force. Each group has their own focus be it drugs, youth, etc. none are simply focused on health issues alone.
Ginny sees a lot of duplication of efforts especially focused on creating Community Resource Guide.
Many groups are fragmented from each other instead of working together, each producing or working on similar projects with similar goals, including civic groups like Civitans, Kiwanis, Pilot Club, Rotary and the Chambers.
Longevity and sustainability of groups is an issue, as is energetic start-ups without a means to continue on a path.
Steps could be to: secure funding; assess community; assess capacity; produce plan; implement plan; evaluate process; change as needed; and present findings to community. / Some duplication of efforts and/or fragmentation may be due to grant requirements and not due to a lack of communication.
Recommendation is to provide support and cohesion to multiple groups enlisting support from each group, and surveying each to determine their needs with ultimate goal of advising county officials to assist with planning from a health perspective. Developing a strategic plan would be helpful to enlist support and provide framework of services, as well as secure future funding.
Updates from community meeting and events /
  • None

Business /
  • Discussion of new name and whether to include Valencia in title. Peggy moved and Rina seconded to officially change name to Community Wellness Cooperative.
  • Discussion of new Mission Statement produced:
To promote community collaboration through a framework of coordination, assessment and solutions.
Peggy moved and Rina seconded to officially adopt new Mission Statement.
  • Review of PRC filing paperwork and requirements.
Carol moved and Rina seconded to approve assigning Peggy as the registered agent with the PRC, as Treasurer and owner of the registration address.
  • Discussion assigning Leadership Team members to attend meetings and/or collect minutes/information from specific community groups. Will introduce ourselves as members of the health council, currently under reorganization; and attending meetings to familiarize ourselves what different groups are working on.
/ Motion passed unanimously.
Motion passed unanimously.
Motion passed unanimously.
Breakdown of responsibilities:
Peggy – YRR Corps. &
Moms against Meth
Carol – DWI Prevention Council
Hilary – CYFD
Rina – Juvenile Justice Board
Next Meeting /
  • Set for April 5th, 2011, 11am – 2pm, at Peggy’s house.
/ For next meeting: Start drafting survey/assessment questions.