California State University, Dominguez Hills /
IMPORTANT: Students who do not register for courses must enroll in HUX 600 to maintain continuous status (summer excluded), or be dropped from the program
Fall 2013: 9/3/13 – 12/9/13 / Spring 2014: 1/4/14 – 4/11/14 / Summer 2014: 5/3/14– 8/8/14Phase I: Introductory Courses
Defining the Humanities: HUX 501: History, HUX 502: Literature, HUX 503: Music♪, HUX 504: Art, HUX 505: Philosophy
Phase I courses are offered every trimester; most Phase II courses are offered once a year.
Phase II: Interdisciplinary Courses
HUX 530 - War and Human Experience +
HUX 542 - The Para-Rational Perspective
HUX 545 - The Non-Western World ♪
HUX 546 - Alienation, Estrangement & Subcultures
HUX 548 - Values and Morality in the 20th Century Thought
Phase II: Disciplinary Courses
HUX 550 - Key Individuals, Art: Frank Lloyd Wright
HUX 551 - Key Individuals, Music: Beethoven ♪
HUX 553 - Key Individuals, Literature: Hemingway & Faulkner
HUX 557 - Key Periods & Movements, Philosophy: Greeks: Philosophy, Tragedy and The Polis ++
HUX 574 - Key Periods and Movements, History: The Age of Revolution
HUX 578 - Key Periods and Movements, Literature: The Female Coming of Age in World Literature +
HUX 580 - The Ancient Near East, History +, ++
Phase II: Elective Courses*
HUX 521 - Humanities Encounter: Living Theater
HUX 600 - continuous attendance (not a course)
Phase III, contract deadlines on Planning Calendar
HUX 598 - Final Project Proposal
HUX 599 - Final Project
Undergraduate Courses
HUX 346 - Alienation, Estrangement & Subcultures / Phase II: Interdisciplinary Courses
HUX 532 - Slavery in History and Literature ++
HUX 540 - Evolution of Human Culture
HUX 544 - The Individual and Society
Phase II: Disciplinary Courses
HUX 554 - Key Individuals, History: Carnegie, Rockefeller and Ford ♪
HUX 556 - Noble Laureates: Studies in Modern World Literature
HUX 570 - Key Periods and Movements, Art: Contemporary
HUX 571 - Key Periods and Movements, Music:
Baroque ♪
HUX 572 - Key Periods and Movements, Philosophy: The Biblical Movement
HUX 575 - Key Periods and Movements, Literature: 19th Century American Literature +
HUX 579 - The Arab World, History +
Phase II: Elective Courses*
HUX 522 - Humanities Encounter: Concert Music
HUX 524 - Humanities Encounter: Film
HUX 600 - continuous attendance (not a course)
Phase III, contract deadlines on Planning Calendar
HUX 598 - Final Project Proposal
HUX 599 - Final Project
Undergraduate Courses
HUX 347 – World Religious Perspectives ♪ / Phase II: Interdisciplinary Courses
HUX 541 - The Rational Perspective
HUX 546 - Alienation, Estrangement & Subcultures
HUX 547 - World Religious Perspectives ♪
Phase II: Disciplinary Courses
HUX 552 - Key Individuals, Philosophy: Rousseau
HUX 555 - Key Individuals, History: Stalin +
HUX 573 - Key Periods and Movements, Literature: Archetypal Criticism
HUX 576 - Key Periods and Movements, Art: Ancient Maya +
HUX 578 - Key Periods and Movements, Literature: The Female Coming of Age in world Literature +
HUX 581 - Key Periods & Movements, Philosophy: Philosophy and Postmodernism ++
Phase II: Elective Courses*
HUX 522 - Humanities Encounter: Concert Music
HUX 523 - Humanities Encounter: Historical Sites
Phase III, contract deadlines on Planning Calendar
HUX 598 - Final Project Proposal
HUX 599 - Final Project
Undergraduate Courses
HUX 345 - The Non-Western World ♪
HUX 346 - Alienation, Estrangement & Subcultures
(Summer exempt from continuous attendance rule)
+ Phase II courses with pre-requisites; recommended only. ++Phase II courses with REQUIRED pre-requisites. Student Info, university catalog:
*Electives may not be used as substitutes for Phase II disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses with permission of Program Coordinator.
♪ Internet access, or ability to play CD or audiocassette, is required to complete the course.