IMPACT V Grant Rubric
CRITERIA / Exceeds Expectation10 Points / Meets Expectation
6 Points / Limited Information
4 Points / Lacks Information 0 Points
Need for the Project
20 points / Has clearly identified the need in the school through data and research; application ties the grant to the need and details how the need will be addressed / Applicant identifies the need of the school and details
how the need is addressed
through the grant. / Applicant identifies the need the grant
addresses within the
school. / Not addressed
Need for the Project
20 points / Plan is specific, clearly outlined and objectives are defined; goals
and objectives of the project are innovative, realistic and clearly
stated; timeline is clear and identifies specific activities and dates for completion / Plan is outlined and has some connection to the objectives;
goals of the project are stated, realistic, and clear; timeline is
included, list activities and dates for completion / Instructional plan is
outlined and goals of the grant are stated;
timeline is included. / The plan is incomplete
Quality of Project Design
20 points / Identifies multiple ways the grant will align with the school and district vision. / Shares one way that the grant is aligned with school and district vision / Shares only the information that the grant is aligned with school and district vision, there are no examples to support it. / No reference to alignment
Quality of Project Design
20 points / Objectives are defined, obtainable, and address the schools need and capacity for implementing IMPACT. The educational outcomes are stated and are measurable. / The objectives are defined and address a need. Educational outcomes are stated. / The objectives are defined. Educational
Outcomes are not clearly stated and cannot be measured effectively. / The objectives are not clear; no measurable outcomes are included.
Quality of Project Design
20 points / Identifies multiple ways the grant will align with the district and state initiatives. / Shares one way that the grant is aligned with the district and state initiatives. / Shares only the information that the grant is aligned with the district and state initiatives. There are no examples to support it. / No reference to alignment
Quality of Project Design
20 points / The project has the potential to involve a great number of students and staff in activities with a long-term impact. / The project has the potential to involve a great number of students and staff in activities with some impact. / The indication is that this project will only impact a few students and staff or will produce only
short-term benefit. / Potential impact on students and staff is not addressed.
Quality of Project Design
20 points / Objectives for collaborative planning and staff development are defined, obtainable, and address the schools needs. There is a well defined plan for both activities. / The objectives for collaborative planning and staff development are defined and address a need. An outline plan for both activities is present / The objectives for collaborative planning and staff development are defined. A plan is not clearly identified or developed. / The objectives are not clear.
Quality of Management Plan
20 points / An evaluation component is built into the project. Method for evaluating the effectiveness of the project is included, and specific evaluation activities are identified. / An evaluation component is built into the project. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the project are included. / References to evaluating the effectiveness of the project are not specific. / Evaluation is not addressed.
Quality of Management Plan
20 points / Timeline is clearly stated, with realistic dates that are obtainable. All activities are linked to the timeline. / Timeline is clear with realistic dates that are attainable. / Timeline is not clear or is not realistic for the successful completion of activities. / No timeline is included.
Quality of Management Plan
20 points / Detailed information about stakeholders and partnership involvement is identified / Information about stakeholders and partnerships are identified / Information about partnerships are identified / No information is provided about either group
Quality of Management Plan
20 points / Data is used to identify the need for the project, the expected outcomes of the project with regard to teachers and students and to explain why the change is important to the school culture / Data is used to identify the need for the project, the expected outcomes of the project with regard to teachers and students. / Data is used to identify the need for the project. / Data is not used to support this area.
Plan for Sustainability
20 points / An evaluation component is built into the project. Method for evaluating the effectiveness of the project is included, and specific activities are identified on how to sustain the project once grant funding is gone. / An evaluation component is built into the project. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the project are included on how to sustain the project once grant funding is gone. / References to sustaining the project are not specific / Sustainability is not addressed.
Adequacy of Resources
20 points / Provides detailed information on acquisition of resources needed by participants and the school with funding other than grant money / Provides information on acquisition of resources needed by participants and the school with grant money only / Provides information on acquisition of resources needed by the participants with grant money only / No information is provided about the acquisition of resources needed
Adequacy of Resources
20 points / Provides detailed information on a staff development plan that includes capitalizing on the cohort’s experiences in their courses at the school level. / Provides detailed information on a staff development plan at the school level. / Provides information on staff development at the school level. / No information is provided about staff development at the school level.
Total Points
Additional Points: Cannot exceed more than 3 for each area, except as noted
Additional Points / Grant aligns to Race to the Top and to Title I/Title II initiativesAdditional Points / Collaborative partnerships exist with one or more ineligible schools
Additional Points / Eligible school is a Priority School with less than 60% of students at grade level or better
Additional Points / The school level technology plan aligns with the district technology plan. The school level technology plan may be a component of the School Improvement Plan.
Additional Points / Principal participates (instead of Assistant principal): 15 points
Additional Points / Total Points awarded: A maximum of 3 points per item, except item #5
Grant Scoring:
Total Points AwardedAdditional Points
Points Lost
Additional comments: