8th Grade Introduction to French Descriptive Adjectives Unit
Descriptive Adjectives Lesson 1
LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will learn to describe people and objects in French.
ANTICIPATORY SET: Greet students and ask how they are in French. Ask about weekends. Give students plan for the day: introduce classroom vocabulary, read and repeat, show examples, worksheet.
1. Pass out descriptive adjectives vocabulary sheet
2. Read vocabulary words slowly and allow students to guess what each words means
3. Give students English words for vocabulary they don’t know
4. Read vocabulary words and have students repeat them
5. Read and show examples of how adjectives are used in French
6. Pass out fill in the blank worksheet, show example, do some as a class, and have students to the rest on their own.
7. Closure: Collect completed worksheets and tell students who haven’t finished to do it for homework. Thank the students for a great class. Explain what we will do in the next lesson. Students must put up their chairs and wait for the bell to be dismissed.
MODELING: Reading the vocabulary words to model pronunciation, showing and reading examples of adjectives used in context, showing an example question and answer on the worksheet.
CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING: I will ask questions after each step of the lesson to make sure that my students are keeping up and understanding. Their worksheets will allow me to see if they are beginning to understand the material or not.
GUIDED PRACTICE: Repeating the vocab words, working on the first few fill in the blank questions together as a class.
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Completing the fill in the blank worksheet individually.
CLOSURE: Collect completed worksheets and tell students who haven’t finished to do it for homework. Thank the students for a great class. Explain what we will do in the next lesson. Students must put up their chairs and wait for the bell to be dismissed.
ASSESSMENT: By doing their worksheets, I assess if they are beginning to understand the concept of descriptive adjectives.
Nouveux Mots de Vocabulaires : Les adjectifs descriptifs
Français :Anglais :
Descriptive Adjectives Fill in the Blank : Fill in the blanks with the correct adjective from the box below.
Blond / Gros / Blonde / GentillesMéchant / Petit / Géniale / Marrant
1. Corrinne est grande. Elle n’est pas ______.
2. Mon ami est sérieux. Il n’est pas ______.
3. Les copines de Marie sont sympas. Elles sont ______.
4. Luc n’est pas gentil. Il est ______.
5. Sandrine est pénible. Elle n’est pas ______.
6. Paul et Lucien sont minces. Ils ne sont pas ______.
7. David a les cheveux noirs. Il n’est pas ______.
8. Mme Duval a les cheveux roux. Elle n’est pas ______.
Descriptive Adjectives Lesson 2
STANDARDS: Communications, Comparisons, Connections
LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to make adjectives agree with their subjects.
ANTICIPATORY SET: Greet students and ask how they are in French. Tell students plan for the day: review vocabulary by reading and repeating the new words, listening activity, Introduce adjective agreement, show examples, grammavision, writing activity.
1. Review classroom vocabulary: read and repeat
2. Listening activity: I read selection in French and students answer questions based on what I read.
3. Introduce adjective agreement: show examples, ask students why each one is different and give them a chance to discuss with partners. Ask for volunteers to explain to the class. Explain the concept and show more examples.
4. Show grammavision video from the textbook dvd and do the following activity as a class.
5. Written activity: Students must write a paragraph describing their best friends. I will show examples of how their paragraph should look. They will first brainstorm with partners, then have the rest of the hour to work on paragraphs.
6. Closure: Students must turn in what they have completed from their writing before leaving. Thank the students for a great class. Tell them what we are doing the next day.
MODELING: Reading and repeating the vocabulary. Showing examples of adjective agreement. Showing examples of the writing assignment.
CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING: Asking questions throughout the lesson.
GUIDED PRACTICE: Discussing with partners why the examples are different. Brainstorming before the writing.
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Listening activity and writing activity
CLOSURE: Students must turn in what they have completed from their writing before leaving. Thank the students for a great class. Tell them what we are doing the next day.
ASSESSMENT: Listening and writing activities.
Listening activity:
Script: Bonjour, je m’appelle Céline et je suis une étudiante. Je suis brune et petite. J’ai un frère qui s’appelle Jean. Jean est blond et fort. Nous sommes créatifs et généreux.
Questions :
Vrai ou Faux ?
1. I am a student.
2. I have blond hair.
3. I have a brother named Jean.
4. Jean is strong
5. We are both short.
6. We are both creative and generous.
Descriptive Adjectives Lesson 3
LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to conjugate and use the verb être (to be) correctly
ANTICIPATORY SET: Greet students and ask how they are in French. Warm up by having students describe themselves to a partner in French.
1. Review Vocabulary: I read the words and students repeat after me.
2. Reading activity: Students will read a selection in French and answer the questions that follow. After finishing, they will compare their answers with partners. I will then ask for volunteers to give their answers to the class.
3. Être (to be) introduction: I will use the same reading activity to introduce the verb être. First I will ask students to discuss what they think it means. Then they will circle all of the different conjugations they can find in the text. I will then write them on the board, explain the verb, and show examples. Show “Dance être remix” song.
4. Speaking activity: Students pick the name of a celebrity from a hat. They must describe who the celebrity is to a partner and partner guesses who it is.
5. Closure: Exit slip: Each student must guess their partner’s celebrity before leaving. I thank the students for a great class. Explain what we will do the next day. Students must put their chairs up and wait for bell to be dismissed.
MODELING: Reading and repeating the vocabulary, showing examples of être, and modeling how to ask and answer the questions for the speaking activity.
CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING: Asking comprehension questions, walking around to see if students understand while working on activities
GUIDED PRACTICE: Asking students about être
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Reading and speaking activities
CLOSURE: Exit slip: Each student must guess their partner’s celebrity before leaving. I thank the students for a great class. Explain what we will do the next day. Students must put their chairs up and wait for bell to be dismissed.
ASSESSMENT: Exit slip, Reading activity
Reading Activity:
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow.
Ma copine Juliette et moi, nous sommes brunes. Juliette est petite, mais moi, je suis grande. Elle est mince et elle est très intelligente. Et Julien et Pierre ? Ils sont bruns aussi. Pierre est génial ! Julien est un peu timide, mais il est super-cool ! Et toi ? Tu es comment ?
Vrai ou Faux ?
1. Juliette has brown hair
2. I am short
3. Juliete is fat
4. Pierre has blond hair
5. Julien is shy
Descriptive Adjectives Lesson 4
LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to describe people and objects using French adjectives and the verb être (to be)
ANTICIPATORY SET: Greet students and ask how they are in French. Warm up: ask them to write down the conjugations of être on a scrap piece of paper. Tell students plan for the day: Review adjectives, review être, dice game, step on it.
1. Ask for volunteers to come up and write être conjugations on the board
2. Review être: listen and sing along to the Dance être remix song, play dice game: in pairs, students get dice. Each number represents a subject. Students roll the dice and conjugate être for the subject they rolled.
3. Review adjectives: read and repeat adjective vocabulary, play step on it: Papers with French vocabulary words written on them. I say the vocabulary word in English, students step on the correct word in French.
4. Closure: Tell students to clean up classroom. Ask for any final questions. Tell students we will review one more day and then they will be tested on adjectives and être. Tell students to come prepared with any questions about the material or test the next day.
MODELING: Modeling how to play the dice game and step on it. Reading the adjectives and having the students repeat them.
CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING: I check the être conjugations that the students wrote down. Ask for questions throughout the class period.
GUIDED PRACTICE: Students writing down the être conjugations, vocabulary repetition
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Dice game, step on it
CLOSURE: Tell students to clean up classroom. Ask for any final questions. Tell students we will review one more day and then they will be tested on adjectives and être. Tell students to come prepared with any questions about the material or test the next day.
ASSESSMENT: Informal assessment, être conjugations
Descriptive Adjectives Lesson 5
LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to conjugate the French verb être and adjectives to describe people and objects.
ANTICIPATORY SET: Greet students and ask how they are in French. Tell them plan for the day: Test review: white board practice, running game, frap frap, questions
1. White board practice: Students each have their own white board. I say a phrase in English, students write it in French.
2. Running game: Students stand in a circle. Each have a card with a vocabulary word in French. There are two cards for each word. One student is in the middle of the circle. I say a word in English, the two students who have that word in French must switch spots in the circle before the person in the middle takes one of their spots.
3. Frap Frap: être conjugations and vocabulary are on the board. Students are split into two teams. One person from each team comes up to the board. I say a word in English. Students must hit the French equivalent with a fly swatter. First person to hit the correct word wins a point for the team.
4. Closure: Tell students what to expect for test. Answer any questions. Thank students for a great class. Students must put up their chairs and wait for the bell to be dismissed.
MODELING: I model how to play each of the games
CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING: Asking comprehension questions, observing students while they are playing games
GUIDED PRACTICE: White board activity
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Running game and frap frap
CLOSURE: Tell students what to expect for test. Answer any questions. Thank students for a great class. Students must put up their chairs and wait for the bell to be dismissed.
ASSESSMENT: No assessment, only review. Assessment next day.
Descriptive Adjectives Lesson 6
LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will show mastery of French adjectives and the verb, être
ANTICIPATORY SET: Greet students, ask for any last minute questions
1. Ask for any last minute questions about the test
2. Explain test directions
3. Pass out tests
4. Closure: Collect all tests. Thank students for their hard work. Students must put chairs up and wait for bell to be dismissed.
MODELING: Examples for each part of the test are provided for students
CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING: Asking for questions at the beginning, observing students while they are taking the test
GUIDED PRACTICE: Looking over the test as a class before students begin
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Students take tests independently
CLOSURE: Closure: Collect all tests. Thank students for their hard work. Students must put chairs up and wait for bell to be dismissed.
ASSESSMENT: Students are assessed on the adjectives and verb that they have been studying. Assessment consists of matching, fill in the blank, and writing.
A. Valentine is talking about people and things at her school. Add the appropriate forms of the adjectives in parentheses.
Modèle: Elle est ______(grand).
Elle est grande.
1. Eric et Ali sont ______(beau).
2. Il y a un ______élève à l’école (nouveau).
3. Marielle a les yeux ______(marron).
4. Il y a de ______livres à la bibliothèque (vieux).
B. Alain and Amélie are twins and identical in every way. Describe Amélie based on these statements about Alain.
Modèle: Alain est brun. Amélie est brune aussi.
1. Alain est fort. ______
2. Alain est assez timide. ______
3. Alain est génial. ______
4. Alain est assez grand. ______
5. Alain est créatif. ______
6. Alain est très généreux. ______
C. Match each être conjugation to the correct subject.
_____1. Jea. Sommes
_____ 2. Tub. Sont
_____ 3. Ilc. Suis
_____ 4. Nousd. Es
_____ 5. Vousf. Êtes
_____ 6. Ellesg. Est