St. Teresa’s Church, Rathduff
Fr. Des Smith, C.C. (096) 21596 & 087 7785315
Mass Intentions from Sat. 21st Oct. to Sun. 29th Nov. 2015
Sat. 21st Nov. [V] 7.00 p.m.: Michael (Anniv.) & Tommy Walsh
Sun. 22nd Nov. 10.00 a.m.: James & Bridget Collins, Ballinaraha,
Jack & Kate Dunbar, Straide
Mon. 23rd Nov. 10.00 a.m.: Michael Walsh, Barnfield
Tue. 24th Nov. 10.00 a.m.: Con Coughlan
Wed. 25th Nov. 10.00 a.m.: Michael & Celia O’Boyle & Michael McDermott
Thu. 26th Nov. 10.00 a.m.: William Murphy (Anniv.) Derrynamuck
Fri. 27th Nov. 10.00 a.m.: Jack & Mary Nealon
Sat. 28th Nov. 10.00 a.m.: Frank O’Hara
12 Noon: Breege Jordan (Celebrant: Fr. Sean Killeen)
Sat. 28th Nov. [V] 7.00 p.m.: Mary Ellen & Tom Timlin & decd. Ormsby & Timlin families
Sun. 29th Nov. 10.00 a.m.: Patrick, Mary, Margaret, Noel & Josephine Hanahoe &
Billy Holmes
CONFESSIONS: Sat. 6.30 p.m. & after Mass
READERS: 29th Nov. [V] Joe Dolan. [10] Rachel McLoughlin.
E. MINISTERS: 29th Nov. [V] Lena Healy. [10] Joan Langan.
CHURCH CLEANERS: Group 2: Mary Cawley, Sandra Cawley, Carmel Timlin.
Adoration on Wed. 25th Nov. after mass until 11.30 am.
Mini-Ceilí: Every Sun. night in the Mayfly Hotel, Foxford – from 8.30 p.m.
Grow Meetings: Tues. 8 p.m. in Ballina Community Centre. Confidential. 094 9026417.
Sewing/Alterations service: Please contact 085 1677445.
Crisis Pregnancy Support Services: Cura cares! 1850 622 626.
Accord: Counselling for people experiencing difficulties in their marriage – 096 21478.
Bingo in Knockmore C. Hall: Mon. 23rd Nov. 8.30pm. €2,600 in prizes. Please Support.
Conn Rangers FC Lotto: 16/11/15 – 7. 12. 22. 29. No Jackpot winner. Season Tickets – Michael Dunne, Kevin Armstrong, G. Flynn. Weekly Tickets – Mary Kennedy, Sean Reape, Peg Holmes. Next draw in Brogan’s Bar, Mon. 23rd Nov. Jackpot is €6,750.
Chimney Cleaning Service: Power washing & Hedgecutting – Contact David 086 895 7181.
Timber for Sale: Contact – 087 3308831.
Kennedy Open Lecture: In Newman Inst. Ballina, Tues. 24th Nov. 8pm. Ms. Noelle Fitzpatrick & Mr. Stephen Farley, who work with Trocaire Syrian Support Prog. will address the topic: “The Refugee Crisis and Us.” Spaces limited, please book. 096 72066.
Vineyard: Deadline for receipt of articles is Mon. 30th Nov. Email to or drop it in to The Newman Institute marked “Vineyard”.
The Tan's Field Commemorative Booklet: Is on sale in Corcoran’s shop & GAA clubrooms. Proceeds will go to Foxford Alzheimers Trust.
Tea Dance: In Browne Memorial Hall, Foxford, Sun. 6th Dec. Music 2-6pm. Refreshments & Raffle. Adm. €10. All welcome. Info. from Mairead 086 3636896.
Castleconnor Amateur Dramatic Society: Present “Cinderella” on Sat. 28th & Sun. 29th Nov. in Castleconnor C. Centre. Doors open 7.30. Curtain up 8.30pm. Tickets available at the door.
Western Care: Monster Bingo in Royal Theatre, Castlebar. Sun. 29th Nov. 3pm. €10,000 prizes.
Healing & Renewal Retreat: Experience God’s love and mercy through the healing ministry of Fr. John Keane & Fr. Bill Keogh. In Holyrood Hotel, Bundoran Fri. 4th – Sun. 6th Dec. Info. from Patricia 085 8373680 or Mary 087 7847304.
Fr. Michael Flynn, P.P. 094 9258108/087 2640015
Church of Christ the King, Knockmore
Feast of Christ the King – 22nd November 2015
Sat. 21st Nov. [V] 8.00 p.m.: Bernadette Langan, Currabaggan East
Sun. 22nd Nov. 11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish
Mon. 23rd Nov. 10.00 a.m.: Paddy & Dan Jordan & decd. family
Tues. 24th Nov. 10.00 a.m.: Mike Walsh, Barnfield
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament this Tuesday 10.30 to 6.30 pm
Wed. 25th Nov. 10.00 a.m.: Anthony & Bridget McHale & decd. McHale family
Thur. 26th Nov. 7.00 p.m.: Mary Ellen, James & Margaret Feeney
Fri. 27th Nov. 10.00 a.m.: Jim & Delia Bourke, Stonepark,
& decd. Bourke & Durcan families
Sat. 28th Nov. 10.00 a.m.: Brendan Geary, Pontoon
Sat. 28th Nov. [V] 8.00 p.m.: Mary & Michael Nallon, Currabaggan
Sun. 29th Nov. 11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish
CONFESSIONS: Sat. evening after Vigil Mass.
READERS: 29th Nov. [V] Confirmation pupils. [11] Mary Nestor.
E. MINISTERS: [V] M. Corcoran & N. Barrett. [11] B. Coleman & Gabriel Bourke.
SERVERS: [V] Louise Smyth& Abbie McHale. [11] Sean & Sinead McLoughlin.
CHURCH CLEANING: Mary Lowndes, Pauline Doherty & Cherie McHale.
COUNTERS: (Nov. – Group C)
COELIACS: Please contact the priest to arrange to receive Holy Communion.
Confirmation Enrolment Ceremony: At Vigil Mass next Sat. 28th Nov.
Next Children’s Mass: Sun. 6th Dec. 11am. Practice on Wed. 2nd Dec. 7.00 pm for all involved.
Keeping Children Safe: Diocesan Confidential phone No. 087 3664350 – if you have any concerns. Details are on the Church Notice Board.
Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party: There will be a second collection at all Masses next weekend to help defray the cost of the party, which takes place on Sun. 13th Dec.
Recent Death: Please remember in your prayers – Agnes McNicholas, Straide, (nee Timlin); all whose anniversaries occur at this time and all our Faithful Departed. May they rest in the Peace of Christ.
November Masses for our Dead: Envelopes available at church doors.
Indulgences for our Faithful Departed in November
A partial Indulgence applicable to the Holy Souls can be gained for the rest of the month of November, by the faithful who visit a cemetery & pray for the dead and for the Pope’s Intentions.
Are you terrified of speaking in public? Learn to speak with confidence. Ballina Toastmasters Club are meetingthis Thurs. (26th November) at 7.45 the Hotel Ballina on the Foxford Road (old Foxford Road).
40 Year Shave: (Paul Reddington) Funds for Hospice. In Hotel Ballina, Tues. 8th Dec. 8.30 p.m.
Thank you! To all the families who supported the shoebox appeal.
Foxford Traditional Singing and Poetry Group: Will meet in The Mayfly Hotel on Thursday, November 26th at 9.15pm.All welcome.