Performance Task
Task Developer: Cassie Webb______
Topic: Earth in the Universe / Clarifying Objective: 3.E.1.1 Recognize that the earth is part of a system called the solar system that includes the sun (a star), planets, and many moons and the earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system.Essential Standard: 3.E.1 Recognize the major components and patterns observed in the earth/moon/sun system / Common Core Standard: W2
Before the task: -Students have been introduced to and are familiar with the vocabulary sun, star, moon, planet, rotation, and revolution
-Have students do a role-play in which one student is the Sun, one is the Earth, one is the Moon and they actually work together to rotate and revolve correctly
-Note-card Activity (each student has 2 note-cards, they write down everything they know about the sun, moon, earth, and how they interact. Copy this information on the other card and leave it at your desk. Students will take one of the cards and go around the room trading cards and reading what other people wrote. They will then invite people into groups of 3 or 4 and share everything on their new index cards they have. Students will return to their original tables and share all the note-cards with each other. Students will then add all the new information to their index card to use this as a resource when writing)
Task: You are a 3rd grade expert; you have to teach a 2nd grade student what the earth, moon, and sun are and how they interact with each other. You must include some type of graphic (diagram, picture, cartoon, etc) to help you teach the student. You also have to write an explanation of how they interact in a paragraph.
Critical attributes of the answer (content expectations): use of content vocabulary (ex: the sun is a star, the earth is a planet, the earth has one moon, the moon revolves around the earth, the earth rotates on an axis, the earth revolves around the sun)
-the graphic created is accurate/correct
-student correctly identifies the sun, earth, and moon
-student correctly states how they relate to each other (rotation/revolution)