Coordinating Group Meeting St Marys Centre
Thursday 18 August 2011
Meeting minutes
Chair: Councillor Vincent Davis
Minutes: John O’Reilly {Ladywell Assembly Coordinator}
Attendees: Gordon Cowie, Tom Herbert, Tayo Disu, Geoffrey Thurley, Elizabeth Ward
1 Welcome and ApologiesCllr Davis opened the meeting at 6:30pm and thanked everyone for attending.
There were apologies from Katie Miller, Kevin Jeffrey, Valerie Webber and Tony Major
No other apologies were received. / Action Points
2 Minutes of previous Coordination Group meeting (11 April 2011)
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the group
3 Review of previous assembly meeting (Thursday 12 May 2011)
The attendance was reasonable with a noticeable absence of younger members of the community. The speakers were well received and the audience participation was good. The tables probably needed to be closer together to encourage more interaction between the groups.
The signage was a problem with a few complaints of not being able to find the venue. Elizabeth explained that local children removed the temporary signs which were erected leading to some difficulties on the night. In future, a caretaker will be required from 5pm and this will need to be paid from the assembly budget. There was no charge at the previous assembly.
The overall view was that the venue was more suitable for a summer assembly and there were many positive aspects to using this venue again.
Geoffrey raised concerns about the Lewisham Hospital Foundation status proposals. There was little time available between the end of the assembly meeting and the closing date for comments to be submitted. / John to invite Youth Services to next assembly
4 Assembly Fund applications and decision process
John presented a paper setting out the 13 applications for the assembly fund amounting to £89,098.50. The assembly fund allocation for 2011/12 is £43,750. The balance of the fund following the installation of the hanging baskets in Ladywell Village is £42,726. This is the total amount which will be formally bid at the 6 September assembly.
There were a couple of applications that required urgent clarification in terms of their relevance to the Ladywell ward area. Brockley County Football Club needed to give more information about where the activity will be taking place and John has been trying to speak to them without success. Glendales also needed to be contacted to clarify some financial details. John to speak to the organisations concerned and report back.
John proposed that the Forest Hill assembly fund model be adopted in Ladywell. Instead of the conventional presentations and voting, it was decided to invite organisations to have a display stall where residents can roam around and speak to them individually. There will be an opportunity for community updates and residents will be given a chance to vote for their favourite projects towards the end of the meeting. After discussion It was agreed to use this format at the next assembly.
A discussion then followed concerning the most suitable method of voting for the assembly. It was agreed to ask residents to choose 6 from the 13 projects on the ballot sheet. Volunteers will then count up the votes and the monies will be allocated to the successful projects until all the assembly fund has been used up. Approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes will be permitted from the beginning of the meeting until residents can exercise their vote/s.
The ballot paper will be given out at the reception point where people sign- in. Residents will be asked if they ‘live, work or study in the Ladywell ward area’. Only those who meet this criteria will be allowed to vote at the meeting. A brief explanation of the process will be included at the back of the ballot sheet and members of the co-group will monitor the voting procedure.
/ John to talk to Brockley County Football Club and Glendales
John to draw up assembly agenda
John to produce ballot paper and co-group to monitor voting procedure at assembly
6. Planning stages next assembly meeting to be held on Thursday 22 September 2011 at the St Andrews Centre
Draft agenda
The preferred agenda was as follows:
· Welcome and brief introduction to the assembly (Cllr Davis)
· Opportunity for residents to meet the organisations presenting to the assembly (1 hour 15 minutes)
· Safer Neighbourhood Team Update (Sgt David Hawtin to be invited to make the presentation)
· Community Updates
· Announcement of assembly fund vote
· Close of assembly business
The door to door letter will be delivered approximately 10 working days prior to the assembly meeting. The text will be minimal as the coverage will mostly include the assembly fund event.
John to draft and circulate.
Posters/leaflets to be delivered to key locations in the Ladywell ward. Possible locations include Crofton Park Library, St Andrews Church and Adelaide Avenue GP Practice. Geoffrey would like 1 A3 poster and 4 A4 copies. Tayo has also requested A3 posters (x7).
13 Tables to be located throughout the hall with an informal seating area where tea, coffee and refreshments available from approximately 6:45pm.
Tayo will arrange an update on the Playtower
Elizabeth expressed concern about the ongoing traffic issues in the Chudleigh Road area. Cllr Davies explained that this can be taken up separately under members casework without referral to the assembly.
There being no other business the meeting was concluded at 8:25pm
No declarations of interest were made at the meeting.