GPC May14, 2015Session Minutes-v1 Approved
Student Ministry Building, 7pm – 9pm
- Session Attendees:Joe Green, John Hunsperger, Shauna Lynch, Sherri Stuart, Marian Yoder,Rev. Lyle Schmidt (moderator)
- Excused: Charles Moresco, Craig Miner, Gary George, Ric Heinzen, Gene Sakahara
- Guests: Jodi Heinzen, GPC Treasurer, Mark McPherson (tax consultant), Josh Ferreira, Director of Youth Ministry
- Quorum waspresent (5of 10)
- Next Session Meeting: June 11, 2015 (Thursday), 7-9pm @ Student Ministry Building (SMB)
Session Items
- Welcome& reading of Scripture opening prayer -Rev. LyleSchmidt (Moderator)
- Clerk’s Report:
- 230 worshipers received Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday
- Average Sunday attendance by month: Jan=145, Feb= 129, Mar=134, Apr= 130, May= tbd, Jun= tbd, Jul= tbd, Aug= tbd, Sep= tbd, Oct= tbd, Nov= tbd, Dec= tbd; Year: tbd
- Correspondence:
- None
- Membership Changes
- None
- The observance of communion for the 1st Sunday of each month for this quarter was approved; MSA
- Pastor Report – Rev. Lyle Schmidt
- June 7, 2015: Trevor Van Laar will be preaching, and Rev. Joey Lee offering the Sacraments
- June 21, 2015: Ghana Sunday: Autumn Buzzell (director of education at Faith Roots International Academy and one of the directors of City of Refuge Ministries in Ghana) will be giving the message and we will have a table set up in the court yard during coffee time. Janet Espinosa will be doing the announcements and Alissa Purcell Smith will be doing the Children's message. The "Hole" group is coordinating.
- June 28, 2015: Youth Sunday Service, Day Camp Carnival, and all day barbecue
- July26 - August 16, 2015: Rev. Lyle will be on vacation
- Sept 26, 2015: GPC to host Presbytery of San Jose Meeting Sept 26, 2015
- Bi/laws revision –needs to be done---standing rules and bi-laws of GPC, were revised in 2/5/13 and need to be looked at in the near future
- Presbyterian Foundation provides online tithing for Churches at a fraction of the cost of Go Fund Me site.
- Treasurer's March & YTD Financial Summary Report - provided by Jodi Heinzen (Treasurer);MSA
March Income:$33,557YTD Income:$110,735
March Expenses: $25,282YTD Expenses:$69,185
$8,275 $41,550
General Funds:
Balance on 1/1/2015:$68,645
Cash Assets on 3/31/2015 $174,979
Less Dedicated Accounts$72,006
End Balance on 3/31/2015 $102,973= Difference of $34,328
- Workers Compensation was listed twice in the budget; line 20 and line 89. Line 20 was removed.
- GPC total Per capita for this year is based on a membership of 357, with San Jose Presbytery (SJP) requesting $31/member; $18.73 Presbytery, $5.22 Synod, and $7.05 GA
- GPC will be paying Per capita quarterly to SJP throughout the year
- Personnel Report – Gene Sakahara
- None.
- Nominating Report – John Hunsperger
- None.
- Worship Report –John H., Marian Y., Shauna L.
- Team is working on proposal for hiring a Worship Leader; both a half time, orfull time Leader.
- Facilities Report – Gary George, Rich Heinzen, John Hunsperger
- Painting in the bathrooms was completed. A rather large cost was accrued for fixing a water irrigation value; $2K, and some more discussions of facility work planned.
- Christian Education Report –Josh Ferreira/Joe Green
- Josh passed out Youth Ministry Calendar for the year, and talked about activity plans for the near future & summer. Josh to investigate banners to advertise Day Camp, and also Youth Group Banner. 28th of June
- Deacons Report – John Hunsperger
- Three deacons volunteered to help with communion.
- Misc. Items – Session/Pastor
- Mark McPherson came and gave us an update on the taxes for the church property.
- Closing Prayer – Rev. Lyle Schmidt
- Minutes mustered byJoe Green, Clerk of Session: ______Date: 5/14/2015_
v1: Original by Joe Green