State Scientific Institute
All-Russian Oilcrops Research Institute V.S. Pustovojt
of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Colleagues,
We are inviting you to take part in the 6th International Conference of Junior Researchers and Experts titled „Directions of innovative research on oilcrops breeding and production technology“, to be held at All-Russian Oilcrops Research Institute (address: Russia, 350038, Krasnodar, Filatova St.17, VNIIMK) from 21 to 22 February 2011.
Conference Sections:
1. Selection and seed production / 6. Plant protection2. Physiology / 7. Ecology
3. Biotechnology / 8. Agrochemistry
4. Biochemistry / 9. Field crops production
5. Genetics / 10. Economics
In order to timely prepare the book of proceedings, participants are asked to send an application and a paper in the electronic form, up to 5 A4 pages long, by 14 January 2011. The proceedings are planned to be published before the beginning of the conference.
Paper requirements. Papers in MS Word formats *.rtf, *.doc or *.doch (file name – surname of first author in Latin alphabet: sidorov.rtf) should be sent to the e-mail address . Each author (up to 35 years of age) is permitted to send not more than two papers. Coauthorship is allowed. Authors of papers must have a degree below Ph.D. In the text or in footnotes it is permitted to specify that "the work was conducted under the guidance or in cooperation with…" specifying the degree and title of project leader. Participation in the conference and publication of conference materials are free of charge. The received papers may be moderately edited, but they will not be returned to authors.
Paper language – Russian, English. It is allowed to illustrate the manuscript with tables, formulae, graphs and drawings, attached in editable files. The paper should be accompanied with a list of references, prepared in accordance with GOST 7.1.-2003 and a compulsory oral presentation (in Russian and English). Text orientation is portrait, table orientation is portrait or landscape, single spacing; top and bottom margins 4.2 cm, left/right margins 3.7 cm; font Tahoma, font size 10, font size in tables 9.
Paper structure. Paper title (bold, capital), Surname I.P. (initials of name and patronym) of author(s) (one or several) (bold, lowercase), institution, postal and electronic address (regular font, lowercase), text body (first row in paragraph indented 1.25 cm). The paper should comprise: an introduction with literature review (numbered, literature sources in square brackets), Objective(s) of Research, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Literature.
Registration form:
Oral presentation in Russian– not longer than 10 rows.
The best paper, that fits the requirements of the scientific journal „Масличные культуры“, will be published in the journal free of charge. The journal is included in the List of Reviewed Scientific Journals of VAK.
Address of Conference Organizers:
350038, город Краснодар, ул. Филатова 17, ГНУ ВНИИ масличных культур им. В.С.Пустовойта Россельхозакадемии.
Information by telephone:
(861) 254-29-99 Бочкарев Николай Иванович, Deputy Director of Science
(861) 275-85-03, (918) 411-00-79 Бушнев Александр Сергеевич, President of SMU
Fax: (861) 254-27-80 e-mail:
Important notice! To be accepted for printing, the paper should conform to the conference subject matter.
for participation in the 6th International Conference of Junior Researchers and Experts titled „Directions of innovative research on oilcrops breeding and production technology“ (Инновационные направления исследований в селекции и технологии возделывания масличных культур)
(filled out by participant)
Date of birth
Place of work, study
Work position
Scientific degree /title
Office phone (including area code)
Home phone (including area code)
E-mail (obligatory)
Paper subject
Accommodation / Needed Not needed
INSTITUTE / Institute (full title)
Head of institute (PIO (surname, name, patronym), scientific degree)
Postal code
Telephone (including area code)