Chapter 13 Guided Reading
(Southern Europe) (pages 310-329)
(Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece)
- What are the three peninsulas of Southern Europe?
Italian - Italy Iberian- Portugal/Spain
Balkan- Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia,
Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, and the European part of Turkey
- What type of landforms cover most of Southern Europe?
Primarily Rugged Mountains, peninsulas, islands, bodies of water
- What religion do most of the people of Greece belong to?
The Orthodox Christianity / Family is the cornerstone of Greek culture
- What is the state of Greece’s economy?
It is not as strong as other European countries, but it is growing due to increased tourism.
/ Urbanization, Shipping on navigable rivers
- Give three reasons why religion is important in the lives of most Italians.
Most Italians are Roman Catholic, The Pope lives in the Vatican City, near Rome, on the Italian Peninsula, and religious holidays and festivals are major events.
- How are Northern Italy and Southern Italy similar? Shared religion, strong family ties, grow crops, both encourage tourism, Transportation (RR,Water,Highway,Tunnels)
How are they different?North has strong economy, most fertile farmland (Po River Valley), and industrial centers. Southern has Beaches, poor agriculture
- What did Spain and Portugal build in the Americas? With Imperialism and exploration, Large Empires in Americas and small colonies in Asia and Africa
- What happened to the colonies of Spain and Portugal?1800s-1900s , most colonies rebelled and became independent.
- The climate of most of Southern Europe is the Mediterranean Climate .Special Purpose Map - Humid and Sub Tropical - great for agriculture and travel.
- A __parliamentary monarchy______is a government in which a king rules with the help of an elected body. Spain has a King and a Parliamentary Monarchy.
Portugal has a Republic with elected leaders.
- __Vatican City______is an independent state located within the city of Rome.
Page 344 European Union (EU) Chart
Brexit is an abbreviation for "British exit," which refers to the June 23, 2016, referendum whereby British citizens voted to exit the European Union. The referendum roiled global markets, including currencies, causing the British pound to fall to its lowest level in decades. Prime Minister David Cameron, who supported the United Kingdom remaining in the European Union, resigned on July 13 as a result. Home Secretary Theresa May, leader of the Conservative Party, became Prime Minister.
Chapter 14 Guided Reading
(Western Europe) (Pages 332-353)
( France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein)
- Where is the best farmland in West-Central Europe?
North European Plain ; Largest Cities are also in this Region
- How might the region’s water features have affected its economic development?
Navigable rivers and nearness to seas and ocean encouraged the growth of trade and movement.
- In what period of modern history has France been a battlefield? World War I & II
- What are two major contributions the French have made to art and architecture/culture?
impressionism, Gothic cathedrals, democracy, classic literature, arts, chefs, fashion, and film, perfumes, wine, Eiffel Tower,
- What is France’s largest city and capital?Paris 10 M people (compared to Houston’s 2.2 M)
- What are the Benelux countries? ( Be______,Ne______, Lux______) Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
- Why are the Benelux countries also known as the Low Countries? low elevation Netherlands Harbors promote International Trade - North Sea Low an Flat - Holland - Dutch famous for Tulips and Rotterham is the world’s Busiest Seaport
Belgium -Brussells EU and NATO Capitals
Luxemburg Forests Smaller than Rhode Island, Roman Catholic, French & German Spoken, Economy: Banking, Steel, Chemicals and is very cosmopolitan (cultural mix)
- How were the governments of East Germany and West Germany different?
Democracy in West Germany, Communism in East Germany (remember “Go West Young Man!”) 1961 Wall Up 1989 Wall Down 1990 Berlin Reunited.
- Why did East Germans try to escape to West Germany? They did not like living under communism (U) and wanted the freedoms of a democratic (L) country.
IMMIGRATION 2016 - Multicultural - Recruiting Immigrants - b/c Shortage of Skilled Labor
Challenges of Cultural Blending
- What famous classical composers have come from Germany? Bach and Beethoven
Other Achievements: Chemistry, Engineering, Medicine, Physics, Economic GIANT, High Exports, BMW, VW, Autobahn freeway Agriculture: Potatoes, Grain, Grapes and Timber
- What are three ways Austria and Switzerland are alike?
They are landlocked, highly influenced by German culture, once part of the Holy Roman Empire
- Identify the international city and capital of Belgium. Brussels
- What is another name for the prime minister of Germany? Chancellor
Problems in Europe = Deforestation from Air Pollution, Drought, Fires, Pest - Human Environment Interaction
Eastern Europe best farmland list of natural
France - Republic, Parliament and President (L) Catholic, Still controls some areas from colonies established with
Ch. 15 Guided Reading
(Northern Europe)(Pages 356-373)
(United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland)
- What island northwest of the British Isles is often considered part of Scandinavia?
- Why do you think more people live in the southern part of the region that the North?
Rocky soil, difficult terrain, climate, and a lack of farming make it harder to live in the North.
- What two countries make up the British Isles? The Republic of Ireland and the UK
- Why did the economy of the United Kingdom grow so quickly in the 1700s and 1800s?
The Industrial Revolution created strong industries like textiles, iron, and steel Imperialism also spread their influence and increased their economy by using natural resources from other places in the world
- What event marked the beginning of the time when Great Britain gave up most of its colonies? End of World War II
- Why were Vikings feared during the Middle Ages? They violently conquered the British Isles, Northern France, Finland, as well as parts of Germany and Russia
- Which is the largest and most populous country in Scandinavia? Sweden
- What kind of energy source is widely available in Iceland? Geothermal
- What two European countries are neutral? Sweden and Switzerland
Fjords - narrow inlet of sea between rocky cliffs; glaciers melted to form fjords
Ireland 1840s severe food shortage (famine)