AP Biology Pre-Discussion Questions: Physiology 8- Sensation, Integration, Response


Topic Presentation:

Textbook Reading:

Biozone Pages:

Supplementary Resources:

Crashcourse Biology Videos:

Videos by Paul Anderson:

Questions to answer:

Things you should make sure you understand:


●Open the presentation.

●Interact with it.

●Answer the “Questions to answer”.

●Make sure you understand the “Things you should make sure you understand”.

●Feel free to view the “Supplementary Resources”.

●Write down any questions that you have about the material.

Topic Presentation:

click here

Textbook Reading:

●Chapter 34 (section 34.4-34.5)

●Chapter 35 (whole chapter)

●Chapter 36 (whole chapter)

Biozone Pages:

Volume 2:

●pp. 243 - 262

Supplementary Resources:

Crashcourse Biology Videos:

The Nervous System - CrashCourse Biology #26

The Skeletal System: It's ALIVE! - CrashCourse Biology #30

Big Guns: The Muscular System - CrashCourse Biology #31

Videos by Paul Anderson:

“The Nervous System”

“The Sensory System”

“The Muscular System”

“The Skeletal System”

Questions to answer:

1Explain what all sensory receptors have in common.

2How does the human brain interpret and render the surroundings and state of the body?

3Why are reflex actions adapted to happen without integration by the brain?

4Explain the cognitive functions associated with each of the following brain structures:

aMedula & Pons




5How is muscle structure related to muscle function?

6Why is calcium necessary for muscle contraction?

7How does the nervous system control skeletal muscles?

Things you should make sure you understand:

(feel free to ask questions about them in class)

●How all sense organs function to generate sensory inputs for the nervous system.

●The structure and function of the following divisions of the human nervous system:

○peripheral nervous system vs. central nervous system

○autonomic nervous system vs. motor nervous system

○parasympathetic vs. sympathetic nervous system

●The three major approaches taken to skeletal systems in the animal kingdom. Explain advantages and disadvantages of each.

●The sliding filament model of muscle contraction. Label all proteins involved.