2017 Application
The Goering Center Family and Private Business Awards are an outstanding way to bring recognition and appreciation for your successful business. It's a great opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of your business and employees - and you don't have to be a big business to win!
Applying is simple!Just complete a few questions and you're on your way.The online session will time out in 2 hours.
If you prefer to complete your application online, please click here.
Applications are due by midnight June 15, 2017.
Company Name* Click here to enter text.
Year Founded* Click here to enter text.
Approximate Number of Employees:*Click here to enter text.
Describe your company's products/services:
Answer here:* Click here to enter text.
Principal Owner or CEO Information
Principal Owner/CEO First Name* Click here to enter text.
Principal Owner/CEO Last Name* Click here to enter text.
Street Address* Click here to enter text.
City* Click here to enter text.
State* Click here to enter text.
Zip Code*Click here to enter text.
Email Address* Click here to enter text.
Confirm Email* Click here to enter text.
Phone for Principal Owner/CEO (no cell phone please)* Click here to enter text.
Family Owned:Business in which two or more family members are employed in the business, share ownership, or are primary decision makers; the business family has majority ownership; and are not publicly traded.
Privately Held:An individual or non-related individuals ownmore than 50% of the company.
Company Ownership*
Family Owned ☐
Privately Held ☐
2017 Criteria -Cincinnati Region Success Stories
Our Cincinnati Region is on a roll. OTR, the Banks, streetcar, FC Cincinnati, Newport on the Levee expansion, urban living, restaurants, bars and breweries. The list could go on and on. A key factor driving the success of our region is the vitality of the family and private business community. The focus of the Family and Private Business Awards for 2017 is to recognize individual business achievements within the regional dynamics. Please answer the following questions and share with us your success stories.
1. What was the biggest breakthrough or accomplishment that really distinguished your company this past year - particularly one that had an impact on the community, the vision for your business, the experience of your customers or the engagement of your employees?
Answer here: Please limit your answer to 275 words.* Click here to enter text.
2. Getting objective input and advice from third parties who are not active in your business is recognized as a key practice for the successful operation and growth of any business. In fact, one of the best practices of successful, enduring companies identified by the Goering Center is the establishment of an outside advisory board. An outside board is just one mechanism to obtain the input and advice from third parties. Many other methods are used to obtain third party advice.
A. Please describe where you go to get advice and input from third parties?
Answer here: Please limit your answer to 250 words.* Click here to enter text.
B. What was the best piece of advice that your company received from a third party?
Answer here: Please limit your answer to 250 words. *Click here to enter text.
3. Let's say an out of town reporter for a business paper has just contacted you. She is doing a story to identify and promote the key elements that are driving the success of the Cincinnati region and its business community. Answer the following question posed by the reporter:
Can you provide examples that highlighteither: (i) how the success of the region has contributed to your company’s success; or (ii) how your company has contributed to the success of the region?
Answer here: Please limit your answer to 250 words.* Click here to enter text.
4. All Semi-Finalists will be featured in a special edition of the August 25, 2017 Business Courier.
In 150 words or less provide a company overview that introduces your company to the Business Courier readers. Consider this the “Meet & Greet” section of your application – let your passion and excitement show as you are introducing your company to someone that has never heard of it before. Define the nature of your business, provide vital information highlighting your company’s history (such as founding date, years in business), share your company’s vision and mission, your business accomplishments and your company’s aspirations. In reflection of this year’s criteria, consider including a brief statement referencing the community impact that your business delivered.
Company Profile: Please limit your answer to 150 words. Click here to enter text.
If your company is named one of the 75 Semi-Finalists for a Goering Center Family and Private Award, question #4, "company profile", will appear as written in the August 25, 2017 edition of the Business Courier. Please do not include any personal information, confidential numbers or corporate secrets. Please review and proof your content as neither the Goering Center nor the Business Courier will be responsible for the release of information or errors in your copy.
I approve.
Your company logo will be featured throughout the program. Please email a high-resolution version of your logo to .
Name of person submitting application* Click here to enter text.
Thank you for submitting your application for a Goering Center Family and Private Business Award. All applications will be reviewed by a panel of 4 independent judges. Remember to save the date for the awards presentation 5:30 - 9:00 p.m.,September 12, 2017, at JACK Cincinnati Casino.
If you have any questions, please contact M. B. Hammond at the Goering Center at 513-556-7130 or visit our website at