Learning on Screen Awards 2010 Entry Form
Booking conditions: Entries will be accepted when accompanied by payment by cheque/credit card or an official order. For DVD/VHS or CD-Rom submissions please provide 5 copies of the product. Completed entry forms and payment should be received in full on or before Friday 22nd January 2010.
On receipt of full payment the organisers will remit a VAT receipt. No refunds are available except when a submission does not fall within the entry criteria.
Name / PositionOrganisation / BUFVC/SSBL member
City / Postcode
Email address
Tel number / Fax number
I wish to enter the following production for the Learning on Screen Awards 2010
Title of productionSeries/strand (if applicable)
URL (for website entries)
Running Time (if applicable)
Producer/Director Name
Other credits
Production company/organisation
Published by
Date of production
Description of content
Intended target audience
Educational Context
Links to formal curricula or other resources
Courseware and curriculum related content
General education and learning resource material
Student production (please tick academic level)
Further education Undergraduate Postgraduate
Premier Award
Delivery Platform
Please tick the appropriate delivery platform for entry
Broadcast / Internet / Intranet/closed online systemDVD / VHS / CD-ROM
Video podcast / Other(please state)
Student Award Entries
Name of producer/directorProducer/director email
Name of course
Describe in-house/departmental and external production facilities used
Describe any professional staff/tutor involvement in the production
Name of tutor / Tutor’s signature
Please tick as appropriate, all quoted prices are inclusive of VAT
£110 per entry
£90 per entry for BUFVC and SSBL members
£40 per Student Award entry
Enclosed is a cheque made payable to BUFVC for £
I have arranged a bank transfer for £ to:
Barclays Bank, Soho Square Business Centre, 27 Soho Square, LONDON,
W1A 4WA Account name: British Universities Film & Video Council
Account Number: 10195200 Sort Code: 20-78-98
Please debit my Card (please select from dropdown menu or write in)
Card Number / Expiry DateName of cardholder
Cardholder signature / Date
I confirm that I have read and understood the booking conditions
Signature / DatePlease send your completed booking form and copies of entry by 5.00pm on Friday 22nd January 2010 to:
Learning on Screen Awards 2010
BUFVC, 77 Wells Street, LONDON, W1T 3QJ
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7393 1512 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7393 1555 Email: