Conrad Demerest Model Application
Working alone, or with other student create a chart that uses the Conrad Demarest model to illustrate, describe and explain the fall of the three Classical empires. Use specific vocabulary word from the text, making it clear that you understand their meaning and relevance. Use a chart with the following columns: China (Han), India (Gupta see p. 244-245), Rome and one column for the specific characteristics.
- Turn in once single chart, with names on it in the header or footer.
- Include four multiple choice questions that address the differences and/or similarities among the classical civilizations. Provide five answers and bold or underline the correct answer.
- You may email the chart to me. Work with students you trust as you will all receive the same grade
World History
Empire: The term was first used in English in 1297 to indicate an extensive territory made up of formerly independent states. A further refinement might be to add that an empire is a politically unified state in which one people dominates its neighbors.
The Conrad Demarest Model of Empire: Basic Principles
I. Necessary preconditions for the rise of empires:
- state-level government
- high agricultural potential in the area
- an environmental mosaic
- several small states with no clearly dominant state (power vacuum)
- mutual antagonisms among those states
- adequate military resources
II. The primary reason a state succeeded in empire building was an ideology supporting personal identification with the state, empire, conquest, and militarism.
III. The major rewards of empire:
- economic rewards, reaped especially in the early years and redistributed to the elite and often to all levels of the citizenry
- population increase, often supported by the government and its ideology
IV. Empires fall because:
- the ideology of expansion and conquest fueled attempts at conquest beyond practical limits
- failure to continue conquest indefinitely and to continue to bring home its economic fruits eroded faith in the ideology that supported the empire
- revolutions toppled the empire
Conrad Demarest Model of Empire
Use regional specific terms and highlight.
Characteristics / Empire (name/dates) / Empire (name/dates) / Empire (name/dates)Necessary Preconditions
- State-level gov’t
- Agriculture
- Environmental mosaic
- Power vacuum
- Mutual antagonisms
Ideology that promotes personal
identification with the state, empire, leader, conquest, and/or militarism
Characteristics of well-run empires
- Building
- Trade increases
- Cosmopolitan cities
- Effective bureaucracy
- communication
- System of justice
- Citizenship or rights
Results/Rewards of empire:
- Economic rewards
- Relative stability and prosperity
Fall of empire:
- Failure of leadership
- Expansion beyond a practical limit
- Lack of new conquests erodes
- economic base and lessens faith in ideology that supported the empire
- Rebellions from within/ challenges from without