Hosted six business and industry roundtables (Chamber)
Conducted comprehensive community assessment (Development Authority)
Gifted project to Economic Prosperity Council, 55 economic development, government, business leaders
Divided the roundtable and community assessment recommendations into three task forces
Focused one task force just on the five recommendations for marketing and branding
Designed the concept, and voted on a winning campaign called “Prosperity’s Front Door (PFD), which connected the Chamber, the Development Authority, government, and the business community to collaborate like never before in a marketing/community branding effort
Engaged a regional marketing company to help with the development of PFD:
· Developing tone and style of the messaging and marketing collateral
· Raising funds—generated more than $75,000 from 12 strategic partners
· Facilitating focus groups and community meetings—11 focus groups and more than 150 volunteers
Incorporated as a key strategy into Chamber’s business plan, aligned to all three organizational divisions
Began re-branding process that led to a consistent community brand, key messages, and uniform logos for the Chamber, Development Authority, County and more
Managed development of collateral that would effectively tell the story
Fully implemented all recommendations from the Chamber roundtables and the Development Authority’s community assessment
Launched this five-year program at a Chamber event
Trained more than 60 companies and more than 300 staff and community stakeholders in strategies to drive the PFD message into their corporate cultures and shared the message with civic and community organizations
Began ongoing drip marketing strategies to keep the message front and center
There is sufficient funding and near-total buy-in from a wide range of community stakeholders
There is implementation of brand standards by Chamber members incorporating elements into websites, collateral, and advertising
There is extension of brand awareness to external audiences as statewide utility trainers and teams who are now citing Coweta as a best practice model