NDPHS Strategy Working Group 2014
Fourth Meeting
Vilnius, Lithuania
17 October 2014
Reference / SWG2014 4/4/1Title / Draft inputs to the Action Plan accompanying the NDPHS Strategy 2014-2020
Submitted by / Secretariat
Summary / Note / This document presents the inputs to the Action Plan accompanying the NDPHS Strategy 2014-2020 received by the NDPHS Secretariat until 10/10/2014.
Please note that the procedure referred to in item 5.2.3. on page 106 is described in the document “Draft NDPHS criteria and procedure for issuing letters of support for Priority Area Health project applications for submission to the EUSBSR Seed Money Facility”. The latest proposal can be found at
Requested action / For discussion and decision
List of Annexes / Annex I – Input submitted by the drafting team on HIV, TB and associated infections /Expert Group on HIV/AIDS and Associated Infections
Annex II –Input submitted by the TG OSH & BSN OH&S Network
Annex III – Input submitted by the NCD-EG
Annex IV – Input submitted by the drafting team on Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Annex V – Input submitted by Dr. Karin Tegmark-Wisell, Chairperson/leaderand main drafter, the AMR TG
Annex VI – Input submitted by the PPHS EG and the PPHS EG prison health experts
Annex VII – Input submitted by the NDPHS Secretariat
Annex I:
Input to the NDPHS Action Plan accompanying the NDPHS Strategy 2014-2020
(a proposed template)
Submitted by: Drafting team on HIV, TB and associated infections /Expert Group on HIV/AIDS and Associated Infections
Date submitted:10.10.2014
Indicate which NDPHS priority area the Action Plan is related to: HIV / AIDS and associated infections
I. Objective: 1. Strengthen prevention and reduction of impacts of HIV, TB and associated infections among key populations at higher risk, including prisoners.
Cross-cutting objectives:
Promote cross-sectorial action
Promote the inclusion of vulnerable groups
Promote health equity and social cohesion in all actions
Promote innovative approaches and technologies, such as e-Health
Promote Health in All Policies approach
II. Expected results
No. / Expected result / Indicator / Baseline / Timing (deadline) / Data source / Responsible (organization(s), EGs etc) / Cross-cutting objectives[1]1. / Sharing and dissemination of relevant actual information between experts, expert groups and partners / None / 2020
(continuous) / EG reports / HIV/AIDS&AI EG
Partner organisations / All cross-cutting objectives (see the list above)
2. / Cross-sectorial collaboration in the field of HIV & AIs within NDPHS region is promoted / None / 2020
(continuous) / EG reports / HIV/AIDS&AI EG
Partner organisations / All cross-cutting objectives
3. / Technical support and expertise in developing and in implementing projects and new approaches in partner countries provided as relevant and as requested / No and contents of successfully planned, approved and implemented projects, supported by the EG / None / 2020 / Project reports
Selected partner organizations / All cross-cutting objectives
3.1. / Contribution to prevention: Improved provision and effectiveness of targeted preventionprograms for key populations at risk (migrants, MSM, CSW, HIV+, PWID, youth, prisoners) / HIV:
-Relevant Dublin indicators
-Access to prevention programs
-Notification rates for hepatitis B & C
-Condom use
-Notification rates for STIs
-TB incidence
-TB cases among foreign-born / Dublin indicators
National statistics for 2013
As above
As above / 2020 / National data,
ECDC (Dublin Declaration indicators)
Relevant studies
ECDC (reported incidence data) / EG Role:
Contribution (Indirect)
National authorities
GOs and NGOs / Cross-sectorial
Vulnerable groups
Health equity
Innovative approaches
3.2. / Contribution to: Increased coverage and availability of testing and other client-friendly integrated services for key populations at risk (migrants, MSM, CSW, HIV+, PWID, youth etc.) within ND Area / HIV:
-Relevant Dublin indicators
Hepatitis B&C
-amount of testing activities
-testing percentage of HIV among TB patients / 2020 / As above
National data
Relevant studies / EG Role:
National authorities
GOs and NGOs / Cross-sectorial
Vulnerable groups
Health equity
Innovative approaches
3.3. / Contribution to capacity building: Improved awareness among key populations at risk and other relevant key stakeholders, about the effectiveness and importance of testing, prevention and treatment of HIV, TB and other related infections / HIV:
-Relevant Dublin indicators
-Availability of national stra-tegies and training programmes to prevent HIV, TBAIs
-No of MDR TB cases / 2020 / ECDC
National data
Relevant studies
National data / EG Role:
Indirect and direct
National authorities
GOs and NGOs / Cross-sectorial
Vulnerable groups
Health equity
Innovative approaches
4. / Policy advice documents for partner countries are developed, disseminated and followed up / No of relevant documents produced
Countries and partners which integrate produced recommendations into policies / 2020 / EG Role:
National authorities / Cross-sectorial
Vulnerable groups
Health equity
Innovative approaches
Health in all policies
III. Planned Activities for 2015-2017[2]
1. Background
The former EG HIV/AIDS&AIs has carried out an extensive situation analysis of the field of HIV TB and other associate infections. The situation analysis can serve as an internal strategy. The development of this strategy was based on wide consultations with partners, followed by a questionnaire concerning priorities. This has, in turn, formed the basis of the discussions of the EG and its Drafting Team concerning the proposals and contents of the NDPHS Strategy for 2015-2020.
During 2013 the EG HIV/AIDS&AIs prepared the NDPHS Statement on HIV and tuberculosis “Impact of the HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis on people and economies of the Northern Dimension Countries – status quo and the way forward”. The Statement was approved by the PAC on the 22nd of November in Helsinki. The Statement consist of: 1) Summary and brief background, 2) A brief list of previous efforts, 3) Recognition of current challenges and 4) Engagements for joint collaboration in the field of HIV and tuberculosis. The document paves way for future approaches, principles and priorities.
2. Planned actions
Planned actions for the NDPHS work within the field of HIV and related infections during the years 2015-2020 are based on the Internal strategy of the Expert Group on HIV/AIDS and Associated Infections, the Statement on HIV and tuberculosis, approved by the PAC 2013 and discussions of the EG meetings and the Drafting Team. The following proposal consists of main working areas and more concrete activities, grouped under the working areas, following the key principles and hierarchies of general Logical Framework thinking.
The proposed working areas are covering a) Identified needs for technical support for projects which aim at implementation of key elements of the EG HIV/AIDS&AI Internal strategy and identified priorities, b) needs to maintain and develop platforms for exchange of information and experiences between partners within the field of HIV and related infections, c) dissemination of information and experiences to partners, including the flow of relevant information for decision makers, in order to influence he sustainability of activities, and d) preparation of documents on relevant topics for the development of policies and guidance from decision makers.
Result 1: Sharing and disseminating relevant actual information between experts, expert groups and partners
Proposed Activities for the result 1
1.1.Promote exchange of experts and benchmarking good practices on thematic issues, possible themes:
- work with key populations at risk,
- monitoring treatment,
- prevention in prisons,
- integration of treatment together with PHC, also including ageing population
1.2. Promote exchange of information between relevant expert networks
1.3. Sharing information and experiences concerning treatment, substitution therapy, testing & confidentiality issues etc.
1.4.Encourage professional discussions within the EG and at all levels concerning actual epidemiological and other related substance issues
1.5.Promote exchange of scientific knowledge and recent developments between experts and partners.
Result 2: Cross-sectorial collaboration in the field of HIV & AIs within NDPHS region is promoted
Proposed Activities for the result 2
2.1. Organization of thematic joint meetings between EGs and within the NDPHS and relevant stakeholders (concerning e.g. HIV & TB + drugs + alcohol + prison + AMR + PHC, development of treatment practices etc.)
2.2. Maintain joint discussions about PHC and health systems development concerning issues related to HIV and associated infections
2.3. Organize “side events” concerning HIV – TB – AI epidemics, gathering existing systems and professionals together to discuss how the control of epidemics has been organized in partner countries
2.4. Promotion of cross-sectorial discussions in disease prevention and inter-institutional (including relevant ministries) collaboration
2.5. Promote analytical studies and study visits for experts on joint elements between prison health, infectious diseases and PHC, also in connection to alcohol and substance abuse and mental health
2.5.1.Development of closer connections and exchange of experience between prison health communicable diseases, substance abuse and primary health care, taking into account different needs for pre-detention and post-detention care
Result 3: Technical support and expertise in developing and in implementing projects and new approaches in partner countries provided as relevant and as requested
3.1. Contribution to prevention: Improved provision and effectiveness of targeted prevention programs for key populations at risk (migrants, MSM, CSW, HIV+, PWID, youth, prisoners)
Proposed Activities for the result 3.1.
3.1.1.Promotion of the availability of targeted prevention programs for key populations at risk (migrants, MSM, CSW, HIV+, PWID, youth etc.) of technical support to the HATBAI-project and other relevant project initiatives in this field
3.1.2.Promoting inclusion of prevention of HIV stigma and discrimination into prevention programs
3.2.Contribution to increased coverage and availability of testing and other client-friendly integrated services for key populations at risk (migrants, MSM, CSW, HIV+, PWID, youth etc.) within ND Area
Proposed Activities for the result 3.2.
3.2.1.Promote facilitation of access of key populations at risk to and testing uptake in existing health care and social services including introduction of alternative and innovative testing methods like rapid tests.
3.2.2.Support introducing alternative testing sites for HIV and other sexual and blood borne infections, based on community involvement and including promotion of early detection of new HIV infections
3.2.3.Support improving access, case management and retention in care of people diagnosed with HIV and AI such as HCV, HBV and TB to health care and social services by adapting to the specific needs of these populations
3.2.4.Promotion of integration of services
3.2.5.Encourage increasing counselling and testing rates for travellers and migrants and other groups at risk for HIV, TB and STIs
3.3.Contribution to capacity building: Improved awareness among key populations at risk and other relevant key stakeholders, about the effectiveness and importance of testing, prevention and treatment of HIV, TB and other related infections
Proposed Activities for the result 3.3.
3.3.1. Development and dissemination of indicators to measure the effectiveness of prevention programs
3.3.2.Promote training of PHC, LTSC staff and NGOs and other service providers in communicating with key populations at risk, media and the public through various methods, including internet and social media
3.3.3.Suggest development of training programs to improve the general awareness among professionals about TB and HIV
3.3.4.Involvement of GPs and PHC in the prevention and testing of HIV and other STIs, especially among risk groups
Result 4: Policy advice documents for partner countries are developed, disseminated and followed up
Proposed Activities for the result 4.
4.1.Follow up of the NDPHS Statement “Impact of the HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis on people and economies of the Northern Dimension Countries – status quo and the way forward”
4.2.Preparation of analytical recommendations, also making use of WHO, ECDC and IOM information, adapting international framework to the needs of the NDPHS region and cross-border collaboration.
4.3.Identification and prioritization / mapping out priorities of main challenges within the NDPHS Area
4.3.1.Updating the situational analysis on problems and objectives prepared by the HIV/AIDS&AI EG in June 2013
4.3.2.Compilation of a comprehensive situation analysis and document to be disseminated to partners
4.4.Provision of support to preparation and developing thematic reports, collecting and producing evidence, surveys, expert consultations, proposals etc.
4.5.Using existing platforms for collecting and disseminating NDPHS project results, ensuring that they are communicated also to relevant ministries
4.6.Development of a joint report and data concerning HIV and TB in prisons for the NDPHS region
3. Target group(s)
Target groups have to be and will be specifically defined according to each activity. However, special and main focus of the NDPHS activities within the field of HIV, TB and other related infections, is on key populations at risk. These are defined in the NDPHS Statement on HIV and tuberculosis, 2013, and in the internal strategy of the EG on HIV/AIDS&AI. These groups, such as prisoners, migrants, drug users, commercial sex workers, people living with HIV, men having sex with men and youth at higher risk, are also in key position regarding the prevention of the spread of HIV, tuberculosis and other related infections. Penitentiary system and the development of functioning collaboration between civil and prisons sectors are playing a vital role in this respect.
The target groups described above will be approached indirectly – through projects, partner organisations etc. The direct target groups of this Action Plan will be national authorities who are responsible for HIV/AIDS, TB and associated infections (Ministries of Health, Ministries for Social Affairs, sometimes Ministries of Justice etc.). The second target group is experts working in the field of HIV/AIDS&AI both in governmental/municipal organisations and in NGOs. Some activities may have such target groups as media professionals, general population etc.
4. Resources
Indicate what resources are needed to conduct the activities. If exact costs for certain actions or group of activities are known, link these to the above mentioned results and activities.
The implementation of planned activities call for various types of resources:
-working time of NDPHS actors
-compensation of working time, office and travel costs
-funding of planned activities
-meeting costs
-travel costs
-seminar costs
-publication costs etc.
5. Geographical coverage
The whole NDPHS Area: although the local and regional needs and priorities are different, the epidemics of HIV, tuberculosis and other related infections are touching all the NDPHS partners. Main focuses and needs vary from country to country. Therefore, the relevance of some activities also varies, but some activities, such as exchange of actual information, are constantly interesting for the whole NDPHS region.
6. Challenges/assumptions and risks
-Successful selection and nomination of professional, motivated and committed representatives for the future NDPHS Expert Groups by all the partners
-High commitment of the CSR, practical and political support from Partner ministries to achieve intended results and produce added value to partners
-Sufficient capacity and working preconditions are secured for the NDPHS Secretariat to provide necessary technical support to new Expert Groups
-Availability of funding and other resources
-Success of applications for funding
-Continuous exchange of information between relevant actors within partner countries
-Partners express clearly their needs, priorities and expectations to the new Expert Groups.
Annex II:
Input to the NDPHS Action Plan accompanying the NDPHS Strategy 2014-2020
Submitted by: TG OSH & BSN OH&S Network Date submitted:10 October 2014
I. Objective(s): NDPHS priority area OSH (No 6)
PRIMARY: 6. Strengthen occupational health and safety and well-being at work through information and reporting systems, workplace activities and
occupational health services.
SECONDARY: 3. Strengthen prevention and reduce impact of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through addressing lifestyle-related risk factors.
II. Expected results
No. / Expected result / Indicator / Baseline / Timing (deadline) / Data source / Responsible (organization(s), EGs[3] etc) / Cross-cutting objectives1. / National occupational safety and health profiles according to the guidance provided by the ILO and WHO as the basis for the national programme on occupational health and safety developed or revised / No of countries with basic profile (brief and comprehensive)
Ratified ILO Conventions
Regularly updated
In-depth profile on specified topics / DE
SE / updated approx. every 3-5 year / Web address on all published national profiles
Possible depositories:
- BSN / Each member country
Within BSN, the national OH&S institutes / All cross-cutting objectives
2. / National policy and programme for the development of work life, health and safety at work and the development of working conditions conducive to health and well-being developed or updated / No of countries with policy/programme concept with action plan
Regularly updated / DE
SE / updated approx. every 3-5 year / Each member country / All cross-cutting objectives
3. / Special national programmes for the development of occupational health services for all working people / No of countries with programmes with action plan
Approved at the highest political level / DE
SE / individual timing / Each member country / Cross-sectorial
Health equity
4. / Special joint and national targeted actions to be instituted for the elimination of the most dangerous
hazards at work in the sectors and branches of economy at highest risk
-Elimination of asbestos hazards
-Safety in transport
-OH&S of health care workers
-Compliance campaigns
- / No of reports from countries on high-risk sector actions/campaigns / DE
SE / individual timing / Each member country / Cross-sectorial
Health equity
5. / Development of a sub-regional training framework in OH&S
-region-wide joint seminars
-courses/symposia for sharing experiences
-BSN Annual Meeting / No of multi-country events organized or curricula developed / individual timing / Development of sub-regional training framework utilizing training activities organized by: eusafe.org, EUMS, ENETOSH, ENWHP, NIVA, IALI / Each member country
EG OSH / All cross-cutting objectives
6. / Information dissemination through existing information systems
-NDPHS Database
-Baltic Sea Network on Occupational Health/Safety (
-Barents Newsletter on OH&S
-other newsletters
-other media / No of information exchange mechanisms
Visitors of websites
Number of articles / continuous / Each member country
FIOH / All cross-cutting objectives
III. Planned Activities for 2015-2017[4]