17 January 2018

Dear Junior High School Parents and students


As we all know, in order to achieve in Mathematics, we first need to understand and learn the content and thereafter to apply it. If crucial steps are missed, the subsequent lessons (that are built on these steps) are lost. In order to “nip these problems in the bud” the Mathematics department will continue to make our free services available for a voluntary extra period after school. This is in addition to the established pupil-to-pupil mentoring system called “Plant”.

The two options (both free) for “extra Mathematics” are as follows:

  1. Staff driven: Period 9 (14h25-15h05)
  • The three JHS Maths teachers will be available during a period 9 (14h25-15h05) to give help where needed. This is the time to bring problems that have arisen in class to the relevant teacher.
  • The days and venues are as follows:

Grade 7: Mr. Böhler on Thursdays in Eng1 room

Grade 8: Mrs. Nel on Mondays in MathsRm 2

Grade 9: Mrs. Budgeon Wednesdaysin MathsRm 1

  • These lessons are recorded on the student’s timetables
  • If further information is needed please discuss this with the Mathematics teacher.
  • Please note – this is not a Mathematics enrichment period, it is for remediation and reinforcing concepts that have been already covered in the classroom.
  • First lessons to commence in week 3 ie Monday 29 Jan. This gives us 7 days to cover some content that can be discussed in the first “extra Mathematics” lessons.
  1. Pupil driven “Plant” tutorial lessons

This is organized by a Grade 12 student. These tutorial lessons are intended for students who have gaps to fill and need help. These tutorial sessions have been running for a few years with excellent result. Please contact Madeleine Ackermann directly. A senior pupil, skilled in Mathematics, is more than able to give expert assistance to any student who may be struggling.

We look forward to an excellent “Mathematical” year together!


Lynn Budge

Mathematics Department