Professor Abraham Mansbach
Ph.D. Hebrew University of Jerusalem – Philosophy (1995)
I am a scholar in Continental Philosophy specializing in the question of identity, selfhood, and praxis. My research is interdisciplinary covering the fields of philosophy, and philosophical approaches to social and political theory. In my research on philosophy, I employ theoretical analysis and critique; in the social and political sciences, and professional or public ethics, I combine these methods with empirical studies. My research centers largely on the ways in which humanistic and social theories of practice, language, and subjectivity can be brought together in productive ways.
My current research is on micropolitics as a philosophy of political practice that articulates a critique of the traditional conception of power, as well as accounts for the social spaces engendered within the framework of contemporary capitalism. The main objective of this research is to deepen our understanding of micropolitics as an innovative axis for analyzing practices of social and political intervention and to explore its philosophical underpinnings in order to better grasp its implications for praxis. My research focus on the point at which micropolitics intersects with the politics of identity and the notion of praxis, specifically on the post-Heideggerian anthropological framework that supports the constructivist approach to identity. Special attention is given to the way in which the 'I' intersects with both language and practice, and on its radical democratic ramifications.
· Publications
A. Authored Books
1. Mansbach, Abraham. 1998. Existence and Meaning: Heidegger on Man, Language and Art, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 213 pages (Hebrew).
2. Mansbach, Abraham. 2002. Beyond Subjectivism, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, 176 pages.
B. Chapters in Collective Volumes and Conference Proceedings
1. Mansbach, Abraham. 2000. “Heidegger: sa critique et sa conquête du cartesianisme,” in Y. Senderowicz & Y.Wahl (eds.), Descartes: Réception et Déception, Tel Aviv: University Publishing Projects, pp. 141-151.
2. Mansbach, Abraham & Hilfrich, Carola. 2002. “Ser Humano y Ser Judío en el Pensamiento Contemporaneo: Maurice Blanchot and Hélène Cixous (Being Human and Being Jewish in Contemporary Thought), in Shulamit Golsmith (ed.), Humanismo en el Pensamiento Judío (Humanism and Jewish Thought), México: Universidad Iberoamericana (CDRom)
3. Mansbach, Abraham. 2011. “Whistleblowing as Fearless Speech: The Radical Democratic Effects of Late Modern Parrhesia,” in David Lewis and Wim Vandekerchove (eds.), Whistleblowing and Democratic Values, pp. 13-29- opening chapter. London: International Whistleblowing Research Network.
C. Articles
1. Mansbach, Abraham. 1991. “Heidegger on the Self: Authenticity and Inauthenticity,” Iyyun, the Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 40, pp. 65-91.
2. Mansbach, Abraham. 1994. “Rosselini's film Socrates in a Course on the History of Greek Philosophy.” Aitia, vol. 20, pp. 31‑32. Reproduced in The American Philosophical Association Newsletter, 1995, vol. 15 (2).
3. Mansbach, Abraham. 1994. "Heidegger on Works of Art and Authentic Existence." Iyyun- The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 43 , pp. 427-440 (Hebrew).
4. Mansbach, Abraham. 1996. “Review of Hans Sluga’s Heidegger’s Crisis,” in The American Philosophical Association Newsletter, Fall, pp. 25-30.
5. Mansbach, Abraham. 1997. "El Inmortal de Borges y la Concepción Heideggeriana de la Muerte y la Individualidad" (The Heideggerian Notion of Death and Individuality in Borges's The Immortal). Revista Hispánica Moderna (Columbia University), vol. L, pp. 110-115.
6. Mansbach, Abraham 1997. “Overcoming Anthropocentrism: Heidegger on the Heroic Role of Works of Art” Ratio, vol. 10, pp. 157-169.
7. Mansbach, Abraham. 1997. "On the Passage from Modernism to Postmodernism", Iyyun- The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 46, pp. 193-208 (Hebrew).
8. Mansbach, Abraham. 1998. “Strange Epoch!” South African Journal of Philosophy, vol. 17, pp. 226-238.
9. Mansbach, Abraham. 1998. "Heidegger: Philosophical Enemy/Political Enemy", Iyyun- The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly, vol.47, pp. 419-427 (Hebrew).
10. Mansbach, Abraham. 1998. "Social Justice in Neo-realist Cinema," Sbibot, vol. 32, pp.35-40 (Hebrew).
11. Mansbach, Abraham. 1999. "Heidegger's Critique of Cartesianism," Paideia Proceedings of the XX World Congress of Philosophy (electronic publication:
12. Mansbach, Abraham. 1999. “Postmodernismo: periodo de transición,” Analogía 25: 175-189.
13. Mansbach, Abraham. 2000. “Beyond Subjectivism: Heidegger on Human Being and Language.” Philosophical Inquiry, vol. 22, pp.115-133.
14. Kaufman, Roni & Mansbach, Abraham. 2002. "On the Context of Ethical Decisions in Social Work," Society and Welfare, vol. 22, pp.185-198 (Hebrew).
15. Mansbach, Abraham. 2003. “Heidegger’s Dualism of the Self and its Traces in Rorty and Lyotard.” Iyyun- The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 52: 355–368 (Hebrew).
16. Mansbach, Abraham & Kaufman, Roni. 2003. “Ethical Decision Making of Social Workers Associations: A Case Study of the Israeli Association of Social Worker’s Responses to Whistle Blowing.” International Social Work, 46: 303–312.
17. Mansbach. Abraham. 2005. “Criticism without Fear: A Critical Perspective on Social Work – Karl Marx and Michel Foucault”, Society and Welfare 25(2): 167 – 183 (Hebrew).
18. Mansbach, Abraham. 2006. "Heidegger on Practice, Language, and the Dualism of the Self." Philosophical Inquiry, vol. 28 (3-4): 63-75.
19. Mansbach, Abraham & Bachner, Yaacov. 2007. "On Social Work and Whistleblowing." Society and Welfare 27(4): 551-566 (Hebrew).
20. Mansbach, Abraham. 2007. "The Political Surplus of Whistleblowing: A Case Study." Business Ethics: A European Review 16(2): 124 –130.
21. Mansbach, Abraham. 2007. "Uri Ram, The Globalization of Israel: A Commentary." Hagar: Studies in Culture, Politics and Identities, 7(1): 138-143.
22. Mansbach, Abraham & Bachner, Yaacov. 2008. “On the Readiness of Social Work Students to Blow the Whistle in Protection of Client’s Interests.” Journal of Social Work Ethics and Values, Fall,
23. Mansbach, Abraham. & Bachner, Yaacov. 2009. “Self-Reported Likelihood of Whistleblowing by Social Work Students.” Social Work Education 8 (2): 18-28.
24. Mansbach, Abraham. 2009. “Keeping Democracy Vibrant: Whistleblowing as Truth-Telling in the Workplace.” Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 16(3): 363-376.
25. Mansbach, Abraham & Bachner, Yaacov. 2010. “Internal or External Whistleblowing: Nurses’ Willingness to Report Wrongdoing,” Nursing Ethics 17(4): 483-490.
26. Mansbach, Abraham, Bachner, Yaacov & Melzer Itzik. 2010. “Physical Therapy Students’ Willingness to Report Misconduct to Protect the Patient’s Interests,” Journal of Medical Ethics 36(12): 802-805.
27. Mansbach, Abraham. 2010. “La Lógica de la Micropolítica” (The Logic of Micropolitics), Afinidades: Revista de Literatura y Pensamiento, 4, pp. 60-72.
28. Mansbach, Abraham. 2011. “Drifting Away from Democracy: A Micropolitical Critique of the Relation between the ‘I’ and the ‘We.’” Israeli Studies Review 26(1): 130-145.
29. Mansbach, Abraham, Melzer Itzik & Bachner, Yaacov. 2012. “Blowing the Whistle to Protect a Patient: A Comparison between Physical Therapy Students and Professionals,” Physiotherapy 98(4): 312-317.
30. Mansbach, Abraham, Ziedenberg, Hana & Bachner, Yaacov. 2012. “Nursing Students’ Willingness to Blow the Whistle,” Nurse Education Today (on line).
31. Mansbach, Abraham, Melzer, Itzhak & Bachner, G. Yaacov. On the Readiness of Physical Therapists to Blow the Whistle to Protect the Patient’s Interests Italian Journal of Physiotherapy (forthcoming).