HPHE 1500
Debate Assignment
Assessment Task
The purpose of this assessment task is to prompt candidates to formulate, analyze, and express a personal position on an important issue related to fitness.
a. Select four of the six issues that follow. Select EITHER Side A or Side B to defend.
b. Type the topics and the side you have selected for each topic at the top of your paper.
c. Each topic must be typed, double spaced in paragraph format and include at least one reference
that supports your position on this topic. References can be from the text, newspapers, magazines, the world wide web, etc. That reference should be cited in the text of the paper and formally (APA) cited at the end. Students are encouraged to use more than one reference in a paper.
d. Each “paper” must be one-half to one full page long and include key points to make your case in a verbal debate on each topic. Be prepared to discuss each topic in class.
Issue 1
Side A:All people working in fitness facilities should be certified for the specific job they perform.
Side B:Certification of fitness professionals is unnecessary and amounts to over-regulation by the government.
Issue 2
Side A:Access to fitness development activities is a basic right that should be available to all citizens, regardless of their level of income. That is, the government should offer “fitness subsidies” for all people who need financial help to participate.
Side B:Access to fitness development activities is a privilege, so people should participate only if they can afford to do so.
Issue 3
Side A:Makers of fitness products (videos, equipment, etc.) should be required to demonstrate that their products are safe and effective; that is, that the products can do what their makers claim before the products are allowed on the market.
Side B:“Let the buyer beware” when it comes to fitness products.
Issue 4
Side A:Being fit is a personal choice.
Side B:Being fit is part of one’s social responsibility because we all pay for unfit people in many ways (higher insurance costs and lost productivity, for example).
Issue 5
Side A:School PE programs should be devoted entirely to fitness development for all children.
Side B:School PE programs should be directed toward a variety of outcomes, with fitness development among them.
Issue 6
Side A:Access to fitness development activities are fair and equitable in our society. Anyone who wants to can be fit.
Side B:Access to fitness development activities discriminate against many people based on their level of income, location, amount of education, race, gender, and physical ability.