Dear Personal Business Coaching Client,

Welcome to your business owner coaching preparation pack. I’m really excited to begin working with you and will do everything possible to help you build and maximize the sales and revenues of your sales team.

Please give careful consideration to the following material and fill it out as best you can. You can get as in depth as you wish. When you finish it, please email it back to me: or fax it back to (818) 936-0451. Chances are we’ve already spoken and have our initial session scheduled, but if we haven’t, I’ll call you as soon as I receive this to set that up.

During our first session, we’ll use this coaching welcome pack to structure our work going forward. Please note that I require at least 24 hours notice if a pre-arranged appointment cannot be met, and in case an appointment is missed, I will make every effort to schedule another time that week. Please know, however, that if an appointment is missed without notice and a make up appointment cannot be made the same week because of schedule problems, you will be responsible for payment of the missed session.

If you have any questions before then, call me at: 818-999-0869

Cell: 818-577-0224

my fax number is: 818-936-0451

my e-mail address is:

my mailing address is: 22266 Buena Ventura St.

Woodland Hills, CA 91364

To Get Started:

  1. Print off and read through the materials.
  2. Sign and return the disclaimer and confidentiality agreement and retain a copy for your records (fax to 818-936-0451). Also fill out the client information sheet and return that to me as well (by fax or email).
  3. Answer as many of the questions as you can before our first session. When completed, email or fax to me.
  4. I believe coaching is a holistic exercise and that one area of your life impacts another. Please take the time to complete the Wheel of Life questionnaire, and fill out the wheel. Make sure and send that back to me as well.

I look forward to speaking with you soon. Mike Brooks


(Please complete and fax or email back)

While I understand that coaching is a potentially business and life-changing experience, I also understand that I remain responsible for my choices, actions, thoughts, and feelings throughout the Personal Business Coaching process.

I therefore agree to the following:

I will not under any circumstances hold MrInsideSales.com or my coach, Michael Brooks Zajaczkowski, liable for any loss or damage that occurs as a direct or indirect result of our time together.


In addition, I also understood that any information or disclosures made by me will be held in the strictest confidence. Any and all company information – including business operations and procedures, specific sales strategies and sales practices, (including personnel) or any other information specific to my business, will be considered highly confidential and kept in the strictest confidence.

Read and Agreed by:





Client Info

(Please complete and fax or email back)

Today’s Date:


Company Name:


Marital Status:

Date of Birth:

Business Phone:

Home Phone:

Cell Phone:


E Mail Address (es):

Mailing Address:

About Your Coaching Program

1.Payment Details

The coaching fee is $1495 per month for 1 weekly 50-minute session to be arranged for by coaching client and myself. All coaching fees are collected in advance. If our coaching day falls on a holiday, or client vacation, we will decide together – depending on our schedules - if that day needs to be made up.

Please note that some months there will be four sessions, and others there will be five. It has been my experience that it all balances out. If you have any concerns during a month, please speak to me! We’re in this together.

2.Coaching Fee Agreement

All coaching fees are non-refundable. If for any reason you don’t feel as if you’re getting value out of our coaching relationship, or if you have to end the coaching early for any reason, let me know as soon as possible.

Based on the availability and at the sole discretion of Mike Brooks, you may be given the choice of resuming your coaching at another time to get credit on the unused portion of your coaching fees. If this option isn’t available due to my schedule, then I’ll arrange to apply the unused portion to any training material or courses from Mr. Inside Sales so you can improve your skill set – or the skill set of your sales team.

In addition, all coaching sessions must be completed within the time frame the client has signed up for unless express, written approval has been granted in advance. Any sessions not completed by the time frame client has signed up for (i.e., 5 sessions in the first 30 days; 9 sessions in a 2-month, 60 day period; or 13 sessions during a 90 day period – 3 month coaching agreement) will be forfeited by client.

Any agreement to extend coaching is strictly at the discretion of Mike Brooks and all requests must be in writing and approved by Mike Brooks. Under no circumstance will the coaching period extend 30 days beyond the initial period signed up for. Again, any coaching not completed in the time frame signed up for – without express written approval before hand – will be forfeited.

2.Coaching Availability

The monthly fee is for "coaching as needed." This includes weekly 50-min hour scheduled telephone sessions per month, as well as “spot” coaching by telephone or e-mail. It is your responsibility to call me on our assigned day. Please call the (818) 999-0869 phone number or my cell as indicated.

In between sessions, the quickest way to reach me is by email—please put the word "Client" in the subject line to ensure a speedy reply. You can also call and leave me a message. I will return your call at my earliest convenience. While “spot” coaching calls and emails are offered, I request you use them with discretion on issues that can’t wait until our regularly scheduled appointment times. If it becomes obvious to us both that you need extended coaching or consulting, we can discuss other options to give you more one on one support.

If you need to rearrange a scheduled appointment, it is up to you to call me at least one full day (24 hours) in advance to reschedule (and I will do the same for you). Any missed sessions by you (scheduled sessions where you either forget or don’t make without giving me 24 hour notice) will be forfeited. Again, it is up to you to get the coaching you need.

3. How to Get the Most Out of Our Time Together…

Typically, it helps if you bring several questions, problems or situations to our session, so that you are “driving the coach” (see the Session Prep form that I’ve included in this package). The Session Prep form is essential to you getting the help you need, and it is structured to focus our time together on priorities that you identify ahead of time. Please be sure to fill it out and send it to me prior to our sessions.

But if you get stuck, or are not sure what to discuss, I'll be happy to suggest several things. Sometimes those “I’m not sure what to talk about” sessions turn out to be some of the most creative and rewarding that we’ll have.

One thing you should know is that I often have another coaching session starting immediately after yours, so we may need to end fairly tight to time. I'll let you know a few minutes prior, so that we can sum up and wind down.

Again, I’m honored and excited to work with you!


I want very much to give you the coaching that you need. I am an excellent listener, a skilled coach, and I am pretty intuitive guy, but I have not yet mastered the art of reading minds!

The more you tell me about the value you are finding in the direction and content of our work, the easier it is for me to make the adjustments that you need. I welcome and encourage your feedback.

5. Completing Our Coaching Relationship

Some clients work with me for just a few months and some have been working with me for several years, but, sooner or later, there will come a time for us to take a break from/conclude our professional relationship. When that time

comes, I appreciate a few weeks notice. This allows time for us to graciously complete what we have been working on and also allows me to run my business in an orderly manner.

Once again, welcome to your coaching program and I’ll look forward to receiving your questionnaire below. Talk with you soon!

Coaching Overview

1. As a Business Owner, what are the three biggest changes or projects you want to make/develop in the next three months?




2. What one thing could you change or implement in the next month that would have the biggest impact in regards to this goal?


3. What areas do you feel you need the most help with?





4. What three areas would you most like to improve in?




  1. What is the biggest obstacle with you see standing in your way?
  1. What are your three biggest fears about your company?




7. What are your three biggest goals for your company in the next 90 days?




  1. If your company’s progress went so well that it exceeded even your expectations, what would it look like a year from now?

9. What do you hope/believe having a coach will do for you and your company?

Current Challenges:

In regards to your sales team or your role as a business owner, what are you facing right now that needs immediate focus or resolution?






What are the personal and professional qualities that you have that help you win?





Your Gifts:

What are those things that you are naturally, effortlessly good at? What comes easily for you, perhaps so easily that you take it for granted?






Things that are not natural to you:

What are those things that don’t come easily to you?

Your Needs:

We all have personal needs that must be satisfied for us to work at an optimum level. What are yours?








Your Values:

Your core values are those things that matter most in your life. They are the qualities of life you find most attractive, and allow you to feel truly fulfilled. What are your core values?








Your Dream:

What is one dream you rarely tell people about, but that you often think about? (This doesn’t have to be connected to business, and often isn’t)

This concludes the business portion of this program.

At this point, you have a choice. You can either stop here and submit your answers for us to begin our Personal Business Coaching program. This is all we need to help you begin reaching your professional business/company goals. Make sure and print out and make copies of pages 16 (Weekly Planner for the Week of) and 17 (Weekly coaching Session Prep Form) as these will be needed weekly to structure our coaching sessions.

However, I’ve also included a life plan questionnaire to help give you an even deeper understanding of what’s going on for you and what’s important in your life. You can either fill this out now or leave it for later in our coaching relationship. The choice is yours.

I look forward to receiving the business portion of this coaching intake and will speak with you soon.



As I mentioned before, coaching, like life, is a holistic endeavor. You have the option at this point to stick solely to business, or you can fill out the questionnaire below to give us both an even more in-depth understanding of your life and your personal values. If you are interested in setting personal life goals, then start by creating a life plan from which to set specific goals. Once you know where you’re going, it will be easier to get there. Setting goals sharpens our minds and directs our mental focus. Subconsciously, our mind works continuously to satisfy our expressed need.

In order to enrich your total life experience, setting goals in all areas of your life will help you create balance and a deeper sense of overall happiness. On a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 is low and 10 is high), ask yourself how satisfied you are with your: financial situation and career; social and cultural situations; spirituality and ethics; family and home; mental and educational levels; and physical well being and health; and pleasure and hobbies. Consider your answers carefully, and ask yourself the following questions taking into account the following issues:

Financial and Career

Do you enjoy your work? Are you living up to your potential? Have you achieved a satisfactory standard of living? How much do you want to earn by what stage? What level do you want to reach in your career? Have you planned for your children's education? What about your own retirement? Do you feel you are making a contribution to society?

Overall Rating ______

Social and Cultural

Does your circle of friends enrich your life and contribute to your sense of

fulfillment and well-being? Is there at least one other person with whom you can discuss important life experiences? Do you have interests outside of your career and family (e.g., sports, theater, outdoor events)? Do you want to make the world a better place by your existence? If so, how?

Overall Rating ______

Spiritual and Ethical

Have you ever articulated specific personal values to yourself? Are you living up to those personal values? Is religion important to you? If so, are you happy with the way you are practicing your religion? If not, have you reconciled your relationship with a higher power or with the universe in general? Do you have a daily spiritual practice you engage in or acknowledge that helps keeps you centered and focused?

Overall Rating ______

Family and Home

Do you want to be a parent? If so (or if you already are), how are you going to be a good parent? How do you want to be seen by a partner or by members of your extended family? Have you realized your dream in terms of your home and family relationships? Be sure to use your own personal standards rather than society's standards.

Overall Rating ______

Mental and Educational

Did you accomplish the educational goals you set for yourself following your college graduation? Are you still growing and learning? Do you invest in your continuing education on a regular basis? Is there any knowledge you want to acquire in particular? What information and skills will you need to achieve other goals?

Overall Rating ______

Physical and Health

How satisfied are you with your current level of physical health? Are you living up to your own standards in terms of diet and exercise? Are you fit enough to do the things you want to do? Are there any athletic goals you want to achieve, or do you want good health deep into old age? What steps are you going to take to achieve this?

Overall Rating ______

Pleasure and Hobbies

How do you want to enjoy yourself? You should ensure that some of your life is for you! What hobbies or activities do you derive joy from? Do you regularly set time aside for them? Do you want to achieve any artistic goals? If you won the lottery, what favorite pastimes would you devote more time to? How much are you enjoying your life right now?

Overall Rating ______

Weekly Planner for the Month of ______

Priorities for the Month

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

Priorities - the next two weeks

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

Priorities - this week

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

Daily Self Care / Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat / Sun

This page is borrowed from Michael Neill at


Phone: 818 999-0869 Fax: 818 936-0451 E-mail:


Weekly Coaching Session Prep Form

1. What I’ve Accomplished Since Our Last Call…

2. What I Didn’t Get Done…

3. Current Challenges…

4. Current Opportunities…

5. What I’ve Learned Since Our Last Call…

7. What I’m Excited About/Grateful For…

8. My priorities for the week ahead…




9. I Want to Use You During the Call to…

Top 10 Ways To Get The Most From Your Coaching
by Thomas J. Leonard
copyright 1998, all rights reserved.
Just by having a coach and chatting with him/her on a regular basis, you will get plenty of value -- you don't have to work hard at it -- for the benefits of coaching to occur. This is because the synergy that occurs as a result of the coach and client relationship is what makes the biggest difference to any well-motivated client.