MAY 23, 2007



Chairman Ward Donigian called the meeting to order at 8:01 pm.

Roll call was taken and members in attendance were: Chairman Ward Donigian, Jean Lascar, Terry Mostyn, Julia Smith and M.J. Sokolik. Also in attendance was Dawn DaPuzzo, Recreation Director.

The flag salute was followed by the Sunshine Law announcement. On a motion by Jean Lascar, seconded by Terry Mostyn, the meeting minutes of April 18, 2007 were approved with the following correction: the hours of the fishing contest should read 10:00 – 12:00. All in favor, motion carried.

There was no public in attendance.

Old Business

Stu Ostrow Bike Path – Discussed walking the path to determine where the memorial signs should go. The committee decided to walk the path on Tuesday, June 12 at 8:00 a.m.

Committee Size – The mayor has decided to wait on the issue for now.

New Business

Fishing Contest – The clipboards and age divisions are ready to go. Ward will order the worms, and get the juice and snacks. We need enough for 200 kids. We need the canopies set up. Ward, Terry and Julia will be there. We can ask Monica if she can help. The aerator is not working – the new will be installed next week. The sound system needs to be checked. Drew has the trailer. Meet at 9:00, it starts at 10:00.

Mahwah Day 2007 – we will discuss at the next meeting when Harry is here. Terry is co-chair. Dawn met with a production company that does fairs and parades. They were able to get Ramsey Auto Group to be a free sponsor for Mahwah Day. They will provide a rock band, sound system, DJ, and cartoon characters. We will name them as the sponsor on flyers and advertising. Maybe we can get a rock-climbing wall, they are insured. We are looking for corporate sponsorship for individual rides. The Chamber of Commerce also wants to do something, possibly antique cars for the Mayor and Council. Discussed “friendship” as a possible theme. We will discuss at the next meeting.

Paddle Days – spoke with Rob Fisher. Dates on the calendar are July 10, 17, 24. We can add July 31. We need to put up signs.

Movie Night – Dates on the calendar are July 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31. The projector should be at town hall. Ward will pick up movies.

Senior Picnic – will be on July 19. Julia will chair, Drew will co-chair. We will discuss further at the next meeting.

Event Reports

Softball is going well. 25 women joined. We will not have co-ed teams – women do not want to play with the men. Mail is still coming in. There will be enough men for 8 teams, with 12 or 13 on a team, but no more than 16. We will have the same summer schedule as last year.

Seniors – This month will be the YaleUniversity trip. A chiropractor addressed the club.

Recreation Director’s Report

Dawn received a call about skateboard training, but we are not interested.

General Comments

The Memorial Day Parade will be on May 28.

On a motion by Terry Mostyn, seconded by Julia Smith, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm. All in favor, motion carried.

The next meeting is scheduled for June 27, 2007, at 7:30 pm in the Recreation building.

The minutes were prepared by Joanne Becker.