A Business Case for Attending the Global Conference
If as a recruiter you want to attend the NPAworldwide Global Conference, it is likely your owner, manager or supervisor will want to understand what kind of return they will get on the investment made in you and the event.
It would be strange to send documentation without surfacing the concept in advance. So don’t forget to pave the way…
To your manager: "Big game this weekend huh?! How about that storm? By the way, I am really interested getting more involved in NPAworldwide as a way to generate additional revenue. Are you open to this? It was suggested the best way to make this happen is to attend the Global Conference. Okay if I send you over some information about the event and a plan to attend?”
Follow up with a well thought out note like this:
Dear Manager/Owner/Supervisor,
NPAworldwide Global Conference is designed to create recruiter-to-recruiter interaction that increases split fee opportunities for those that attend. I would like to attend and I am requesting your approval. After attending this conference and exhibition I will return with relationships, tools, resources and best practices that can advance our results with NPAworldwide splits.
The event is April 19 to 21 in Tampa, Florida. A full schedule of events can be found on NPA Central at https://www.npa-central.com/?page=gchome.
I plan to engage in the following sessions to make connections and learn the best practices of those successful in the network:
• A
• B
• C
Here is how I see this content relating to my role, and how I think it will improve my performance and results for the business:
• X
• Y
• Z
The costs associated with attending this NPAworldwide Global Conference are as follows.
· Airfare not to exceed:
· Hotel not to exceed:
· Registration: $399
· Miscellaneous: I will pay my own meals, taxi and parking expenses
This investment will pay off in more effective usage of our NPAworldwide membership, new connections for jobs to work and candidates to fill open roles, a benchmark vs. top performers, and other take-a-ways that can add value and effectiveness to our efforts. I appreciate your approval and will make sure to work diligently to get the full value from this event.
<Your Signature Block>