Crossroads CareManual handling policy
Moving and handling policy
1.1 This policy, accompanying procedure, guidance for staff and guidancefor volunteers (F.24b, F.24c and F.24d) set out Crossroads Care’s position in relation to the manual handling of inanimate loads and objects.
1.2 The intended outcome of this set of documents is to ensure that all reasonable precautions are taken to provide and maintain safe working conditionsfor staff in order to reduce the risk of manual handling injuries.
Please note:where reference is made to ‘staff’ within this policy, the term will include volunteers as appropriate to the context and their use within individual schemes.
1.3Manual handling is defined as the transporting or supporting of loads by hand or by bodily force without mechanical help. It includes such actions as:
- lifting
- carrying
- putting down
- shoving
- pushing
- pulling
- nudging
- sliding.
1.4 This policy refers to the manual handling of inanimate objects or loads by Crossroads Care staff in either an office or domiciliary environment. Examples include:
- carrying boxes
- lifting or moving office equipment (for example computers)
- accessing files
- moving furniture
- carrying shopping
- handling laundry
- vacuuming
- handling wheelchairs, including in and out of vehicles
- any one-off manual handling task (for example, taking a delivery).
1.5The policy does not refer to the manual handling of service users. For information on this, pleaserefer to the following policy documents:
- adults’ mobility assistance(F.25a, F.25b, F.25c and F.25d)
- children’s mobility assistance (F.26a, F.26b, F.26c and F.26d).
2.1 Crossroads Care seeks to comply with the following legislation and guidance:
- Manual Handling Operations Regulations (as amended 1992) and the HSE Guidance Publication to the regulations L23
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
- Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
- Lifting and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998.
3.1Trustees are required to familiarise themselves with the content of the manual handling procedure, guidance for staff and guidance for volunteers (F.24b, F.24c and F.24d) that accompany this policy.
3.2Trustees are responsible for ensuring that managers have systems in place to meet the requirements listed below.
- There are adequate resources made available to meet the organisation’s legal duties under the legislation listed at 2.1 above.
- Staff work according to the manual handling policy, procedure and guidance at all times.
- Staff understand and accept their responsibilities and receive the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to carry out their duties in relation to manual handlingcompetently and safely.
- Staff are instructed to promptly report all manual handlingaccidents, incidents and near misses.
- Any revisions to the policy due to changes in common law, the relevant statutory provisions or associated guidance are understood, disseminated and implemented.
4.1 General learning and development requirements relating to this policy, procedure and guidance for staff are contained in the learning and development policy, procedure and guidance (E.13a, E.13b and E.13c).
5.2 Managers are responsible for assessing the roles undertaken by volunteers (including trustees) within their scheme and the level of briefing / induction those volunteers require in relation to the manual handling guidance for volunteers (F.24d).
5.1 The scheme’s board of trustees is required to formally adopt this policy and to ensure that a documented record is kept of their decision to do so.
5.2 Full details of the policy (namely its title and reference number) and the date it was adopted will be documented in the minutes of the appropriate trustee board meeting as evidence of the decision taken.The minutes will be signed by the chair of the trustees on behalf of the board.
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Policy/Manualhandlingpolicy/2013/10/APf024aLast reviewed July 2014
© Carers Trust 2014Review dueJuly 2015