Newsletter of

Aloha United Methodist Church

December 2017

….Upcoming Dates….

12/2 Christmas dinner and auction 6pm – Fellowship Hall

12/6Trustees 1pm – Library

12/10 Men’s Breakfast 830am

UMW 9am

12/11 Leadership 630pm - Room 1

12/12 Sophia Circle 7pm – Donna Detrick’s place

12/25 Christmas Day

The Season of Advent (and Christmas!) - - Pastor Leslie

Come home this Christmas.

Advent is the first season of the church year. As we wait for Christmas, we wait actively for Jesus to be born, to be born in our hearts.

We begin Advent Sunday,December 3. The message ofAwaking, Waitingis based onMark13:24-37. We do not know what is in store for us or exactly when things will happen. We are to be attentive and observant of what is happening around us and within us, as well as being faithful and committed to God. You may want to also readIsaiah63:16-64:9;Psalm80:1-7; andICorinthians1:3-9: prayers and thanks for God's grace. This is also a communion Sunday.

The second Sunday of Advent,December 10, brings a worship service with extra music and attention to how music brings joy to our lives. You may want to prepare by readingIsaiah40:1-11;Psalm85:1-2, 8-13;2 Peter3:8-15a; andMark1:1-8: preparing a path for God and meeting John the Baptizer. Watch for an empty cradle appearing in the sanctuary.

December 17is the third Sunday in this special season. You may readIsaiah61:1-4, 8-11;Luke1:46b-55;I Thessalonians5:16-24; andJohn1:6-8, 19-28: the proclamation of good news, the singing of God's praises, and the witness to the light. On that day everyone will be invited to participate in preparing the manger (cradle) for the baby Jesus.

December 24brings us two opportunities to celebrate in worship. Here are some passages you might read ahead of time:2 Samuel7:1-11, 16;Isaiah9:2-7; 16;Psalm89:1-4, 19-26;Psalm96;Romans16:25-27;Titus2:11-14; andLuke1:26-55. We observe both the fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve, hearing—and participating in—the Christmas story. (The evening service is at7:00p.m.)

At home on Christmas Day you might read the following scripture lessons:Isaiah52:7-10;Psalm98;Hebrews1:1-4, 5-12; andJohn1:1-14: God's word of promise, a new song, and the mystery of the incarnation.

The first Sunday after Christmas,December 31, will be filled with the music of hymns and carols, as well as scripture. You can read ahead:Isaiah61:10-62:3;Psalm148;Galatians4:4-7; andLuke2:22-40: the glory of God, and the infant in the temple.

All of our worship in the Advent-Christmas season will prepare us for hearing the Christmas story through music, poetry, prayer, praise, and proclamation. Come home this Christmas so we can worship God together.

Please Let Us Know

If you would like to read a scripture lesson, light candles, or participate in another way in our worship, please contact the following folks regarding particular services: Pastor Leslie (December 3rd, December 17th, and December 24thmorning services); Josh Reyes (December 10thmorning service); and Faith Bennett (December 24thevening service.) People are also welcome to participate in other worship services. Pastor Leslie would welcome talking with you.

Holiday dinner and auction

Save the date for Dec.2at 6pm for a fun time to socialize and raise some funds for the church. I can take donation items at any time.Debbie and I will be cooking and Richard will be our auctioneer.-Faith Bennett, Worship Team Leader


By making a commitment now it allows the church to be able to create a budget for the coming year.Please pray about what you can give in the coming year.

-Faith Bennet

Cookies ‘n More

The United Methodist Women raises funds for mission giving through their annual “Cookies ‘n’ More” sale, featuring delicious baked goods for sale. Please join us on Saturday, December 2, 2017 from 10am to 1pm This event is sponsored by Hillsboro United Methodist Women and will be held at NE 8th and Lincoln Street, Hillsboro.


The Sonos Handbell Choir, considered by some to be the best bell choir in U.S.A., will be presenting a concert at Pacific University, Saturday, Dec 9th, at 7:30pm. Tickets are $22.50 for seniors and $25 for non-seniors.

If interested in attending, please contact Richard Stouffer at or 503-642-0208 (leave a message).

PS. If you are a fan of “cowboy music”, Riders in the Sky will be providing a concert salute to Roy Rogers, at this venue on Saturday, Feb 24th at 7:30pm.

These tickets are $30, but a chance of a lifetime! Also, contact Richard if interested.

Both concerts and others are part of the Performing Arts Series at Pacific University. You can view more information on their website.

United Methodist Women – More Cookies!

Cookies, cookies, buy your Christmas sweets after the service on Dec. 17th. UMW is adding to their mission fund. Think about who you may want to gift a plate of holiday sweets. Or buy for you own enjoyment. Small amounts will be available. Donations are welcomed.

Family Promiseis being organized for January 7-14 by Phyllis Hollingsworth and Pat Eagle. Please check your calendar and determine what date would be convenient for you to volunteer. Call Phyllis at 503-844-9658 to schedule for providing dinner or for staying over. We are so grateful for all the help that you provide.

Pencil Ministry

We invite you to share a pencil or pen for the less-fortunate children of the Philippines. God wants to use us in all sorts of wonderful ways to serve Him and His people. But we first must be “sharpened” like a pencil. How does this happen? Well, most importantly, we can sharpen ourselves through the sword of the Bible and the power of prayer and a pencil or pen for them to be used in school. Please bring all donations to the church office. Thank you!

-Jocelyn Agpalo

Church Mouse

This is the message from the church mouse. Since I have returned to AUMC, I have done some refurbishing to my Hidey Hole.

I have installed a small mailbox and BOY have I received a ton of Christmas catalogs. I have discovered many plaques that were very meaningful to me. I would like to share some of my favorites with you.