(Report MUST be completed on diskette with eight hard copies!)

School: Miami University Chapter: Epsilon Xi

Delegate: Michelle Schoepper

Number of Actives Present: 21

Officer Slate: Phone and Address of President Total Number of Actives: 29

Adam Scholl Number of Candidates Present: 1

518 S. Main St. #6

Oxford, OH 45056 Total Number of Candidates: 5

(513) 523-4928

When are Chapter Elections? December

Sponsor’s name and address: David Shaffer

123 Center for Performing Arts

Oxford, OH 45056

Number of Alumni, Life or Honoraries Present: 4

Kent Covert, Life

Peter Murray, Life

Amy McMullen, Alumni

Mark Eckell, Alumni

Please list the following:

Fundraisers: Band T-shirts, Active Dues, Jazz Festival Concession Stand, Car Washes, Kings Island, Discount cards, Goody bags, Parent’s Day Sub Sandwiches

Social Activities: Brotherhood hours, KKCrush Intramural Hockey Team, Founder’s Week, Brotherhood retreats, Friday lunches, Watch Simpson’s before meetings, Monday Night Football, 4th of July Champion of the Universe, District Softball Tournament, Ski Trip, Music Greek Week, Chapter visitations

Service Projects: Water at Football games, plastic covering of seats at football games, helping out at OMEA Solo and Ensemble, Ushering Wind Ensemble and Symphony band concerts, helping percussion at Pep Band Events, Water during practices, Selling official Band t -shirt, High School Outreach, Band recruiting, Bought pencil sharpeners for the music building, Refreshments to band during football games, building two story pit carts, Tuba cases, Repairing Auxiliary equipment, Senior Scholarship Award, Ushering various musical events.

Awards/Honors: Superior Achievement Award, Shoot for Three Award

Community Service: Adopt-a-Highway, 5K run for charity, Oxford Daycare renovation, Donation ($300) to Wilson Jr. High, Talawanda High School podium, High School Outreach.

Joint Activities: Founder’s Week, Adopt-a-Highway, Freshman Move-in, Vinyl on the stadium bleachers, Band room clean up, refreshments at football games, rehearsal set up/ tear down.

Is there anyone or anything you would like the Committee on Credentials and Resolutions to recognize?

March 13, 2000, Epsilon Xi’s 30th Anniversary

In one paragraph (not to exceed one minute when read) discuss/address one significant event or occurrence which has had an impact on your chapter.

It has been an eventful year to say the least. I am sure many of you have heard of the infamous event following the Miami/West Virginia game plaguing the Miami University Marching Band this past fall. On the way back from WVU some members of our band choose to participate in some activities contrary to University policy- mainly alcohol consumption and “lewd behavior”. As a result, several University sanctions were given and the MUMB was prevented from performing at our Parent’s Day football game and at a Cincinnati Bengal’s football game. In light of these events the Epsilon Xi chapter has made appropriate changes to our behavior. For example, instead of watching “traditional” road trip movies, “Tubby the Tuba” (a G rated movie) is now a road trip must.

Please take one activity listed on the previous page unique to your chapter and explain in some detail what you chapter involvement is.

The High School Outreach program is a new program unique to Miami that was started this year. Members of the Epsilon Xi chapter travel to local high schools and preform with them at their football and basketball games. The Presence of our chapter has made and impact on the size and sound of their bands and has been appreciated by band members and fans alike. Every brother of our chapter enjoys this new program and therefore we hope to make it a continuous project.

Delegate’s signature

Michelle Schoepper

Kappa Kappa Psi, Epsilon Xi

Alumni Secretary

Communications Chair