The primary role of the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee (‘the Committee’) is to assist the board of Sunland Group Limited in:

  • Monitoring corporate risk management, internal control and compliance processes;
  • Monitoring compliance with laws and regulations and code of conduct for the Sunland Group;
  • Monitoring the integrity of the Sunland Group’s statutory financial reports and statements and financial and accounting controls; and
  • Reviewing the achievement of best practice in the implementation of corporate policies and compliance processes.


  • Minimum membership of three (3) non-executive directors;
  • A majority of the directors must be independent;
  • An independent chairperson, who is not a chairperson of the Board;
  • At least one member of the Committee must have accounting or related financial management expertise;
  • A quorum shall consist of two members. However, the attendance of Sunland’s auditors is required for the quorum to proceed;
  • Representatives from management, external auditors and legal advisors to attend and report to meetings of the Committee as required;
  • Committee appointments and terms of reference are determined by the Board and any changes require the Board approval; and
  • The Committee membership and charter is to be reviewed at least every two (2) years.


Ron Eames(independent non-executive director)Chairman

Terry Jackman(independent non-executive director)

Craig Carracher(independent non-executive director)

Permanent Invitees

Grant Harrison(Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer)

Scott Springer(Financial Controller)

Ernst and Young(External Auditors)


The responsibilities of the Committee will include the following:

Financial Reporting

  • To review corporate accounting policy changes and financial reporting practices and controls and make recommendations to the Board;
  • To review the half year and annual financial statements before submission to the Board focusing on changes in accounting policies and practices, major judgemental areas, significant adjustments, ASX and legal requirements;
  • To review representation letters from the CEO and CFO; and

External Audit

  • To consider the appointment of company external auditors.
  • To review audit policy, annual audit plans and liaise with external auditors.
  • Review the terms of engagement and fees, including any engagement letter issued at the start of each audit.
  • Consider and review the scope of work, reports and activities of the external auditor including interaction with internal audit.
  • To review, with management and the external auditors, the results of the external audit and any significant issues identified; and
  • Assess the independence of the external auditor based on the information received from the external auditors and management.

Risk Management, Internal Audit and Internal Control

  • To review corporate risk management processes including an ongoing assessment of the adequacy of internal control systems.
  • Review and approve the charter, annual audit plans and activities for the internal audit function.
  • Monitor management’s response to reviews and recommendations of internal audit regarding internal control systems and procedures.
  • Review the adequacy of resources and governance arrangements of the internal audit function.
  • Ratify the engagement and dismissal by management of the internal audit manager.
  • To review governance issues relating to corporate relationships, joint ventures and investment management activities, including review of related party issues as required.
  • To review and recommend company policy in relation to property acquisition and due diligence processes.
  • To monitor and review corporate compliance with statutory obligations.
  • Consider any other matters it considers appropriate or as are referred to it by the Board from time to time.


The Committee will:

  • Prepare an annual schedule of agenda items to be considered throughout the year that will identify the people involved in providing the relevant reports.
  • Report to the Board on its activities at least four (4) times per year, usually via Meeting Minutes at the next Board meeting following a Committee meeting.

The Committee shall consider at each meeting whether any significant matters brought to the attention of the Committee should be reported to the Board.


  • Meetings shall be held at least four (4) times a year with further meetings to be called as required.
  • Meetings are to be held in person, by phone, videoconference or such other technology as agreed to by all members.
  • Any dissenting members shall be entitled to have the opinion of that member recorded in the minutes.
  • The Secretary will take minutes of all meetings held and keep records of all reports and recommendations made by the Committee.
  • A resolution determined on without any meeting of the Committee and evidenced by writing under the hands of all the Committee members shall be as valid and effectual as a resolution duly passed at a meeting of the Committee. Any resolution evidenced in writing may consist of several documents in like form signed by one or more Committee members.


  • The Committee has unrestricted access to all records and staff of the Sunland Group (including internal audit) and the external auditors.
  • The Committee is authorised by the Board to obtain outside legal or other independent professional advice as necessary to assist the Committee.
  • Any suspected frauds or irregularities will be immediately reported by management to the Committee.