Thank you for expressing interest in the IDB Pop Up Volunteering program.

What is it?

Pop Up Volunteering is an opportunity for your organization to help advance the mission of the IDB by counting diapers into quantities of approximately 25 diapers and bundling them in plastic wrap. These bundles of diapers are then provided to the IDB partner distribution organizations (PDOs) who provide them to families in need.

Pop Up volunteering allows your organization to volunteer on a schedule that you set a a location of your choice offering maximum flexibility.

What is Required?

Any number of volunteers can participate. You will need someone to coordinate the volunteer experience, arrange for volunteers to pick up cases of diapers at the IDB and transport them to your location of choosing and bring the bundled diapers and any remaining diapers back to the IDB after the Pop Up volunteering session is complete.

Schedule the Pop Up Session by contacting the IDB at

A volunteer sign in sheet will be included when your volunteers pick up the bundles of diapers. Please have your volunteers sign in and also include how many hours were dedicated to the project. This helps us track total volunteer hours contributed to the IDB.

IDB also provides your organization with the plastic film wrap and diaper size labels used in the bundling process

Instructions on how to bundle diapers:

You will bundle diapers into stacks of 25 diapers and then use plastic wrap to protect the diapers

Here is a link to a How To Video on bundling diapers: https://vimeo.com/100922984 We suggest you share this link with your volunteers in advance.

A few more items to consider:

· Please place the bags of baby wipes that are included in some of the cases of diapers to the side and return those to the IDB as well.

· Please try to reuse the boxes to put all the bundles you create back into a box, but only put one size per box (don’t mix bundle sizes!)

· Sticky "diaper size labels" are to be included in each bundle…simply write in the number that corresponds to the size of diaper and place it in the bundle. (No need to remove sticky backing from the label.)

· Tape boxes shut and write inventory count and size on the outside.

· Have fun!