Instructions for Track Chairs

Instructions for Track Chairs – Set 1

  1. Accepting email invitation for becoming Track Chair
  2. Accessing the Conference Management System
  3. Adding track description

I.Accepting the Track Chair assignment

  1. You would have received an email from the Program Chair (Prof. Atalay Atasu) inviting you to become a track chair. That email has a link that you should click on to accept this assignment.
  2. After accepting the invitation you will receive another automatically generated email from the Conference Management system which will have your login and password to access the System.

II.Accessing the Conference Management System

  1. Copy paste this URL in the web browser:
  2. At the conference page,click on the “Admin Login” icon on the top menu bar.
  3. On the login screen enter your ID and password (which you received in the email).
  1. After login you should see the following page which is called Launchpad.
  1. The “Launchpad” link on the top right hand side brings you back to this homepage from anywhere in the system. Use “My Profile” to update your information.

III.Adding Track Description

  1. Click the “Tracks” button.
  2. On the subsequent page press the “Edit” button against your track’s name.

  1. A pop up window should appear. Click on the icon located on the left of the “Description”

  1. In the text box that appears, review (or enter if it is not already entered) your track’s description and make changes, as needed. Then click on “Save Description” to save the changes. The description you enter here will be the one that gets printed in the Program Book and displayed on the conference website.
  2. You can add comments for your own use using the “Comments” text box. These are not printed in the Program Book.
  3. Do not make any changes to the Track Title, its status or other parameters. If you have any suggestions related to this information contact the Program Chair.
  4. Click on “Close” to close the pop up window.

Instructions for Track Chairs – Set 2

  1. Creating Invited Sessions and adding Session Organizer(s)

IV.Creating Invited Sessions

  1. After login click on the “Sessions” Box
  1. Select your track from the drop down menu.
  2. Once you select the track, the “Add new Session” button becomes available. Click on that button to add a new session.
  1. A pop up screen appears. Start by entering a “Session No.”. Leave the “Status” as “Pending”, do not change that.Select the appropriate “Session Type”. The options are “Regular”, “Tutorial”, “Panel” and “Workshop”. Then select “Invited” in the “Submission Type”.
  2. Add a Title in the Title text box. You can edit this later. Avoid giving session titles like Session # 1, Session # 2 etc. Try to be more descriptive.
  3. Press the “Save Changes” button to add the new session just created.
  • Note: Other buttons (description, comments, session organizers and chairs and invited authors) remain inactive until the new session has been created and saved as described above.
  • Follow program chair’s instructions regarding the number of sessions to be created.
  • A session can be deleted by pressing the “delete session” button.
  1. Add a “Description” by clicking the icon next to the description button; and any comments by clicking on the icon next to the “Comments” button.

  1. Now, add the Session Organizer.

Session organizer is the person who invites authors to submit papers for his/her session. A session consists of at least 4 papers. The session organizer may not necessarily chair the session during the presentation. The session organizer may appoint someone else as the session chair.

Click on the “Session Organizers and Chairs” icon.

In the window that appears, click on the green colored “+” icon to add a session organizer.

  1. After you click “+” button, the following popup window will appear. The person whom you want to appoint as session organizer may already exist in the POMS database. We have close to 8,000 records. Search for the Session Organizer in the database using her/his email address and last name combination. If the search results are null, enter the person’s email, last name, and first name and click on the “Add New Participant” button to enter the person in the system.
  1. Choose the identified person and then click “Select and Continue.”
  2. The person gets added as the Session Organizer. Click on “close” in the subsequent screen to close the pop screen and save your choice. You can undo your choice by clicking on the red X symbol and removing the person as the inviter.
  3. Do not assign the session organizer as the Session Chair as of now. You will do this after the registration deadline has passed and we have made sure that the person has registered for the conference.
  4. After the pop screen closes you will be back at the Sessions tab and should see the person’s name in the Organizer’s column. Although the system allows it, you should only add one person as a session organizer for a session.Session organizers’ names are not printed in the Program Book, only Session Chairs are listed.
  5. Repeat the steps listed above to add other Sessions and Session Organizers.

Instructions for Track Chairs – Set 3

  1. Sending invitation to Session Organizers to accept the assignment

V.Sending Email Invites to Invited Session Organizers

  1. After login click on the Sessions tab.
  2. Choose your track name from the drop down menu. A list of all invited sessions created in your track should appear.
  3. To send an email invite to a session organizer (or all session organisers at the same time), click on “All Session Organizers / Send Emails”.
  4. The next screen will show all sessions created so far in your tracks. Check the session(s) for which you want to send an email invite to the Session Organizer. Then click on “Send Email”.

  1. In the popup screen that appears, from the Email Template drop down menu select “Session Organizer – Accept Session Organizer Assignment”.
  1. The screen will refresh and the Text Editor box should get populated with an email template.This email is automatically embedded with all the relevant details specific for that invite. Check this message to validate that this is indeed the message that you are currently intending to send.
  2. Add your email address in the “From Email”.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the text editor, and if you wish you can replace the contact details with your own. The default contact details are that of the Program Chair. This will help the invited session organizer know that this email is from you (the Track Chair).
  4. Do not change any other content in this text box.
  5. Finally, click on “Send Emails”. If successful the following message appears. Click on “X” to close this window,
  6. The invited session organizer will receive an email with a link to accept the assignment. Upon acceptance of the assignment, the session organizer will receive the following confirmation:
  1. The session organizer will also receive another email containing their email and password to access the system.
  2. Session Organizers can then enter the system and enter details of presenters for their invited session.

The instructions are also posted on the right hand side on landing page after you login.