District Council Meeting
Reston, Virginia
May 20, 2011
0.0 Roll call: The following persons attended the meeting: Martin Baker (Director), PatriciaAronson (Secretary), Robert Cable (Treasurer), Charlie Rozanski (Past Director), TJ Morgan (MD), Greg Penczek (President-Elect of MD), Jay Scifers (NC), Raz Razayeski (SC), Tom Kuster (VA), Mike Hanley (Symposium Director), Brent Arnold (Symposium Program Chair), Jill Manners (Student Senate), Luke Vance (MAATA Student Senate Chair), David Saddler (NATA National Office)
Absent: Tony Corley (WV)
1.0 Welcome & Roll Call - Director Martin Baker called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM.
2.0District Director’s Comments – Martin Baker
2.1Vision Quest Discussion: A handout entitled, “Talking Points for Vision Quest for NATA Board of Directors, March 8, 2011” was distributed.
2.2The NATA Office has asked each district to investigate which states solicit membership separate from the NATA.
2.2.1NC – has approximately 12
2.2.2SC – has less than 10
2.2.3MD – does not solicit and has no members that are not NATA members
2.2.4VA – does not solicit and has no members that are not NATA members
2.2.5WVA – does not solicit and has no members that are not NATA members
2.3Tonight’s District Meeting with the membership:
2.3.1Honors and Awards first (John Lopez will be given a Hall of Fame Award)
2.3.2NATA Membership numbers (27,131 NATA Members up from 26,283)
2.3.3A financial report from the NATA will be given
2.3.4 Presidential Elect – Marje Albohm is in her last year as NATA President. Threecandidates (Jim Thornton – District 2, Mark Gibson - District 4, Terry Noonan – District 5) will present their platform to the BOD. The BOD votes on who will be the 2 candidates to run for President. A discussion followed when past Director, Charlie Rozanski inquired how the present NATA President’s voting and position was changed from the past.
2.3.5The Secondary School outcomes study will be collecting datasoon.
2.3.6Component Relations Project Team: Phase II. At the May meeting in Dallas the BOD approved the recommendations of this project team. They are: 1).Theformation of a State Association Group (SAG). This group consists of a representative of each state.2). Members of the SAG will be further broken down into Caucuses which are based on the size of states. There will be four (4) caucuses.3). Each Caucus will appoint two (2) representatives to form the State Association Advisory Council (SAAC). With a committee chair this group will have a total of nine (9) members. This group will advise the NATA BOD on appropriate issues. A chair will be recommended to the NATA BOD at the New Orleans meeting. The committee will begin work immediately after this meeting.
2.3.7Amendments to the NATA By-Laws: 4 districts have already voted on this and only 1 of the 4 has voted to approve the changes. The membership has been informed on this vote through the NATA News and Range of Motion.
2.3.8The recertification fee increase initiated by the BOC will be addressed.
3.0Secretary – Pat Aronson
3.1Newsletter and Website – it was emphasized that we are looking for news. Pat asked the Council to please send news as soon it happens and photos if possible.
3.2E-Blasts – Council members can also send information that should go to the entire District membership once per month per e-blasts.
3.3Database requests- those asking for membership lists are asked to provide specifics of what info is desired, such as: names and e-mail addresses, work address, phone numbers, active and/or suspended, etc.
4.0Treasurer – Bob Cable
4.1The report from May 2010 to May 2011 was presented, explained, and discussed.
4.2 The report showed a loss in revenue from the last District III Symposium. A discussion ensued regarding the timing and site of the Symposium. After this year, the MAATA Meeting will be in Greenville, SC (2012 and 2013). The discussion included:
4.2.1The Site Selection Task Force will be convening soon.
4.2.2Mike Hanley will be an advisor to the Site Selection Task Force.
4.2.3It might be a good idea to poll the membership regarding timing of the meeting
5.0 Brent Arnold – after 5 years of service, this will be Brent’s last meeting as Symposium Program Chair. Brent was thanked for his service. The program is ready for this symposium.
6.0 State Presidents’ Report
6.1 Jay Scifers – NC voted for a $30 dues increase this spring. Dues need to be raised because the lobbyist cost has tripled in NC. Jay also shared how he uses a virtual meeting program called Winba Meeting through Blackboard. Martin Baker would like to use this type of program for Council Conference Calls.
6.2 Tom Kuster - the VATA has won the Dan Campbell Award again this year.
7.0 Scheduling of next District Meetings
7.1 Tonight will be the May2011 District Meeting at 7:00 PM.
7.2 The next Council Meeting will be held at the NATA Meeting and Symposium in New Orleans (June 2011).
7.3 Conference Calls will continue after that meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:33 by Director Baker
Respectfully Submitted by,
Patricia Aronson, PhD, ATC
District III Secretary