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November 2004


by Bruno DELOR (France)

Annex:Composition of FAI Jury and F2B, F2C and F2D panels of judges of the 2004 World Cup competitions.

The Control Line World Cup has been introduced in 1995 in classes F2A (speed), F2B (aerobatics), F2C (team-racing) and F2D (combat). In F2A and F2C perpetual trophies are delivered.

1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004

Total number of participating countries

/ 20 / 22 / 20 / 26 / 30 / 28 / 34 / 27 / 33 / 27
F2A / Number of competitions / 11 / 14 / 10 / 17 / 14 / 16 / 15 / 15 / 15 / 19
Number of competitors placed / 49 / 56 / 46 / 68 / 46 / 61 / 57 / 63 / 61 / 67
Number of countries / 13 / 19 / 13 / 17 / 14 / 18 / 17 / 15 / 16 / 18
F2B / Number of competitions / 12 / 16 / 13 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 21 / 19 / 19 / 15
Number of competitors placed / 117 / 136 / 136 / 175 / 158 / 162 / 174 / 165 / 186 / 155
Number of countries / 14 / 19 / 18 / 22 / 22 / 21 / 22 / 18 / 22 / 16
F2C / Number of competitions / 12 / 13 / 10 / 15 / 14 / 17 / 17 / 15 / 14 / 11
Number of teams placed / 78 / 77 / 61 / 104 / 98 / 90 / 90 / 81 / 90 / 75
Number of countries / 16 / 17 / 15 / 18 / 20 / 21 / 21 / 17 / 20 / 16
F2D / Number of competitions / 5 / 6 / 4 / 10 / 11 / 11 / 15 / 16 / 15 / 12
Number of competitors placed / 51 / 57 / 76 / 119 / 129 / 112 / 185 / 214 / 225 / 207
Number of countries / 10 / 12 / 7 / 15 / 19 / 18 / 23 / 22 / 24 / 21

In speed (F2A), Sandor KALMAR (Hungary) won with a total speed on three competitions of 872,9 km/h. He is followed by Franz MARKSTEINER (Austria) with 857,6 km/h and Marian JURKOVIC (Slovak Republic) with 850,1 km/h.

In aerobatics (F2B), Serge DELABARDE (France) won with 74 points scored with three first places. He is followed by Luc DESSAUCY (Belgium) with 60 points and Jiri VEJMOLA (Czech Republic)with 56 points.

In team-racing (F2C), the team Thierry OUGEN/ Roland SURUGUE (France) won with 53 points scored with two first places and a second place. This team is followed by the team Yuri BONDARENKO/ Semen LERNER (Ukraine) with 51 points and the team Josef FISHER / Hans STRANIAK (Austria) with 46 points.

In combat (F2D), Lothar HENTSCHEL (Germany) won with 57 points scored with a second place, a seventh and a eight place. He is followed by Boris YALUNIN (Latvia) with 57 points and Mons FRANCISCO (Spain) with 56 points.


Members of FAI Jury and panels of judges for each competition are given in the annex. The list of judges which have been considered is the list valid for 2004/2005 (approved by the CIAM Plenary Meeting in March 2003).

In a World cup competition, any infringement of the Sporting Code rules concerning composition of a panel of judges could lead to the cancellation of the results for the class which is concerned. The only exception to be considered is the case of an obvious withdrawal of a judge at the last moment (exceptional circumstance).

FAI jury - Thecomposition of the FAI Jury is defined in paragraph B.4.1 of the Volume ABR of the Sporting code Section IV. In the case of International events the FAI Jury must include at least one CIAM Delegate or a person approved by his/her NAC. The other two members can be delegated by the NAC of the organising country but members of the FAI Jury must be from at least two different countries. The rules specified that members of the FAI Jury may not compete in the event except when the time table gives a sub-division into classes ; in that case, one or two members may compete in a class and must then be replaced by alternate Jury members (not competing in the corresponding class) for all matters involving that class. The alternate members must be chosen so that at all times the FAI Jury meets nationality and language rules.

Nothing is specified in paragraph B.4.1of the Sporting Code concerning possibility for a member of a panel of judges (F2B, F2C or F2D) to be also involved in the FAI Jury. A specific rule has been introduced in the Control Line World Cup rules which specify that aFAI Jury member involved in a panel of judges has to be replaced for that class (as FAI Jury member) by another eligible person.

F2B panel of judges - The rule 4.2.13 of the Sporting Code specifies a panel of at least three judges. Those judges must be of at least two different nationalities and be selected from a list of persons proposed by the National Airsports Controls for their proficiency and experience and approved by the CIAM. If the panel is composed of five judges (recommended) only three of them must be approved by CIAM.

F2C panel of judges - The rule 4.3.12 of the Sporting Code specifies a panel of at least three judges. The judges must be from two different nationalities and must have at least one language in common. Only two of them must be selected from a list of persons proposed by the National Airsports Controls for their proficiency and experience and approved by the CIAM.

F2D panel of judges - The rule 4.4.18 of the Sporting Code specifies a panel of three judges. The judges The judges must be from two different nationalities and must have at least one language in common. Only two of them must be selected from a list of persons proposed by the National Airsports Controls for their proficiency and experience and approved by the CIAM.

Some infringements to the rules concerning compositions of FAI Jury and/or panels of judges have been noticed :

-Svitavy (Czech Republic) - 19 and 20 June (F2D) : only two judges in the F2D panel of judges and those two judges were also involved in the FAI Jury.

-Dej (Romania) - 24 to 26 September (F2A) : only one judge in the FAI Jury.


F2A / F2B / F2C / F2D
14th Open International Vila de Vidreres - Vidreres (SPAIN) / 9 - 10 April / ESP-1 / * / * / * / *
2004 Cup of Avios - Aleksine (RUSSIA) / 30 April - 2 May / RUS-1 / *
8th Coupe du Monde du Sud-Ouest - Sainte-Eulalie (FRANCE) / 1 - 2 May / FRA-1 / *
2004 Open International - Hradec Kralové (CZECH REPUBLIC) / 8 - 9 May / CZE-1 / * / * / *
12th IKR Pokalwettbewerb - Bitterfeld (GERMANY) / 8 - 9 May / GER-1 / * / * / *
2004 Holland Cup - Bitterfeld (GERMANY) / 8 - 9 May / NED-1 / *
2004 International Fesselflug Cup - Kraiwiesen-Salzburg (AUSTRIA) / 21 - 23 May / AUT-1 / * / * / *
2004 Cupa Aripilie Somesului - Dej (ROMANIA) / 28 - 30 May / ROM-1 / * / *
2004 Kyiv Cup - Kiev (UKRAINE) / 28 - 30 May / UKR-1 / * / * / * / *
2004 Open Nordic Championships, Limfjords Competition - Aalborg (DENMARK) / 29 - 30 May / DEN-1 / *
2004 Open de Paris - La Queue-en-Brie (FRANCE) / 29 - 30 May / FRA-2 / * / * / *
7th City of Cirié - Torino (ITALY) / 5 - 6 June / ITA-1 / *
11th Sächsische Schweiz Cup & 3rd Werner Groth Memorial Cup - Sebnitz (GERMANY) / 5 - 6 June / GER-2 / * / * / * / *
2004 Cup Gold Engine - Moscow (RUSSIA) / 12 - 13 June / RUS-2 / * / *
2004 Open International - Svitavy (CZECH REPUBLIC) / 19 - 20 June / CZE-2 / * / *
2004 Eurocup - Herentals (BELGIUM) / 26 - 27 June / BEL-1 / *
2004 Open International World Cup Contest - Gliwice (POLAND) / 26 - 27 June / POL-1 / *
32nd Mecsek Cup - Pecs (HUNGARY) / 26 - 27 June / HUN-1 / *
2004 Air Lithuania Cup - Vilnius (LITHUANIA) / 30 July - 1 August / LTU-1 / *
2004 In Memory Jozef Gabris - Bratislava (SLOVAK REPUBLIC) / 13 - 15 August / SVK-1 / * / *
2004 International Vol circulaire - Wegnez (BELGIUM) / 14 - 15 August / BEL-2 / * / * / *
12th Country Control Line - Wierzawice (POLAND) / 27 - 29 August / POL-2 / *
2004 French Open - Saint-Yan (FRANCE) / 27 - 28 August / FRA-3 / * / *
2004 Coppa d'Oro - Lugo di Romagna (ITALY) / 4 - 5 September / ITA-2 / * / * / *
2004 Cup of Moscow - Moscow (RUSSIA) / 11 - 12 September / RUS-3 / *
20th Grand Prix de France - Landres (FRANCE) / 11 - 12 September / FRA-4 / * / *
20th World Cup du Luxembourg - Landres (FRANCE) / 11 - 12 September / LUX-1 / * / *
2004 Memorijal S. Sindjelic - Beograd (SERBIA and MONTENEGRO) / 11 - 12 September / SCG-1 / * / *
2004 Swis speed weekend - Breitenbach (SWITZERLAND) / 18 - 19 September / SUI-1 / *
19th Var Cup - Gyula (HUNGARY) / 24 - 26 September / HUN-2 / *
2004 Cupa Aripilie Somesului - Dej (ROMANIA) / 24 - 26 September / ROM-2 / *
2004 Lentiacup - Linz (AUSTRIA) / 25 - 26 September / AUT-2 / *
2004 Dnipro Cup - Novomoskovsk (UKRAINE) / 1 - 3 October / UKR-2 / *
11th Open Internacional Ciudad de Valladolid - Valladolid (SPAIN) / 2 - 3 October / ESP-2 / * / * / * / *

Competition (complete or in some classes) cancelled because of organisation problems or due to a lack of competitors


The Board of judges nominated by the CIAM Control Line Subcommittee to rule any protest concerning the World Cup is composed of Bengt-Olof SAMUELSSON (Sweden), Guido MICHAELS (Belgium) and myself.

No unusual occurrence or contravention of the FAI Sporting Code have been mentioned by a FAI jury or an organiser.

Statistics 2004 / F2A / F2B / F2C / F2D
Number of competitions / 19 / 15 / 11 / 12
Number of competitors (teams in F2C) placed / 67 / 155 / 75 / 207
Number of competitors (teams in F2C) placed :
in 7 competitions / 2 / 1
in 6 competitions / 1 / 1
in 5 competitions / 7 / 3 / 2
in 4 competitions / 2 / 9 / 4 / 9
in 3 competitions / 6 / 30 / 7 / 29
in 2 competitions / 14 / 30 / 16 / 54
in 1 competition / 35 / 86 / 44 / 112
Number of countries / 18 / 16 / 16 / 21
Number of competitors (teams in F2C) from:
Austria (AUT) / 4 / 8 / 1,5 / 4
Belarus (BLR) / 1 / 3
Belgium (BEL) / 1 / 6 / 1 / 5
Czech Republic (CZE) / 2 / 13 / 7
Denmark (DEN) / 2 / 1 / 3
Spain (ESP) / 1 / 13 / 8 / 11
Estonia (EST) / 2
Finland (FIN) / 1
France (FRA) / 12 / 19 / 12 / 7
Great-Britain (GBR) / 1 / 7 / 4
Germany (GER) / 7 / 26 / 5 / 13
Hungary (HUN) / 5 / 5 / 2,5
Israel (ISR) / 1 / 1
Italy (ITA) / 5 / 12 / 6 / 6
Latvia (LAT) / 3
Lithuania (LTU) / 9
Moldova (MLD) / 8
Netherlands (NED) / 1 / 4 / 3 / 6
New-Zealand (NZL) / 1
Poland (POL) / 4 / 5 / 2
Portugal (POR) / 2 / 1
Romania (ROM) / 4
Russia (RUS) / 6 / 13 / 13,5 / 75
Switzerland (SUI) / 3 / 1
Slovak Republic (SVK) / 1 / 3 / 4
Sweden (SWE) / 2 / 2
Ukraine (UKR) / 8 / 23 / 8,5 / 33

In the following sheets in the columns concerning results there is:

-Abbreviation of the competition, for example UKR-2 or SUI-1 (see correspondence with the abbreviations page 5).

-Placing and number of competitors placed, for example 3/13 means third place with 13 competitors placed.

CLASS F2A (speed)

- 19 competitions have been considered for the results in speed.

- 67 competitors are placed from 18 different countries.

-The higher number of placed competitors in a competition has been 13 competitors from 5 countries in Sebnitz (Germany) and Landres (Luxembourg) and from 3 countries in La Queue-en-Brie (France).

-The best junior is René BIRNSTEIN (Germany) placed 10th.

- The best speed realised during the year is from FEDOTOV (Russia) with 294,8 km/h at Moscow in Russia.

1 / KALMAR Sandor / HUN / 872,9 km/h / GER-1 / 293,2 / HUN-1 / 292,4 / AUT-1 / 287,3
2 / MARKSTEINER Franz / AUT / 857,6 km/h / HUN-2 / 293,8 / LUX-1 / 284,8 / GER-2 / 279,0
3 / JURKOVIC Marian / SVK / 850,1 km/h / POL-2 / 289,1 / HUN-1 / 282,7 / CZE-1 / 278,3
4 / GILBERT Régis / FRA / 848,0 km/h / ESP-2 / 284,3 / BEL-2 / 282,5 / FRA-2 / 282,2
5 / AUBE Jean-Marc / FRA / 844,9 km/h / FRA-2 / 289,1 / BEL-2 / 281,5 / LUX-1 / 274,3
6 / SCHMITZ Norbert / GER / 843,8 km/h / BEL-2 / 285,7 / DEN-1 / 281,2 / GER-2 / 276,9
7 / GRÜNDEL Peter / GER / 838,9 km/h / POL-2 / 283,4 / CZE-1 / 278,6 / GER-2 / 276,9
8 / MAGNE Jean / FRA / 835,0 km/h / ITA-2 / 285,7 / ESP-1 / 279,5 / FRA-2 / 269,8
9 / ELEKES Imre / HUN / 824,7 km/h / HUN-2 / 275,6 / ROM-2 / 275,6 / GER-2 / 273,5
10 / BIRNSTEIN Rene (junior) / GER / 821,8 km/h / GER-2 / 281,2 / AUT-1 / 272,0 / CZE-2 / 268,6

CLASS F2B (aerobatics)

-15 competitions are considered for the results in aerobatics.

-155 competitors are placed from 16 different countries.

-The most numerous competition in aerobatics has been 2004 the International Fesselflug Cup in Salzburg (Austria) with 43 competitors from 9 countries.

- The best junior is Petr DURCAK (Czech Republic) placed 19th with 28 points.

1 / DELABARDE Serge / FRA / 74 points / AUT-1 / 1/43 / BEL-2 / 1/18 / ESP-1 / 1/16
2 / DESSAUCY Luc / BEL / 60 points / GER-1 / 1/17 / BEL-2 / 2/18 / FRA-4 / 1/12
3 / VEJMOLA Jiri / CZE / 56 points / GER-2 / 1/17 / SVK-1 / 2/15 / AUT-1 / 5/43
4 / SCHREK Alexander / SVK / 53 points / SVK-1 / 1/15 / GER-1 / 2/17 / AUT-1 / 8/43
5 / HOLTERMANN Christoph / GER / 51 points / AUT-1 / 2/43 / BEL-2 / 3/18 / ITA-2 / 7/14
6 / BERINGER Gilbert / FRA / 49 points / ITA-1 / 1/25 / FRA-3 / 3/21
BERINGER Rémi / FRA / 49 points / FRA-3 / 1/21 / ITA-1 / 3/25
KORNMEIER Richard-Martin / GER / 49 points / GER-2 / 2/17 / AUT-1 / 6/43 / BEL-2 / 5/18
9 / BENES Pavel / CZE / 47 points / GER-2 / 3/17 / AUT-1 / 4/43 / SVK-1 / 4/15
10 / BALLESIO Francesco / ITA / 46 points / ITA-1 / 4/25 / FRA-3 / 4/17 / ESP-1 / 5/16

CLASS F2C (team-racing)

- 11 competitions have been considered for the results in team-racing.

- 75 competitors are placed from 16 different countries.

-The most numerous competition in team-racing has been Grand Prix of France in Landres (France) with 19 teams from 8 countries.

-The best junior team is the team François PIERRON / Mathieu PERRET (France) placed 35th with 8 points.

- The best time realised during the year is from the team CONTENTE Amilcar / GOULAO José (Portugal) with 3'08"1 in Valladolid (Spain).

1 / OUGEN Thierry / SURUGUE Roland / FRA / 53 points / FRA-4 / 2/18 / ITA-2 / 1/13 / AUT-1 / 1/10
2 / BONDARENKO Yuri / LERNER Semen / UKR / 51 points / FRA-4 / 1/18 / GER-2 / 1/10 / ITA-2 / 3/13
3 / FISHER Josef / STRANIAK Hans / AUT / 46 points / BEL-2 / 1/13 / GER-1 / 2/15 / AUT-1 / 2/10
4 / DESSAUCY Luc / DESSAUCY Jean / BEL / 44 points / FRA-2 / 1/15 / BEL-2 / 2/13 / GER-1 / 7/15
5 / PICARD Fabrice / PERRET Claire / FRA / 41 points / FRA-4 / 3/18 / GER-1 / 4/15 / ESP-1 / 1/7
6 / BUCCI Lionel / PERRET Jean-Paul / FRA / 40 points / FRA-2 / 2/15 / RUS-2 / 3/13 / GER-1 / 6/15
7 / MOHAI Istvan / NITSCHE Heinz / HUN/AUT / 39 points / GER-1 / 1/15 / BEL-2 / 4/13 / ITA-2 / 5/13
8 / MARTINI Giancarlo / MENOZZI Marco / ITA / 32 points / ITA-2 / 2/13 / FRA-2 / 4/15 / AUT-1 / 6/10
9 / CONTENTE Amilcar / GOULAO José / POR / 28 points / FRA-2 / 3/15 / ESP-2 / 1/9
10 / YUSCHENKO Andrei / YUGOV Viktor / RUS / 26 points / RUS-2 / 1/13 / FRA-4 / 11/18

CLASS F2D (combat)

-12 competitions are considered for the results in combat.

- 207 competitors are placed from 21 different countries.

-The most important competition in combat has been the Cup of Avios in Aleksine (Russia) with 88 competitors from 5 countries.

- The best junior is SADOMOV Pavlo (Ukraine) placed 32h with 22 points in two competitions only

1 / HENTSCHEL Lothar / GER / 57 points / NED-1 / 2/38 / GER-2 / 3/41 / LUX-1 / 8/20
2 / YALUNIN Boris / LAT / 57 points / GER-2 / 2/41 / LTU-1 / 3/21 / NED-1 / 8/38
3 / MONS Francisco / ESP / 56 points / LUX-1 / 3/20 / ESP-1 / 3/17 / NED-1 / 4/38
4 / RASTENIS Andrius / LTU / 52 points / LUX-1 / 3/20 / ESP-1 / 3/17 / NED-1 / 4/38
WAKKERMAN Loet / NED / 52 points / LUX-1 / 1/20 / GER-2 / 7/41 / NED-1 / 8/38
6 / CHORNY Stanislav / UKR / 51 points / GER-2 / 1/41 / LTU-1 / 2/21
JELINEK Lubor / CZE / 51 points / CZE-2 / 1/18 / NED-1 / 3/38 / GER-2 / 13/41
8 / WAKKERMAN Monique / NED / 45 points / LUX-1 / 4/20 / NED-1 / 5/38 / CZE-2 / 4/18
9 / MOLTENI Adriano / ITA / 44 points / ESP-1 / 1/17 / LTU-1 / 8/21 / FRA-2 / 4/13
RIERA Xavier / FRA / 44 points / LUX-1 / 4/20 / FRA-2 / 2/13 / ESP-1 / 5/17

Remark : there was a tie for the first place ; the place has been determined considering a number of events counted increased from three to four.

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