January 6, 2009
4:00 p.m.
Kings County Board of Supervisors Chambers,
1400 West Lacey Blvd.
Hanford, CA93230
Present: Bill Black, John Stankovich, Mary Anne Ford-Sherman, Peggy Montgomery,
Joe Neves
Kyle Sand, County Counsel recommended the appointment of a temporary chair to conduct today’s meeting and subsequently bring an agenda item to the next meeting for the nomination of Chair and Chair Elect to finish out FY 08/09. Commissoner Chair Rickard has retired and Commissioner Chair Elect David Droker’s term ended in December.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ford-Sherman , seconded by Commissioner Montgomery to appoint Commissioner Black to run today’s meeting. All commissioners in favor. Motion carried.
- Wendy Alsop, CARES Coordinator, and many program supporters spoke to the commission of the impact the program has made in the child care provider community.
- Commissioner Stankovich thanked Mrs. Alsop for her outstanding leadership with the CARES program, sharing that Mrs. Alsop has requested to be released from her contract to move out of state.
- Mike Mendoza, Foundation Directory for Hanford Elementary, representing the FRC Collaboratibe invited the commission to the upcoming Bridges Out of Poverty event targeted at educators to take place on March 18th. The event will be co-sponsored by various agencies.
2009-01-001Approval of minutes: December 2, 2008 Commission Meeting
Minutes were approved with a motion made by Commissioner Montgomery, and seconded by Commissioner Ford-Sherman. All other commissioners in favor. Motion carried.
Staff Report:
- Due to the holiday schedule, the December fiscal repor is not included in this agenda; boththe December and January Fiscal reports will be presented in February 2009.
- We have encountered challenges with the collection of CHI data for evaluation purposes, which will likely not allow us to evaluate the initiative in this year, as scheduled. ED Watson will more fully outline this issue in her staff report for the February Commission Meeting.
- ED Watson informed the Commission that the January Commission meeting will be the last tended to by County Counsel Kyle Sandas he has accepted a position in his home town of San Diego. ED Watson thanked Kyle for his hard work to the Commission. Commissioners also thanked Mr. Sand for his work..
2009-01-002Kings Partnership for Children Contract Status – The Commission reviewed and discussedthe change in contract status of Kings Partnerhship for Children. The progress of Kings Partnership for Children in meeting their corrective action plan goals for both their HomeGarden and their Hanford FRC service sites was reported out by ED Watson. The performance improvement process will be extended through March 15, 2009 for successful fulfillment of all performance improvement objectives.
No Action taken/Discussion only.
2009-01-003Healthy Families Funding Request –The Commission reviewed and discussedthe request from First 5 California for funding to support health care coverage for children 0-5 who are new enrollees to the Healthy Families Program.If approved, a contribution in an amount not to exceed $75,108.69 would decrease our Contingency line item.The supplantation issue associated with the request was addressed by CountyCounsel who stated that in it’s current format, the request doesn’t violate our local supplantation policy, however he stressed that if not structured correctly, it could expose the Commission to possible liability.
Commissioner Montgomery provided information she had gathered on the Healthy Families program. Extensive discussion followed regarding pros and cons of the request.
Commissioners were in favor of agendizing the issue for the February meeting in order to gather additional information.
2009-01-004First 5 Kings County Financial Forecast –Commission reviewed and discussed the financial information presented by ED Watson.This information was prepared before the Governor’s proposal was released which outlines an elimination of the State Commission and redirection of 50% of future annual revenues. Staff requested the Commission, (1) establishment of a subcommitte tasked with the development of a plan on how to be responsive to the current economic reality, and (2) suspension of the financial plan. In addition, ED Watson suggested the Commission consider a 6 month contract extensions if the financial plan is suspended. ED Watson explained that any suggestions developed by the subcommittee would be brought back to the full Commission for formal adoption.Commissioner Black suggested the establishment of a reserve percentage in the budget and appointed Commissioners Ford-Sherman, Stankovich and Montgomeryto the subcommittee. A regular agenda item will be established to report out to the Commission and the public as to the progress of the subcommittee. ED Watson asked that the sub-committee take on as its initial task the development of criteria that will be used in the determination process for adoption by the Commission at it’s February meeting.
- Commissioner Montgomery – Pleased to hear about CARES success, and provided copies of some Kings County Child Care statistics.
- Commissioner Neves – Introduced Mr. Fagundes as his alternate to Commission meetings.
ADJOURNMENT– Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 to the next regularly scheduled Commission
meeting on February 3, 2009.