Center Grove Elementary School Physical Education

Unit 3 & 4: Fitness/Food Guide Pyramid/MyPlate Study Guide


1.  FITT is an acronym that stands for F – Frequency, I – Intensity, T – Time, and T – Type. Use FITT to decide on what exercises would be good to help improve your health.

2.  There are 5 fitness categories/groups that are used to help group different exercises and stretches. These 5 groups are: muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. It is important to participate in all types of exercises to improve one’s health. Here are some examples of exercises that could be included in each group.

·  1. Muscular Strength = Push-ups/pull-ups

·  2. Muscular Endurance = How many sit-ups one can do in 1 minute

·  3. Cardiovascular Endurance = The 1-mile fitness test/5-minute run

·  4. Flexibility = Basic stretching exercises (sit & reach)

·  5. Body composition = % of fat, bone, water and muscle in the human body

Food Guide Pyramid/MyPlate:

1.  The Food Guide Pyramid was originally used as a way to show the important food groups needed to have a balanced diet. A balanced diet means that you eat from all five food groups each meal. It also helped show the importance of both eating healthy and exercising to maintain good health. As of 2011, we now use My Plate to show the food groups and the importance of eating a balanced diet. The My Plate poster still has the same five main food groups as the Food Guide Pyramid. The plate on My Plate shows that half of our plate should be filled with vegetables and fruits.

2.  There are 5 main food groups that you should be eating from each meal. They are Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy, and Protein. The food groups have specific colors to represent them. Some examples of foods in each food group include:

·  Grains (orange) – crackers, bread, pasta, cereal

·  Vegetables (green) – carrots, potatoes, lettuce, peppers, green beans

·  Fruits (red) – strawberries, bananas, grapes, oranges, peaches

·  Dairy (blue) – milk, cheese, yogurt

·  Protein (purple) – peanuts, beef, chicken, fish, beans, pork, eggs

Cup Stacking Skills:

1.  There are 12 cups in a set of Speed Stacks. When stacking the cups it is called upstacking. When taking the cups down it is called downstacking. If a cup falls off the stack during the upstack or downstack it is called a fumble. All fumbles must be fixed before moving on. The three different stacks learned in physical education class were: 3 stack, 6 stack, and 10 stack. These three different stacks also help make up the cycle stack. There are three parts to the cycle stack: 3-6-3 stack, 6-6 stack, and then the 10 stack; stacked in that same order. Cup stacking helps develop good hand-eye coordination; which is used in almost any sport. It is also good to help develop ambidexterity; which means the ability to use both hands equally.