Police Commission
The Police Commission meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm in the Burlington Police Department Community Room, 1 North Avenue.
The Commission’s responsibilities include approving the police chief’s appointments of special police officers, hearing appeals of decisions by the police chief to discipline officers, and notifying the mayor and chief administrative officer in writing of any changes to the police department’s rules and regulations.
Click here for full website.
Conservation Board
The Conservation Board meets once a month at 5:30 pm in the Public Records Room 17 of City Hall. A meeting schedule for the current year can be found here.
The Board ‘s responsibilities include providing protection for City wetlands, natural areas, and environment, and communicating with other city commissions and City Council about issues that affect environmental quality. Member responsibilities include reviewing plans for potential City developments, visiting potential construction sites, and creating or maintaining ordinances to protect important natural areas from development. Members should be interested in environmental law, environmental science, preservation, landscape architecture, and real estate.
Click here for full website.
Community Justice Center
Click here for full website.
Neighborhood Planning Assembly Steering Committee
Neighborhood Planning Assemblies (or NPAs) are public assemblies in each of Burlington’s 8 wards that meet monthly to allow community members to discuss current issues. The assembly for each ward meets once a month on a regular schedule. A ward map for reference can be found here, and a meeting schedule can be found here.
The Committee’s responsibilities include creating an agenda for each public meeting, organizing and moderating public meetings, and upholding open meeting law. Members’ responsibilities include taking minutes for each meeting, filming meetings, communicating with their neighbors, and communicating with the City about the needs of their assemblies and their neighborhood.
Click here for full website.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission generally meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each Month at 6:30pm in Conference Room 12 of City Hall.
The Commission has the overall responsibility of developing Burlington land use and development policy and recommending this policy to the City Council. Member responsibilities include creating, studying, and evaluating plans for land, transportation, economic, and social development in the city. Members should be interested in planning, architecture, historical preservation, real estate, and natural resource use.
Click here for full website.
Library Commission
The Library Commission meets on the 3rd Monday of every other month at noon in the Fletcher Free Library Local History Room.
The Commission has the responsibilities of managing the use of library facilities and services, approving a staff-recommended budget to be presented to the mayor, and ensuring the payment of bills and claims incurred by the library.
Click here for full website.