14th – 15th October 2013
Hotel Aquincum Conference Centre,
1036 Budapest, Árpád fejedelem útja 94., Hungary
Josef Švaříček,
State Phytosanitary Administration of the CzechRepublic, Plant
Protection Products Section inBrno, Czech Republic
Gábor Tőkés,
Hungarian National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH)
Directorate of Plant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agri Environment, Budapest,Hungary
Stanisław Stobiecki,
Institute of Plant Protection - National Research Institute, Sośnicowice, Poland
Moderator of Round Table Discussions:
János Molnár,
retired counselor, on behalf of the Ministry of Rural Development, Budapest,Hungary
Head of the Editorial Committee for drafting the Final Document:
Pavel Minář,
State Phytosanitary Administration of the CzechRepublic, Plant
Protection Products Section in Brno, Czech Republic
1st day 14th October 2013 (Monday)
08:00 - 09:00Registration of participants
09:00 - 09:10Welcome and introduction
Gábor Szalkai
Ministry of Rural Development, Division ofPlant Protection and Soil Conservation,
Food Chain Control Department;Budapest, Hungary
09:10 - 09:15Draft Agenda Approval
Josef Švaříček
Session I - Regulation 1107/2009/EC Current Issues
State of progress, experiences with the application in EU MSs including zonal approvals, minor uses, non-professional uses, generic products, legal aspects of parallel trade, situation concerning the effects of PPPs on honey bees in the MSs, renewal of active substances, re-registration of products, labelling, CLP, comparative assessments, other new tasks
Wolfgang Reinert, European Commission, Brussels, (COM view of progress )
Euros Jones, European Crop Protection Association, Brussels(ECPA view of tasks and difficulties)
Rebecca Reboul AGES, Austria (New re-registration system)
Jean-Pierre Busnardo, DuPont Crop Protection, Brussels, Belgium (Industry view of tasks and difficulties)
10:40 - 11:10 Coffee break
Concentrating on main topics: Experiences with applications, dossiers , timelines, zonal worksharing, capacity, user categories, minor use, parallel trade, requirements for generics, legal problems, refusals etc.
ATRebecca Reboul,
CZ Pavel Minář
HU Gábor Tőkés
SK Žaneta Ščobáková/Peter Knap
PL Zbigniew Maliński
CR Višnja Ljubetić
(10-15 min)
Round Table Discussion
Other EU Member States are invited to provide brief presentations on thenational approach to the above listed subtopics
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
Continuation of discussion on 1107 issues (if necessary)
Session II-Other products (notPPPs), yield enhancers, biostimulants
Zsuzsa Olasz,
member of EU working group,
Hungarian National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH,) Directorate of Plant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agri-Environment, Budapest, Hungary
(EU plans on harmonised registration of yield enhancers)
Bronislava Škarbová,
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
(CEUREG Countries Survey results on authorisation of “other products”)
Gábor Tőkés
(Experiences with authorisation of not PPPs and yield enhancers)
Other EU Member States are invited to provide brief presentations on the experiences with the above topics
15:15 - 15:45 Coffee break
Session III - Directive 2009/128/EC - Current Issues
stage of progress, risk indicators, bee incidents
Patrizia Pitton (presentation given by Wolfgang Reinert),
European Commission, Brussels ( COM view on pesticide use, national action plans, risk indicators)
Bronislava Škarbová,
(CEUREG Countries Survey on Bee Incidents results)
Ewa MatyjaszczykInstitute of Plant Protection - National Research Institute, Poznan, Poland
(Experiences with SUD in Poland)
Anna Rónai Hungarian National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH)
Directorate of Plant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agri Environment, Budapest, Hungary
(Handling of bee incidents in Hungary)
Other EU Member States are invited to provide brief presentations on the experiences with the above topics
17:30 Closing the 1st day meeting
19:00 - 22:00 Social event
Common dinner for participants in a special traditional restaurant
(Please indicate on the confirmation form if you can or can not participate on the event)
2nd Day 15th October 2013 (Tuesday)
Session IV–International, Regional and Countries Developments since CEUREG Forum XVI.
CEUREG Region Countries presentations - PPPs authorization
Representatives of Belarus, Georgia, Moldavia, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
Tatsiana Palchekh – Polgar-Acro (Registration in the CIS countries, applicant’s view)
Josef Švaříček, (International relations - FAO, OECD, Rotterdam Convention…)
Round table discussion
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
Session V - Regulation on control of PPPs placed on the market
Regulation on official controls replacing Regulation 882/2004/EC and Implementing Regulation replacing third subparagraph of Article 68 of EC Regulation 1107/2009 - stage of progress, possition of EU MSs, proposal for establishing expert group; control of faked products, including recent developements in net-working between MSs and EC in order to fight against illegal trade
Rien van DiesenNVWA -Nederlandse Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit (Illegal trade, fake products)
ECPA view on illegal trade
Stanisław Stobiecki(Illegal trade, fake products)
Josef Švaříček, (New Regulation on Official Controls)
CEUREG Region States are invited to provide brief presentations on thein experiences with the PPPs control (shortly)
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
Continuing states presentation (if necessary)
Draft Final document approval by CEUREG Region States
Information on the next meeting
17:00 Gábor Tőkés, Closing the CEUREG Forum XVII meeting