MEETING DATE: Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ed Services Conference Room
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
PRESENT: / NOT PRESENT:Allan Marshall, Maintenance / Julie Schuyler, Special Ed.
Wendy Galitello, Maintenance & Operations / Lita Willis, State Preschool
Dave Keil, Maintenance & Operations / Art Tacket, Special Ed.
Evelyn McDevitt, Business Services / Diane Islander, Alternative Education
Karen Woodruff, Human Resources / Valerie Kraskey, Administration
Betty Ellison, Ed. Services
Dave Cementina, Special Ed.
Michele Chavez, Special Ed.
Margaret Downie, Special Ed.
Alison Rule, Special Ed.
Nancy Norton, State Preschool
Garth Maijala, SIPE
Items Discussed:
Once Around the Table:
Allan opened the meeting with once around the table. Introductions were made.
Approval of May, June, August & September 2008 Minutes:
Allan stated there are several months of minutes to be approved.
Approval of May 15, 2008 Minutes:
· Evelyn made a motion to approve the May 2008 minutes with corrections; Betty seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously passed.
Approval of June 19, 2008 Minutes:
· Evelyn made a motion to approve the June 2008 minutes; Betty seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously passed.
Approval of August 21, 2008 Minutes:
· Evelyn made a motion to approve the August 2008 minutes; Betty seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously passed.
Approval of September 18, 2008 Minutes:
· Evelyn made a motion to approve the September 2008 minutes with corrections; Betty seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously passed.
Items to be Placed On the Agenda or Moved:
Allan asked for any items being placed or moved on the agenda. Michele stated there was a request for financial assistance. Allan stated that would be discussed under “New Business.”
· Caught in the Act:
Karen asked if Wendy had the CITA flyer so it could be updated. Wendy said yes, she did have it.
$50.00 Winner – James Redick, Vision ~ $5 Jamba Juice Winners – Rebecca Hatch, Business Services; Michele Chavez, Sp. Education.
· Financial Report:
Evelyn reported that the balance is $5,227.58 and $272.00 was spent on first aid equipment from Diane Islander from last years’ (07-08) Safety Incentive Award. There was nothing further to report.
· Review Accident Trends:
Karen reported that were 3 claims so far and were serious and a couple first aids’. There was further discussion. Allan asked if there were appropriate online training modules in place for bites and other things that are reported. Garth responded that they are working on it. They haven’t found someone to write it yet. There was further discussion.
Allan asked Karen if there were new medical facilities that are going to be utilized in North County? Karen responded that it’s going to be Paso Robles Urgent Care but they’re not open for business yet. She’s in contact with Dale who will be running that facility, and he will keep her apprised of when they will be open.
Allan then asked Karen if the people who had a “Claim Status” of First Aid, if they had reported it to their supervisor first. Karen replied that yes, most of them had. She stated that if it wasn’t their supervisor it was to the Admin. Asst.
Karen also reported that she had written a letter to Dr. Newman at Med Plus in Pismo Beach regarding their service and she did receive a response. Garth asked if Mike McGuire had been informed of that and it was important the he know. Karen stated that she hadn’t let him know, but she will.
· Safety Inspections:
Allan addressed the Self Inspection forms provided by SIPE, which are the first round of the inspection process and he stated that Wendy will be mailing those out. Dave K. requested that the deadline be moved up, getting them back earlier prior to the holidays. There was discussion regarding mailing out the forms by the end of October with a due date of November 21, 2008. That due date was good for everyone.
Allan asked if everyone agreed to award the same Safety Incentive Award as last year, which was $300.00 to each program ($1800.00) to be used toward safety related purchases. It was agreed by everyone.
· Walking Tournament:
Big 5 Gift Card Winners ($75.00) – Betty reported that the flyers went out to everyone. The months will be for October, November and December, so the next drawing will be in November.
· Rebate:
Allan asked if the deadline for the SIPE rebate was October 1, 2008. Dave responded that the paperwork was delivered to Garth and he will let us know if additional information is needed. Dave stated that it’s been a challenge getting it turned in due to Wendy’s absence. Allan asked Garth to let the Committee know what changes have occurred and what needs to be targeted. Garth responded there were no changes for last year but there are for the current year such as, rolling over only 25% of the budget; there has to be 30% of employee training instead of 20%; there’s an application form that has to be filled out, which will be online for next year. He also stated that the entire rebate program will be tracked online for next year. Dave stated that will be helpful because then we can enter each transaction throughout the year. Garth stated that we’ll be able to track the committee budget online but right now just the form is available.
· Blood Drive:
Allan asked if there was going to be a blood drive this year? Karen responded that yes there will be. She will be planning it for January 2009. She stated there were the same amount of donors for 2 years in a row so hopefully there will be more this year.
Old Business
· Step Ladders & Floor Mats ~ Diane
Allan inquired if any mats were ordered. Diane was not present to respond.
· Gait Belts ~ Michele
Allan addressed the order for Gait Belts. Michele responded that they are ordered and we should receive them soon. They were purchased with Wendy’s credit card (for the Safety Committee) on October 16, 2008 from ErgoSafe in the amount of $372.99 and Sammons Preston in the amount of $462.41 totaling $835.40.
Alison explained what the gait belts were for and which were more useful to that Special Ed. program. Allan asked if these were worn all day? Alison replied no, that some kids tolerate them better than others. There was further discussion.
· Staff Development 2008-2009
Wendy asked what the outcome was of Staff Development that was held in August 2008? Allan inquired about the attendance and if the presenters (speakers) were good.
Dave C. responded that it was held at Loma Vista Community School and they had several speakers. Dave K. asked Dave C. to put together a report as to how the funding was spent and how much is left. Dave C. agreed to do that.
New Business
· Requests To The Committee ~ Allan
Dave C. stated that a future request for the purchase of an updated DVD/Video for health procedures and universal precautions may be coming before the committee. The current DVD/Video is made from several retired people and they were discussing getting a more up to date version. The existing one is quite old.
Margaret Downie presented a request for 6 walkie talkies for Patti Bailey’s class because they have elopers. Dave K. stated that this is not a worker’s comp. issue, it’s a liability issue and these types of purchases are part of the cost of doing business so the manager needs to buy them. Allan asked what was the dollar amount of the request? Margaret responded. Allan suggested that they use their Safety Incentive money to make that purchase. There was further discussion.
There was discussion regarding the 07-08 Safety Incentive Award that had not been submitted yet from Special Ed. – C.J. and Preschools. Allan stated that if these programs wanted to hurry and make a purchase, that would alright with him and asked for a motion.
· Nancy Norton made a motion to extend the deadline to October 31, 2008 for the award to be utilized; Karen seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously passed.
Dave K. asked if Wendy would research who has spent their Safety Incentive Award money so far. He then suggested that there be a deadline of 60 days from date sent for the 08-09 Safety Incentive Award money to be spent for each program. Allan agreed that there should be a deadline for submission.
· Purchase New Big 5 Gift Cards ~ Wendy
Wendy stated that it was time to purchase Big 5 Gift Cards for the Walking Tournament winners. She asked that the purchase of 18 cards at $75.00 each, totaling $1,350.00, be approved by the committee.
· Nancy Norton made a motion to purchase 18 Big 5 Gift Cards for $1,350.00; Michele seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously passed.
· CPR Class For Managers ~ Michele
Michele inquired about a CPR class for managers. Dave K. responded that she can let him know when they want it and it can be arranged. There was further discussion regarding types of classes and requirements. Dave K. reported that this past year fire extinguisher training was offered and a lot of employees attended. Mike B. from SIPE held the training in the M & O parking lot.
Nancy Norton asked if new employees without any formal CPR training should have some other longer or in depth training, other than what is offered by SLOCOE? Dave K. responded that when a teacher is hired they should be CPR/First Aid certified initially before being hired. He stated what SLOCOE offers should be enough after their initial certification.
Other Business
· Committee Membership
Michele addressed the issue of committee representation. She wondered if Special Ed. was overrepresented. Dave K. responded that we are informal about the way our membership is but actually the Board Policy states that there should be 5 Managers, 5 Classified and 5 Certificated members. He continued that the committee tries to maintain representation from North County, South County and centrally, but the main thing is that if there is a safety issue, each program knows who their representative is that they can go and talk to about the safety issue.
There has always been an issue of the lack of North County members. It’s been difficult for them to attend due to the location of the meetings and the issue of them not being able to find a substitute to cover so they could attend.
Dave K. suggested that at the November 20, 2008 meeting, the subject of representation should be addressed.
· Next Meeting:
Allan stated that the next meeting will be November 20, 2008.
Michele moved to adjourn the meeting and Wendy seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 2:33 p.m.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Ed Services Conference Room
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Wendy Galitello, January 3, 2009