March 20, 2015
Lexington, KY
Name Organization
Chair, Robin Wright LFUCG – Water Quality
Reporter, Clay Larkin Dinsmore & Shohl
John Bobel LFUCG – EMA
Ken Johnson Link-Belt Construction Equipment
Doreen Birkholz LFUCG – Emergency Management
Ralph McCracken Lexington Fayette Health Department
Rick Parks The C.I. Thornburg Co., Inc.
Gregg Bayer Lexington Fire Department
Alan Sutherland Clark Material Handling
Linda Jennings Lexmark
Robbie Francis Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection
Jon Meyers Schneider Electric
John Helfenberger J.M. Smucker, LLC
Andy Daigle Bluegrass Station
Scott Roberts Ceradyne
Bob Kjelland University of Kentucky
Wesley Byrd Kentucky DEP, Division of Water
Stephen Kellerman Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection
Steve Jackson LFUCG – Emergency Management
I. Call to Order/Introductions / Robin Wright called the meeting to order. On behalf of the Committee, Mr. Wright thanked Schneider Electric for hosting the meeting. The Committee made introductions.
II. Approval of Minutes of September, 2014 Full Committee Meeting / Clay Larkin distributed the minutes of the September, 2014 Full Committee meeting. Gregg Bayer moved to approve the minutes and the motion was seconded by Robbie Francis. The motion was unanimously approved.
III. Treasurer’s Report / Ralph McCracken presented the Treasurer’s Report. Alan Sutherland moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, and the motion was seconded by multiple Committee members. The motion to approve carried unanimously.
IV. On-Going Activities
a. 2014 LEPC Conference / Robin Wright reported that all necessary paperwork to complete the grant funding and payment for the 2014 LEPC conference has been submitted and funding had been received.
b. Public Information Activities / John Bobel reported on public information activities planned for 2015. Mr. Bobel reported that the Committee would attend: Reforest the Bluegrass at the Kentucky Horse Park on April 11, 2015; Arbor Day at the UK Arboretum on April 25, 2015; and the iKnow Expo at the Lexington Convention Center on April 12, 2015. Mr. Bobel reported that an expenditure of $4,000 for giveaway items at these events, and $1,150 for exhibit/entry fees was required. Mr. Bobel reported that the Executive Committee had previously voted to recommend an expenditure for these amounts, and sought the approval of the Full Committee. Ralph McCracken moved to authorize the expenditure and this motion was seconded by Alan Sutherland. The motion was unanimously approved.
c. Emergency Kit Giveaways / John Bobel reported on the on-going emergency giveaway kit initiative, in which the LEPC provides emergency kits, usually five per year, to non-profit organizations in order to raise awareness of the LEPC and its mission.
d. Facility Information Campaign / Steve Jackson reported on a facility information campaign conducted by Marathon in the Cardinal Hill neighborhood, under the leadership of Committee member Bill Strong. Mr. Jackson reported that the initiative reached hundreds of households in the neighborhood. Mr. Jackson reported that the LEPC is encouraging its industry members to consider undertaking similar projects in 2015. Mr. Jackson reported that the Committee will provide assistance to any facility that would like to participate.
V. Sub-Committee Reports
a. Public Information / John Bobel reported that the Sub-Committee’s activities had been discussed during the discussion of On-Going Activities.
b. Budget/Finance / Clay Larkin reported that there had been no significant activity by the Sub-Committee since the September meeting.
c. Response Exercise / Robin Wright reported on behalf of Fred Rial that the committee was working on a potential emergency preparedness site visit with a member organization. Mr. Wright encouraged member facilities to contact him, or Steve Jackson or Fred Rial about scheduling a voluntary site visit, which the Response Exercise Sub-Committee provides free of charge to Committee member facilities. Numerous visits have been conducted in the past and facilities consistently find them to be valuable and informative.
VI. New Business
a. 2015 LEPC Conference / Steve Jackson reported that the Fayette County LEPC was partnering with the Jefferson County LEPC to present a third annual LEPC Seminar in Frankfort on September 28 and 29, 2015. Mr. Jackson reported that the tentative plan was to build upon and expand the conference based on the success of two prior conferences the Fayette County LEPC has presented in Lexington. Mr. Jackson reported that the 2015 conference would take place at the Capital Plaza Hotel in Frankfort. Mr. Jackson reported that the two LEPCs hoped to fund the 2015 conference without the use of grant funding, and this would require obtaining donations and hosting exhibitors. Mr. Jackson reported that the ad hoc sub-committee formed to plan the event had already met three times.
b. LEPC Tri-Fold Brochure / John Bobel reported that Lexmark had provided printing for 5,000 educational brochures for use by the LEPC. Mr. Bobel thanked Lexmark for this valuable contribution, which should supply brochures to the LEPC for approximately two years’ worth of events.
c. 2015 HMEP Grant / Robin Wright reported that 2015 HMEP grant funding was available for the 2015 LEPC conference, but the sub-committee was considering declining the funds based on past issues and difficulties with grant fund reimbursements.
d. ESF-10 Plans / Doreen Birkholz presented the Committee with the revised ESF-10 plans received this year. Ms. Birkholz reported that the Executive Committee had voted to recommend approval of the plans. Ralph McCracken moved for approval of the plans as presented and recommended by the Executive Committee, and this motion was seconded by multiple Committee members. The motion unanimously carried.
e. Funding for CAMEO Class Attendance / Steve Jackson reported that he and Doreen Birkholz had an opportunity to attend a CAMEO training class in Cincinnati, but needed financial support for the travel. Mr. Jackson reported that such an expenditure was authorized by the CERC, and that the Executive Committee had recommended approval of the cost of two nights hotel stay and state per diem food expense reimbursement for Mr. Jackson and Ms. Birholz to attend the class. John Bobel moved to approve an expenditure of no more than $500 to reimburse Mr. Jackson and Ms. Birkholz for their costs in attending the class, as recommended by the Executive Committee. The motion was seconded by Rick Parks, and was unanimously approved.
f. Funding for Computer Upgrades / Doreen Birkholz reported that the GIS workstation she uses to develop vulnerability zone maps for potential releases was requiring additional computer hard drive capacity, and that new computer hardware might soon be required to effectively utilize this necessary software. Ms. Birkholz reported that the Executive Committee had recommended an expenditure not to exceed $150 for Ms. Birkholz to purchase an external hard drive in the near term while she investigated the purchase of an upgraded computer. John Bobel moved to approve an expenditure not to exceed $150 for this purpose and the motion was seconded by Ken Johnson. The motion unanimously carried.
VII. Good of the Order / Doreen Birkholz reported that she would be investigating potential upgrades to the LEPC website that would allow the website to better handle educational materials being uploaded to the site. This is particularly necessary now that the LEPC is hosting educational conferences and attendees and others would like to view educational materials related to those conferences on the website.
Gregg Bayer reported that the Tier II reporting threshold for sulfuric acid had been revised by the CERC to make Kentucky reporting requirements consistent with federal standards.
VIII. Adjournment / The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent, and following the meeting, the Committee toured the Schneider Electric facility.