Muldanny Region Tourism Marketing Plan
Excerpt from Maldanny Tourism Marketing – Maldanny Region Tourism Marketing Plan 2004 – 05
Objective / Strategy / Action / Key Performance Indicators / TimelineIncrease visitor numbers, length of stay and visitor spend / Develop and implement cooperative marketing campaigns aimed at intrastate and interstate markets / Develop a tactical television and radio and/or press campaign for Maldanny, regional SA, NSW, & Victoria plus a contingency for additional advertising as needed (explore opportunities to work cooperatively with the Tourist Commission (TC) and interstate travel centres / Placement of television & press advertisements and number of bookings received / October 2004
Gain leverage from (TC’s) Secrets campaign and other cooperative campaigns where appropriate / Participate in an integrated intrastate marketing campaign, to be developed by the Regional Marketing Unit, as part of the (TC’s) ‘Rediscover South Australia’ campaign. Television remains a key media (Postcards and Discover programs) / Exposure received (more Maldanny products to be highlighted). Bookings made and visitor numbers / Over 12 months
Support a cooperative backpacker campaign (TC) to encourage more backpackers to Maldanny / Visitor numbers from the backpacker market / Over 12 months
Support cooperative Melbourne to Maldanny Touring Route campaign / Success of campaigns ie bed nights generated / Over 12 months
Produce high-quality visitor information / Production of the 2004 Maldanny Visitor Guide, in line with (TC’s) Secrets campaign (family of brochures) / Production and effective distribution of 350,000 Guides / February 2005
Develop Coastal Maldanny campaign including printed and/or online brochures / Production and effective use of brochures / September 2004
Continue to support Hip Guide to Maldanny and marketing campaign associated with guide / Production of guide and effective distribution of guides / October 2004
Integrate The Maldanny Visitor Guide And Printed Maps (Produced By Countrywide publications) / Strategy developed and implemented / January 2005
Further develop the Maldanny consumer web site and develop a marketing campaign to promote the site / Number of hits and enquiries generated from site / April 2005
Participate in key consumer shows / Continue to effectively store and distribute all brochures produced by ATM / Number of brochures effectively distributed – no wastage / Over 12 months
Attend at least two key consumer shows in accordance with SATC Funding Guidelines plus others as required / Attendance and information handed out / Over 12 months
Coordinate a stronger Maldanny presence at key consumer shows including a stand-alone Maldanny booth alongside the South Australia stand inviting operators to participate / Shows attended and number of operators involved. Number of bookings generated from special packages offered at the shows. / Over 12 months
Produce high quality display material and product offers to use at consumer shows as above / Material produced / October 2004
Produce quality promotional products for consumer shows (possible playing cards with other regions) / Products produced / November 2004
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