Psychology 125: Human Development
Fall 2010
Instructor: Christopher Gade, PhDClass Time: Tuesday 1:30-4:20
Office Hours:Tuesday 12:00-1:30 & by aptClass Location: Room 2210
Office Location:1031-GEmail:
Required Textbook: A Topical Approach toLife-Span Development (2010), John W. Santrock, 5th Ed
Class Website:
Course Description
Psychology 125, Human Development,will discuss how the human mind and body develop throughout the lifespan. Topics that we will cover include development in physical, emotional, social, and cognitive performance. This course is designed to address these areas of development from birth to the end of life.
Course Requirements
Exams: There will be a total of 3 exams in this course. Each exam will cover material located in both the text and in the lectures. The exams will not be accumulative in nature, but an understanding of information in previous sections will be expected in each of the exams.
Written Assignments: There will be 3 written assignments and 1 final project for this course. Due dates for these assignments are posted on the course schedule provided on the bottom of this syllabus. The instructions for each assignment will be announced and distributed in lecture. Late work will not be accepted under any circumstances. However, work done in advance can always be turned in early.
Grading Policy
Final grades willbe calculated on the basis of 300 points distributed as follows:
RequirementPoints% of grade
Exam 16020% of your grade
Exam 26020% of your grade
Exam 36020% of your grade
Project 1258.3% of your grade
Project 2258.3% of your grade
Project 3258.3% of your grade
Final Project4515% of your grade
Final grades will be based on a standard 100% scale: A=90%-100%, B=80%-90%, C=70%-80%, D=60%-70%, F<60%.
Student Responsibilities
You will not be required to put in long nights of studying, or have the intellectual capacity of Einstein in order to be successful in this course. However, effort, vigilance, and a positive mindset will be essential for both success and an appreciation of the material that will be presented to you this semester. Listed below are some additional necessary and helpful tips about how to be successful and get the most out of this course.
1)Attend lectures. The lectures will almost always contain pieces of information about topics that are not located in the text. Therefore, it is imperative that you come to them and pay attention while you are there. These lectures are also intended to be fun… hopefully.
2)Arrive on time. If you’re late, it will be more difficult to comprehend the flow of information, you may miss an activity, and it’s just in bad taste to be late.
3)Read the chapter that pertains to each lecture in advance. You will learn more and be more prepared to respond to or ask questions if you do this. You will also benefit more from the in-class activities. Do not fall behind in the reading.
4)Be aware of exam dates and assignment due dates. Write them into your date book or calendar today.
5)*NOTE: I understand that a number of forces outside of your control might occasionally prevent you from attending a lecture, or coming to class on time… it happens. The important thing is that you find a way to obtain the information that you missed, and that you put your best effort in during the times that you are in class.
Course Schedule
Aug 17th Introduction/SyllabusChapter 1
Aug 24thBiological BeginningsChapter 2
Aug 31stPhysical DevelopmentChapter 3
Sept 7thHealthChapter 4
Sept 14thMotor and Sensory DevelopmentChapter 5Project 1Due
Sept 21stExam 1(Chapters 1-5)
Sept 28thCognitive Developmental ApproachesChapter 6
Oct 5thInformation ProcessingChapter 7
Oct 12thIntelligenceChapter 8
Oct 19thLanguage DevelopmentChapter 9Project 2 Due
Oct 26thExam 2(Chapters 6-9)
Nov 2ndEmotional DevelopmentChapter 10
Nov 9thSelf and PersonalityChapter 11
Nov 16thGender and SexualityChapter 12
Nov 23rdMoral Development and ReligionChapter 13Project 3 Due
Nov 30thExam 3(Chapters 10-13)
Dec 7thFinal Projects Due