Name: _A.N Other______Membership no: _55559999____

  1. Competency: 1 Learning Outcome: 1.1
Apply the law to the matter.
  1. Evidence provided:
Attendance note with client re GBH and criminal damage charge and advising of likely sentence on basis of evidence.
  1. Outline how the evidence demonstrates you meet the outcome
Applicable law: Offences Against the Person 1861 s 20 (GBH) and sentencing guidelines.
How the law applies: The client intends to plead guilty accepting that there is strong evidence against him. Advice provided on likely length of sentence based on factors identified as aggravating/mitigating.
Explain how law applied to the matter: In this matter, the client was provided with advice on the likely sentence he would receive for an assault committed on his former partner. I considered the definitive guidance provided as follows:
The victim sustained a serious injury,
Aggravating factors: he has previous convictions, attacked the victim in her home, it was late at night, the client was drunk and the victim was hs ex-girlfriend.
Mitigating factors: single blow, remorse and isolated incident.
There was also a linked charge of criminal damage. However, this was charged much later – advised that it may be linked to the GBH charge or dropped. Either way it is unlikely to impact on sentence length.
Having applied the sentencing guidelines to the facts, I advised the client the factors which will be taken into account indicate a category 2 sentence – 18-30 months custody.
  1. Reflection and evaluation (what you learnt from the activity you undertook to meet the outcome). Note: you may want to complete this section at a later date once you have had time to reflect on your practice and experience.
I understand that it is important to understand the elements of the offence and also the accompanying sentencing guidelines, should my client be convicted. In order to be able to fully advise the client, it is important to understand how these issues apply to the evidence. This enables me to give the best advice to my client.
  1. Completion date: 1.1.13

  1. Signed (applicant)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13
  1. Signed (supervisor)A.N. Other
/ Date:5.1.13

Name: ____A.N. Other___Membership no: _____55559999______

  1. Competency: 1 Learning Outcome: 1.2
Apply relevant procedure to a matter.
  1. Evidence provided:
Letter to Tribunal for disclosure under ICC Rules (Articles 20 and 23) and IBA rules (Article 3).
  1. Outline how the evidence demonstrates you meet the outcome
Legal procedure: The procedure relates to the requirement to disclose documents and is addressed to the Arbitral Tribunal. It requests the claimant provide documents required under the above rules.
How it applies to the matter: The claimant has previously been asked to disclose the documents and has refused to do so. The letter sets out the procedure and the requirement to disclose the requested documents.
Explain how the procedure has been used: A letter was submitted to the Arbitral Tribunal, setting out the request and the rules which govern disclosure in the matter. Supporting documents provided are the letter to the Tribunal and a copy of the letter provided by the claimant in response to the previous requests.
  1. Reflection and evaluation (what you learnt from the activity you undertook to meet the outcome). Note: you may want to complete this section at a later date once you have had time to reflect on your practice and experience.
In order to provide a complete service to my client, it is important to understand the appropriate legal procedures. In this case I was able to insist that the claimant produce required documentation, in accordance with the relevant rules.
  1. Completion date: 1.1.13

  1. Signed (applicant) A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13
  1. Signed (supervisor) A.N. Other
/ Date:1.1.13

Name: ___A.N Other______Membership no: ___5555999_____

  1. Competency: 1 Learning Outcome: 1.3
Identify and deal with the issues arising in a matter.
  1. Evidence provided:
Letter to seller’s solicitor.
  1. Outline how the evidence demonstrates you meet the outcome
Relevant issues: Following searches, it was identified that on order to complete the sale of the property a Mineral Rights Indemnity Insurance Policy was required to protect the purchasers.
Dealing with the issue: In order to obtain the policy, information was required from the seller. A letter was sent to the seller’s solicitor to obtain the necessary information which would enable the policy to be drawn up. The policy would protect the purchaser from the cost of future claims relating to mines/mineral rights.
Action taken: A letter was written to the seller’s solicitor to enable the matter to be taken forward.
  1. Reflection and evaluation (what you learnt from the activity you undertook to meet the outcome). Note: you may want to complete this section at a later date once you have had time to reflect on your practice and experience.
I learnt the importance of carrying out comprehensive searches during the sale/purchase of properties and that where issues arise, these should be fully completed in order to protect the purchaser, before the sale of the property is completed.
  1. Completion date: 1.1.13

  1. Signed (applicant)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13
  1. Signed (supervisor)A.N.Other
/ Date: 1.1.13

Name: ____A.N.Other____Membership no: ____55559999______

  1. Competency: 1 Learning Outcome: 1.4
Undertake Legal Research.
  1. Evidence provided:
Research into the current requirements relating to the operation of septic tanks at properties being sold.
  1. Outline how the evidence demonstrates you meet the outcome
The situation giving rise to the research: I was acting for the purchaser in the conveyance of a property which had a septic tank. I was aware the law relating to septic tanks had changed, but did not know the detail.
Sources used: and
Research used: I located the relevant information from the above sources (attached).
Apply findings to the matter: Having researched the matter I discovered that until 31 December 2012, it would not be compulsory to register the property as having a septic tank, as it was located in England.
  1. Reflection and evaluation (what you learnt from the activity you undertook to meet the outcome). Note: you may want to complete this section at a later date once you have had time to reflect on your practice and experience.
This case demonstrated to me the importance of keeping up to date with the changing law as these changes can affect the conveyance of property and if I was unaware, there may be a detrimental effect on my client.
  1. Completion date: 1.1.12

  1. Signed (applicant)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.12
  1. Signed (supervisor)A.N.Other
/ Date: 5.1.12

Name: ______Membership no: ______

  1. Competency: 2 Learning Outcome: 2.1
Communicate legal issues using appropriate methods.
  1. Evidence provided:
Telephone note, email and attendance note.
  1. Outline how the evidence demonstrates you meet the outcome
Methods of communication used: In the attendance/telephone note examples, witness statements were taken, once by telephone as this was the most efficient method with which to communicate with the Doctor and once by face to face meeting as this was considered more appropriate for this witness. Email was chosen to notify of the date, time and items for discussion at a meeting with a witness.
Why each was the most effective method of communication: The face to face meeting enabled me to ensure the witness fully understood the procedure and was able to feel comfortable giving their statement. In the telephone witness statement, the doctor was busy and more familiar with the procedure and therefore was comfortable with a telephone meeting. The email was chosen to communicate the date, time and overview of the meeting as it was not necessary to explain detail and forms a written record to which both parties could refer back to if necessary.
  1. Reflection and evaluation (what you learnt from the activity you undertook to meet the outcome). Note: you may want to complete this section at a later date once you have had time to reflect on your practice and experience.
I understand that it is important to choose the most effective and convenient means of communication with others involved in a matter. Whilst email is often the most convenient means of communicating with others, it is not always appropriate. The telephone enables witness statements to be taken without inconveniencing the witness, although some more inexperienced witnesses are likely to feel more comfortable with a face to face meeting. My experiences help me to judge which is the best method of communication, based on the purpose of that communication and the person I am dealing with.
  1. Completion date: 1.1.13

  1. Signed (applicant)A.N. other
/ Date: 1.1.13
  1. Signed (supervisor)A.N.Other
/ Date: 1.1.13

Name: _____A.N.Other__Membership no: ____55559999______

  1. Competency: 2 Learning Outcome: 2.2
Use suitable language in communication.
  1. Evidence provided:
A letter to a client following a hearing in the Youth Court.
  1. Outline how the evidence demonstrates you meet the outcome
Use clear language: The letter demonstrates my ability to write a letter to a young client, setting out the consequences of the court’s decision appeal and options for next steps.
Suitable professional practice, politeness and respect: the letter demonstrates my professionalism and that I communicate with my clients in a polite and respectful way. It does this by clearly setting out the client’s options, which have been previously explained ensuring the client is clear about the possible consequences of appeal of sentence.
Tailor language: As the client was a young person, I made sure that the letter was constructed in layperson’s language that would be easily understood and avoided the use of technical legal language.
Why suitable: As my client was under 18, I chose to simplify issues to ensure that he clearly understood the possible consequences of appealing his sentence, simply because he was unhappy with one aspect. I felt it was important for my client to fully understand the reasons why it would be advisable not to appeal the sentence.
  1. Reflection and evaluation (what you learnt from the activity you undertook to meet the outcome). Note: you may want to complete this section at a later date once you have had time to reflect on your practice and experience.
I am aware that children and young people do not process information in the same way as adults, and that it is important to use my communication skills to ensure that my young clients fully understand the reasons for my advice.
  1. Completion date: 1.1.13

  1. Signed (applicant)A.N.Other
/ Date: 1.1.13
  1. Signed (supervisor)A.N.Other
/ Date: 1.1.13

Name: ____A.N.Other__Membership no: _____55559999______

  1. Competency: 2 Learning Outcome: 2.3
Address all issues in communication.
  1. Evidence provided:
Telephone conference call note to discuss pre-adjudication case management
  1. Outline how the evidence demonstrates you meet the outcome
Identify and address all issues: During the teleconference, a number of issues arose; to identify the information needed to complete the investigation, consider evidence to be disclosed, agree timetable for the case, identification of vulnerable witnesses and next steps.
Law/procedure identified in relation to the issues: The procedure was case management prior to an adjudication held at the GMC. The each issue that may arise under the procedure was considered for relevance to the case and where appropriate further action was agreed to take the case forward, including the agreement of a date for the next stage of the process.
  1. Reflection and evaluation (what you learnt from the activity you undertook to meet the outcome). Note: you may want to complete this section at a later date once you have had time to reflect on your practice and experience.
I learnt the importance case management and to ensure that everyone involved in the case is aware of the progress and next steps.
  1. Completion date: 1.1.13

  1. Signed (applicant)A.N.Other
/ Date: 1.1.13
  1. Signed (supervisor)A.N.Other
/ Date: 1.1.13

Name: ___A.N. Other__Membership no: __55559999______

  1. Competency: 2 Learning Outcome: 2.4
Seek appropriate information through communication.
  1. Evidence provided:
Telephone note recording a witness statement.
  1. Outline how the evidence demonstrates you meet the outcome
Identify the additional information required to progress the matter: In order to proceed with the adjudication, it was necessary to obtain witness statements. This evidence logs a telephone witness statement taken from a doctor in conjunction with a case against another Doctor.
Communicate the request: the telephone note clearly sets out what it required and why. It indicates what the next steps in the process will be, including the presentation of the witness with a transcript of the statement for signature. It was confirmed that the statement would be kept confidential.
Apply relevant law/procedure: The witness was advised of the procedure for confirming her statement was complete and correct and that her statement would be confidential.
  1. Reflection and evaluation (what you learnt from the activity you undertook to meet the outcome). Note: you may want to complete this section at a later date once you have had time to reflect on your practice and experience.
I recognise the need for excellent communication skills generally and in particular for obtaining information necessary to further the progress of the case.
  1. Completion date: 1.1.13

  1. Signed (applicant)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13
  1. Signed (supervisor)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13

Name: _____A.N Other___Membership no: ____55559999______

  1. Competency: 2 Learning Outcome: 2.5
Represent a client through effective use of communication and other skills.
  1. Evidence provided:
Letter to other party’s solicitor, setting out the position of my client.
  1. Outline how the evidence demonstrates you meet the outcome
Identify the information needed from the client to represent them: On receipt of the Form E from the other party, I discussed the financial arrangements with my client and sought instructions as to how to proceed to settle the matter.
Represent your client using legal and professional skills: The client instructed me to seek a pension sharing order, with other assets to remain as presently divided. I set out the position from the Form E and my client in relation to the assets and set out the reasons for the pension sharing order.
  1. Reflection and evaluation (what you learnt from the activity you undertook to meet the outcome). Note: you may want to complete this section at a later date once you have had time to reflect on your practice and experience.
Good communication skills are essential to be able to represent clients’ instructions effectively. If communication skills are not used effectively, the client may not be properly represented with adverse consequences.
  1. Completion date: 1.1.13

  1. Signed (applicant)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13
  1. Signed (supervisor)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13

Name: ____A.N. Other____Membership no: ____55559999______

  1. Competency: 3 Learning Outcome: 3.1`
Identify and understand a client/service user’s position.
  1. Evidence provided:
Attendance note with client.
  1. Outline how the evidence demonstrates you meet the outcome
Identify the client’s position: My client and his wife were separated and my client had agreed to buy out is ex-wife’s share of their matrimonial home. The transfer must complete by a fixed date, otherwise W would force the sale of the property. As my client was ill, it was also agreed to limit the stress of the transaction as much as possible and keep visits to the office to a minimum.
Demonstrate understanding of the position: The transfer of equity must complete as quickly as possible and not later than the deadline to avoid W from forcing the sale of the property. Correspondence by email was agreed to ensure the client need not make unnecessary visits to the office.
Evidence confirmation of identification and confirmation of the issues: the attendance note indicates that I understood the pressing nature of the transaction, I took details of the date by which the case must complete and I stated that I would use my best endeavours to complete the transaction within the timescale. The note also demonstrates that I understood the particular needs of this client by virtue of his disability.
  1. Reflection and evaluation (what you learnt from the activity you undertook to meet the outcome). Note: you may want to complete this section at a later date once you have had time to reflect on your practice and experience.
I recognise the importance of understanding the client’s position in order to be able to represent his position.
  1. Completion date: 1.1.13

  1. Signed (applicant)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13
  1. Signed (supervisor)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13

Name: ____A.N. Other___Membership no: __55559999______

  1. Competency: 3 Learning Outcome: 3.2
Take accurate instructions.
  1. Evidence provided:
Letter from client confirming instructions and letter to other party following the instruction received.
  1. Outline how the evidence demonstrates you meet the outcome
Using appropriate techniques, take instructions from client: I sought instructions from my client to determine whether to proceed with the cost recovery claim. The client confirmed that I should proceed.
Confirm with client the instruction: In this case the client confirmed their instruction in writing.
Evidence of taking and confirming the instruction: This can be found in the letter from the client and also in my subsequent action which sets out the amount being claimed and that the client will be claiming for the costs incurred through the action taken.
  1. Reflection and evaluation (what you learnt from the activity you undertook to meet the outcome). Note: you may want to complete this section at a later date once you have had time to reflect on your practice and experience.
I learnt that it is important to take accurate instructions from clients so as to represent the client’s wishes rather than what I think would be the best course of action. Normally these two positions would coincide, but there are times when my client may seek a different outcome.
  1. Completion date: 1.1.13

  1. Signed (applicant)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13
  1. Signed (supervisor)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13

Name: ______A.N.Other__Membership no: ___55559999______

  1. Competency: 3 Learning Outcome: 3.3
Provide clear legal advice to client/service user
  1. Evidence provided:
Letter to client
  1. Outline how the evidence demonstrates you meet the outcome
Advice, options and next steps: The letter provided relates to the purchase of a property and the lack of Building Regulations for the garage which accompanies the property. I advised the client to discuss this with the surveyor and also the possible options available to the client in this case.
Legal advice provided: I advised the client that the lack of regulations may mean that the garage is unsafe. I advised that the client could ask for the garage to be inspected by the appropriate person or take an indemnity policy to cover the situation where the garage was not safe.
  1. Reflection and evaluation (what you learnt from the activity you undertook to meet the outcome). Note: you may want to complete this section at a later date once you have had time to reflect on your practice and experience.
Clients rely on the legal advice provided to them, so it is essential that the legal advice provided is accurate and complete to enable them to make a decision.
  1. Completion date: 1.1.13

  1. Signed (applicant)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13
  1. Signed (supervisor)A.N. Other
/ Date: 1.1.13

Name: ______A.N. Other___Membership no: ___55559999______