MSU Advisory Board
December 9, 2011
Meeting Minutes
Jordana Nicholls OCAC
Jerry Schearer (for Andrea Kirshman)CONNECTIONS Orientation Program Matt Lowther (for Lisa Kowalski) KUSSI
Leah Cassellia Student Involvement
Emily Becker (for Rachel Mullen) SGB
Paul Keldsen SGB
AnnMarie Cordner, Ph. D Faculty Representative
Trisha Scarcia-King, Ph.D McFarland Student Union
ABSENT: Amber Brookhart Greek Council Representative
Terry Sitler Conference Services
Bob Watrous Dean of Student Services & Campus Life
Kent Dahlquist Housing, Residential Life & Dining Services
Amanda Olecki ACE
Brittany Parsons RHA
I. Review of Meeting Minutes 11/18/2011
Two typographical corrections were made in item 3b and 5.
Added to the minutes in item 4a: A. Cordner voted yes via email.
Motion made by AnnMarie to accept the amended minutes, seconded by Paul.
All if favor, motion passed.
II. Constituency Concerns and Comments
Jordana asked about the progress of the glass table tops. Trisha reported we are waiting for facilities to level and bolt the tables together. Once that is accomplished, glass tabletops will be re-installed.
III. Information Items:
a. Update on the Roof/Water filtration project: Project is completed. The last phase was the installation of carpeting and wall coverings in the TV lounge. Sump pump is working. No leaks have developed in building. There was an area in the ceiling tiles above the grilles in the Cub Café. It is currently believed to be related to the HVAC system, not a problem with the roof.
b. Trisha presented a list of proposed offices/members of the MSU 5 year plan committee. Discussion took place as to plans to incorporate the 5 year building assessment meetings with the MSU Advisory board and hopefully to include the reps on the 5yr plan committee. AnnMarie noted the lack of a faculty rep. Trisha noted it was an oversight and will be adding a faculty rep. to the list. AnnMarie mentioned that there are many new faculty members on campus who might be looking for service, she would prefer to provide an opportunity for other faculty to serve on this committee. Additional discussion took place to allow the potential new faculty members an opportunity to be a part of the MSU advisory board as well as the 5 yr. assessment committee. Trisha noted that a Student Involvement rep was not on the list, plans to add that as well.
Matt suggested adding an Off Campus Advisory Council representative to the list of student reps. Trisha is hoping the student representatives who serve on the MSU Advisory Board would be willing to serve on the MSU 5 year plan committee. Leah suggested adding a conference service representative. Invitations to serve on the committee are in progress. Trisha has heard from a number of people who are able to attend and serve.
c. See Addendum: Trisha informed the committee that although we are working to develop a 5 year plan for the building, it is beyond just examining the feasibility of expansion. (see attachment) The goal is to plan and prepare for the facility needs and to assess how things are currently being addressed and to provide for any outstanding needs, while preparing for future needs. It was also noted that there is always the possibility of the committee determining that an expansion is needed, but pending University approvals, it may or may not actually come to fruition.
Leah mentioned that the 2005 expansion plan fell apart because the student referendum failed due to the fee increases. AnnMarie mentioned that is may be best to query the students ahead of time before the effort goes into a 5 year plan. Matt questioned whether this committee is looking only at expansion of the physical building or a 5 year outlook of the MSU. Trisha replied that it’s an outlook of the MSU, expansion or not.
Emily Becker excused herself for class.
Leah excused herself to attend another meeting and provided an abstention in advance for the future vote on the LinKU grant.
IV. Action Items:
a. LINKU Grant – Matt made a motion to approve, seconded by AnnMarie – 5 in favor, 1 abstain. Motion passed
V. Adjournment
Jerry made a motion of adjourn the meeting, seconded by Matt. Motion passed. The next meeting will be held on Friday, February 17, 2012 at 2pm in MSU 322.
Respectfully submitted by Jennifer A. Tanzos